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Neil C Terry, PhD

Neil C Terry, PhD is a a research hydrologist at the USGS New York Water Science Center.

I am a research hydrologist at the USGS New York Water Science Center, where I specialize in near-surface geophysics, modeling, and water-related projects.  Particular focus areas include groundwater quality monitoring, hydrogeological characterization, contaminant detection, and groundwater-surface water interactions.  I also lead and support software/methods development efforts, specifically focusing on linking electrical geophysical measurements with soil and hydrogeological properties.

Prior to joining the USGS, my PhD work at Rutgers University centered around hydrogeophysical approaches to characterize and study processes occurring in wetlands - particularly carbon gas cycling in peatlands.  During this time, I also participated in critical zone characterization and archaeological studies, among other projects.  My MS work at the University at Buffalo primarily involved linking geophysical data to soil moisture distributions through coupled geophysical and unsaturated flow models in a Bayesian framework.

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