Anchor River at Anchor Point
USGS has 24 river webcams in AK. Here is one river's data, photos, and timelapse video.
Q&A: New Drone-Based Method Helps Monitor Walrus Health
Like you going to the doctor’s office - USGS is doing this with walruses!
Collecting High-Resolution Geophysical Data Focused on Areas with Potential for Critical Mineral Resources in Alaska
Rusting Rivers Videos
Orange streams are increasingly common in the Brooks Range of northern Alaska
Alaska Forage Fish Database (AFFD)
A powerful tool for examining trends and distribution of forage fish across large marine ecosystems of the North Pacific and the Arctic
USGS Science is a Critical Piece of the One Health Puzzle
The health of people is connected to healthy ecosystems
Direct Measurements of Firn Density Evolution at Wolverine Glacier Alaska
Firn is the transitional material between seasonal snow and glacier ice
Alaska Science Center
The mission of the Alaska Science Center is to provide objective and timely data, information, and research findings about the earth and its flora and fauna to Federal, State, and local resource managers and the public to support sound decisions regarding natural resources, natural hazards, and ecosystems in Alaska and circumpolar regions. We have offices in Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks.