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What happens after a report of harassment?

What happens after a report of harassment?

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Information regarding the situation will be collected at the time the report of alleged harassment is made. The person reporting will be asked to sign a “Harassing Misconduct Allegation Acknowledgment Form”. The act of reporting alleged harassment initiates the process outlined below:


Within One Business Day of Receiving Report:

Supervisor(s)/Management Official(s) in consultation with the servicing Employee Relations Specialist and the Harassment Duty Attorney (Solicitor’s Office/Employment and Labor Law Unit, SOL/ELLU) will…

  • Determine the following:

    • Conduct at issue;

    • Who may be involved;

    • If there is a security risk;

    • If interim measures are needed to ensure safety, security, and the alleged harassing misconduct ceases;

    • Conflicts of interest of senior-level officials.

  • Notify Appropriate Supervisor(s)/Management Official(s)


Within Three Business Days of Receiving Report:

Supervisor(s)/Management Official(s) in consultation with the servicing Employee Relations Specialist and the Harassment Duty Attorney (SOL/ELLU) will…

  • Determine if further investigation is necessary

  • Determine who will conduct the investigation

If it is determined an investigation is necessary, then Human Resources will initiate the investigation process within two business days of the determination to investigate.

NOTE: There is no set time for completing an investigation and the timeframe for completing the investigation will depend of the unique circumstances of each case.


Report of Investigation Completed:

  • If there is a finding of misconduct, then corrective action is necessary

  • If there is no finding of misconduct, then supervisor/management official drafts a memorandum detailing why no corrective action is needed


Notification to Alleged Victim:

Upon inquiry from the alleged victim, the supervisor/management official must notify the alleged victim of the harassing misconduct about the completion of the process to the extent permitted under the privacy act. The alleged victim may not be provided the outcome of any disciplinary action against the harasser and may not be provided a copy of the fact-finding report.


Jo-Ann Dominique — Mobile phone number: 916-995-3150


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