Scott C Lundstrom, Ph.D.
Research Interests
Glaciation, geomorphology, and subglacial processes; Quaternary geomorphic responses to climate change investigated through geologic mapping in the Great Plains, Basin and Range Province, and Great Lakes regions; Quaternary geologic and geomorphic record of large river systems.
Professional Experience
1996-present: Research Geologist, USGS
1992-1996: Hydrologist, USGS
1984-1991: Geologist, university teaching and research as graduate student, USGS contract work
1978-1983: Geologist, mostly private sector, mineral exploration industry
Education and Certifications
1992: Ph.D., Glaciology and Geology, University of Colorado
1986: M.S., Quaternary Geology, Humboldt State University
1978: B.A., Geology, Dartmouth College
Affiliations and Memberships*
American Geophysical Union, since 1985
Geological Society of America, since 1985
International Glaciological Society, since 1993
American Quaternary Association, since 1986
Colorado Scientific Society, since 1996
Science and Products
Geologic Map of the valley corridor of the Niobrara National Scenic River, Nebraska
Geologic map of the northern White Hills, Mohave County, Arizona
Surficial geologic map of the Evansville, Indiana, and Henderson, Kentucky, area
Geologic map of the Hidden Hills Ranch Quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada
Geologic and geophysical maps of the Las Vegas 30' x 60' quadrangle, Clark and Nye counties, Nevada, and Inyo County, California
Geologic map of the Mound Spring quadrangle, Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada, and Inyo County, California
Implementation plan of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program strategy—Great Lakes (Central Lowland and Superior Upland Physiographic Provinces)
Project plan-Surficial geologic mapping and hydrogeologic framework studies in the Greater Platte River Basins (Central Great Plains) in support of ecosystem and climate change research
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the upper Pleistocene Chemehuevi Formation along the lower Colorado River
Coastal groundwater/surface-water interactions: a Great Lakes case study
An evaluation of effects of groundwater exchange on nearshore habitats and water quality of western Lake Erie
Long-term sand supply to Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard Habitat in the Northern Coachella Valley, California
Digital Geologic Map of the Nevada Test Site and Vicinity, Nye, Lincoln, and Clark Counties, Nevada, and Inyo County, California
Late Quaternary history of Fortymile Wash in the area near the H-road crossing
Science and Products
Geologic Map of the valley corridor of the Niobrara National Scenic River, Nebraska
Geologic map of the northern White Hills, Mohave County, Arizona
Surficial geologic map of the Evansville, Indiana, and Henderson, Kentucky, area
Geologic map of the Hidden Hills Ranch Quadrangle, Clark County, Nevada
Geologic and geophysical maps of the Las Vegas 30' x 60' quadrangle, Clark and Nye counties, Nevada, and Inyo County, California
Geologic map of the Mound Spring quadrangle, Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada, and Inyo County, California
Implementation plan of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program strategy—Great Lakes (Central Lowland and Superior Upland Physiographic Provinces)
Project plan-Surficial geologic mapping and hydrogeologic framework studies in the Greater Platte River Basins (Central Great Plains) in support of ecosystem and climate change research
Stratigraphy and depositional environments of the upper Pleistocene Chemehuevi Formation along the lower Colorado River
Coastal groundwater/surface-water interactions: a Great Lakes case study
An evaluation of effects of groundwater exchange on nearshore habitats and water quality of western Lake Erie
Long-term sand supply to Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard Habitat in the Northern Coachella Valley, California
Digital Geologic Map of the Nevada Test Site and Vicinity, Nye, Lincoln, and Clark Counties, Nevada, and Inyo County, California
Late Quaternary history of Fortymile Wash in the area near the H-road crossing
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government