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Samantha K Oliver, PhD

Samantha Oliver is a Hydrologist with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.

Samantha Oliver received her PhD in Limnology and Freshwater Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she did continental-scale water quality research at the Center for Limnology. Prior to her Phd, she completed a Masters degree in Integrated Biosciences at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, where her research focused on nutrient transport of migrating zooplankton in Lake Superior. She joined the Wisconsin Water Science Center in 2017 first as a student in the Pathways program, and then as a hydrologist. Currently, she contributes to a variety of projects across the center, including long-term trends in stream water quality in urban and agricultural watersheds of Milwaukee and Madison, the biological relevance of contaminants in Great Lakes tributaries, the effects of best management practices on runoff from farm fields (edge-of-field monitoring), and the consequences of airport deicers in surface water runoff. Samantha also spends part of her time with the Data Science branch in the Integrated Information Dissemination Division (IIDD) as an instructor for the Intro to R course and contributer to various projects including predictions of lake water temperature. 

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