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White metal sign with red title: Earthquake Warning and blue text with two screws attaching sign to beige brick wall.

Sign along a wall adjacent to a parking lot in downtown Anchorage warn motorists and passersby about the hazard presented by unreinforced masonry walls. 

Sign along a wall adjacent to a parking lot in downtown Anchorage warn motorists and passersby about the hazard presented by unreinforced masonry walls. 

Drone in air against blue sky, scattered clouds, ocean water near beach shore. Large case on ground grass in background.
USGS flying drone
USGS flying drone
USGS flying drone

USGS is flying drones for science, small uncrewed areal systems (sUAS), to surveys walruses when they rest on shore. The sUAS makes minimal sound due it is broad wing and is flown high above the walrus herds to enables survey data collection with minimal risk to walruses.

USGS is flying drones for science, small uncrewed areal systems (sUAS), to surveys walruses when they rest on shore. The sUAS makes minimal sound due it is broad wing and is flown high above the walrus herds to enables survey data collection with minimal risk to walruses.

Two dead walrus on beach, two people on right walking towards walrus to collect samples. One person has 5-gallon bucket.
Two adult walrus carcasses
Two adult walrus carcasses
Two adult walrus carcasses

Two adult walrus carcasses on the beach observed during the summer after a large group of walruses had rested on shore.  USGS is collaborating with the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management to screen walruses for wildlife diseases and algal toxins.  The University of Alaska Fairbanks is collaborating with USGS to validate drone survey metho

Two adult walrus carcasses on the beach observed during the summer after a large group of walruses had rested on shore.  USGS is collaborating with the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management to screen walruses for wildlife diseases and algal toxins.  The University of Alaska Fairbanks is collaborating with USGS to validate drone survey metho

Flyer with walrus, drone, and satellite images describing field research with dates and QR code for an Alaska community.
Community Flyer for USGS Walrus Carcass Surveys
Community Flyer for USGS Walrus Carcass Surveys
Community Flyer for USGS Walrus Carcass Surveys

This is a community flyer for distribution in Point Lay, Alaska, to alert community members of USGS activities in the area. A collaborative team of USGS, the North Slope Borough, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Point Lay residents will assist in surveys of walrus carcasses at a remote coastal haulout that has been used by hundreds of thousands of walruses e

This is a community flyer for distribution in Point Lay, Alaska, to alert community members of USGS activities in the area. A collaborative team of USGS, the North Slope Borough, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and Point Lay residents will assist in surveys of walrus carcasses at a remote coastal haulout that has been used by hundreds of thousands of walruses e

Pelagic Cormorants on nest on rocky cliffs with white guano. Male has purple and green feathers, white patch lower left side.
Pelagic Cormorants of the St. Matthew Grotto
Pelagic Cormorants of the St. Matthew Grotto
Pelagic Cormorants of the St. Matthew Grotto

Pair of Pelagic Cormorant (Urile pelagicus) nest along the sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including murres, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets. 

Pair of Pelagic Cormorant (Urile pelagicus) nest along the sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including murres, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets. 

Five scientists wearing orange PFD jackets and hats in skiff with dry bags full of gear. Snow covered cliffs in background.
The Morning Commute
The Morning Commute
The Morning Commute

R/V Tiglax deckhand, Patrick, transports scientists from the ship to Hall Island, in order to conduct distance-sampling surveys for Rock Sandpiper and McKay's Bunting. 

R/V Tiglax deckhand, Patrick, transports scientists from the ship to Hall Island, in order to conduct distance-sampling surveys for Rock Sandpiper and McKay's Bunting. 

Scenic view of Glory of Russia Cape, Alaska. cliffs with brown vegetation and snow patches, u-shape bay with cloud cover.
Southern View from the foothills of Glory of Russia Cape
Southern View from the foothills of Glory of Russia Cape
Southern View from the foothills of Glory of Russia Cape

Glory of Russia Cape, named by Russian Polar explorer, Gavril Sarychev, is the northernmost point of St. Matthew Island. The cape is best know for the 1989 shipwreck of the Greek ship "Milos Reefer". The rusted and battered haul is still visible below the rocky cliffs.

Glory of Russia Cape, named by Russian Polar explorer, Gavril Sarychev, is the northernmost point of St. Matthew Island. The cape is best know for the 1989 shipwreck of the Greek ship "Milos Reefer". The rusted and battered haul is still visible below the rocky cliffs.

Murres standing side by side on guano-stained rocky seaside cliff. They are black or chocolate-colored with white undersides.
Murres of the St. Matthew Grotto
Murres of the St. Matthew Grotto
Murres of the St. Matthew Grotto

Pairs of Common Murre (Uria aalge; chocolate-colored hue) and Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia; black-colored hue) nest along the sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including cormorants, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets. 

Pairs of Common Murre (Uria aalge; chocolate-colored hue) and Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia; black-colored hue) nest along the sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including cormorants, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets. 

Two puffins on rocky cliff. Black and white seabirds with an orange-and-yellow bill, orange feet and red ring around eye.
Horned Puffins of the St. Matthew Grotto
Horned Puffins of the St. Matthew Grotto
Horned Puffins of the St. Matthew Grotto

Pair of Horned Puffins (Fratercula corniculata) rest along the lichen-covered sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island, Alaska. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including murres, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets.

Pair of Horned Puffins (Fratercula corniculata) rest along the lichen-covered sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island, Alaska. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including murres, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets.

Close-up of two black birds with white underbellies on green rocky cliff. White guano on rocks.
Thick-billed Murre of the St. Matthew Grotto
Thick-billed Murre of the St. Matthew Grotto
Thick-billed Murre of the St. Matthew Grotto

Pair of Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia) nest along the sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island, Alaska. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including cormorants, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets.

Pair of Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia) nest along the sea cliffs of a grotto on St. Matthew Island, Alaska. The island is home to over 1.6 million nesting seabirds, including cormorants, kittiwakes, puffins and auklets.

Close up of alpine plant with purple blooms that circle column-like, single thick steam, hairy plant.
Blooming woolly lousewort
Blooming woolly lousewort
Blooming woolly lousewort

Woolly lousewort (Pedicularis lanata), also known as "bumble-bee flower" are native to the alpine regions of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. This compact and hardy plant can withstand even the strongest Bering Sea winds. The "wool", as it is known, is a layer of fuzzy insulation, which wraps around the steam of the plant, protecting it from wind and cold.

Woolly lousewort (Pedicularis lanata), also known as "bumble-bee flower" are native to the alpine regions of Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. This compact and hardy plant can withstand even the strongest Bering Sea winds. The "wool", as it is known, is a layer of fuzzy insulation, which wraps around the steam of the plant, protecting it from wind and cold.

Weathered jawbone of walrus on shore with sparse vegetation. Snow covered ground in background with blue skies and clouds.
Jaw of a walrus
Jaw of a walrus
Jaw of a walrus

The lower jawbone of an adult male walrus rests on the sandy shore of St. Matthew Island, Alaska. The Pacific Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is a large pinniped that occurs within the Bering and Chukchi Sea regions. Although more commonly observed on the mainland coast of western Alaska, walrus "haulouts" have been observed on St.

The lower jawbone of an adult male walrus rests on the sandy shore of St. Matthew Island, Alaska. The Pacific Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is a large pinniped that occurs within the Bering and Chukchi Sea regions. Although more commonly observed on the mainland coast of western Alaska, walrus "haulouts" have been observed on St.

Clusters of purple flowers with yellow centers in bloom on two plants. Ground is brown with slight greening of moss.
Blooming Arctic primrose (Primula pumila)
Blooming Arctic primrose (Primula pumila)
Blooming Arctic primrose (Primula pumila)

Arctic primrose are native to the alpine regions of Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Far Eastern Russia. On St. Matthew Island, these flowers are typically observed on moist alpine slopes where snow remains long into the summer months. The flower was observed while conducting McKay's Bunting and Rock Sandpiper distance-sampling surveys on St.

Arctic primrose are native to the alpine regions of Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Far Eastern Russia. On St. Matthew Island, these flowers are typically observed on moist alpine slopes where snow remains long into the summer months. The flower was observed while conducting McKay's Bunting and Rock Sandpiper distance-sampling surveys on St.

Red inflatable rafts with snow on top. Rafts on ship with snow covered mountains and sea in background.
Is it Summer Yet?
Is it Summer Yet?
Is it Summer Yet?

A pair of skiffs sit atop the R/V Tiglax on a cold summer morning in the Bering Sea. It is not uncommon for snow showers any time of the year in the Bering Sea region, however, this particular visit to St. Matthew proved to be extra chilly, as it never reaches over 40 degrees Fahrenheit into mid-June.

A pair of skiffs sit atop the R/V Tiglax on a cold summer morning in the Bering Sea. It is not uncommon for snow showers any time of the year in the Bering Sea region, however, this particular visit to St. Matthew proved to be extra chilly, as it never reaches over 40 degrees Fahrenheit into mid-June.

Snow covered ground brown pieces of vegetation poking out. On right, white bird black markings on wings, black bill and legs.
Male McKay's Bunting Foraging on Snow
Male McKay's Bunting Foraging on Snow
Male McKay's Bunting Foraging on Snow

The McKay's Bunting (Plectrophenax hyperboreus) is endemic to the Bering Sea Region and only breeds on St. Matthew Island. Designated as a species of high conservation concern due to its small population size, surveys show that the species has continued to decline since the initial survey effort in 2003.

The McKay's Bunting (Plectrophenax hyperboreus) is endemic to the Bering Sea Region and only breeds on St. Matthew Island. Designated as a species of high conservation concern due to its small population size, surveys show that the species has continued to decline since the initial survey effort in 2003.

Pribilof Rock Sandpiper on snow covered ground with seed head popping out of snow and brown vegetation from last year.
Female Pribilof Rock Sandpiper Foraging on Snow
Female Pribilof Rock Sandpiper Foraging on Snow
Female Pribilof Rock Sandpiper Foraging on Snow

The Pribilof Rock Sandpiper (Calidris ptilocnemis ptilocnemis) is endemic to the Bering Sea Region and only breeds on the islands of St. Matthew, Hall, St. Paul, and St. George. The Rock Sandpiper is one of two focal species monitored as part of a long-term population study led by USGS Alaska Science Center, U.S.

The Pribilof Rock Sandpiper (Calidris ptilocnemis ptilocnemis) is endemic to the Bering Sea Region and only breeds on the islands of St. Matthew, Hall, St. Paul, and St. George. The Rock Sandpiper is one of two focal species monitored as part of a long-term population study led by USGS Alaska Science Center, U.S.

Sunset over the Bearing Sea. Gravel beach, snow covered cliffs with blue skies and wispy clouds with an amber hue.
Summer sunset on St. Matthew Island
Summer sunset on St. Matthew Island
Summer sunset on St. Matthew Island

During the summer months on St. Matthew Island the sun never truly sets. The amber hues on the horizon serve as the perfect backdrop to a long, yet successful, day conducting Rock Sandpiper and McKay's Bunting distance-sampling surveys. The sunset photo was taken at 12:10am.

During the summer months on St. Matthew Island the sun never truly sets. The amber hues on the horizon serve as the perfect backdrop to a long, yet successful, day conducting Rock Sandpiper and McKay's Bunting distance-sampling surveys. The sunset photo was taken at 12:10am.

Remains of white toilet on remote island in Alaska. Siting on tundra with artifacts-rusted barrels and wood frames from past.
What Remains of the St. Matthew LORAN Station
What Remains of the St. Matthew LORAN Station
What Remains of the St. Matthew LORAN Station

The St. Matthew Island LORAN station began operation by the Coast Guard on July 10, 1944. The station closed on September 13, 1946. Although equipment was removed from the island a few years after the station was closed, large and heavy objects were left behind, including this toilet, which stands in nearly pristine condition.

The St. Matthew Island LORAN station began operation by the Coast Guard on July 10, 1944. The station closed on September 13, 1946. Although equipment was removed from the island a few years after the station was closed, large and heavy objects were left behind, including this toilet, which stands in nearly pristine condition.

Scenic view of Bearing Sea, blue sky with clouds. Rocky cliff on right side with patches of snow scattered on ground.
The Bering Sea Beyond Cape Upright
The Bering Sea Beyond Cape Upright
The Bering Sea Beyond Cape Upright

Cape Upright is located on the southeasternmost point of St. Matthew Island and is comprised of rocky tundra and towering cliffs that reach over 1,000 feet. The point was named by Captain James Cook on July 29, 1778. This view was observed while conducting McKay's Bunting and Rock Sandpiper distance-sampling surveys on St. Matthew Island.

Cape Upright is located on the southeasternmost point of St. Matthew Island and is comprised of rocky tundra and towering cliffs that reach over 1,000 feet. The point was named by Captain James Cook on July 29, 1778. This view was observed while conducting McKay's Bunting and Rock Sandpiper distance-sampling surveys on St. Matthew Island.

Scenic view overlooking valley with snow on St. Matthew Island, Alaska. A reindeer antler is on the left side of hill.
The Rise and Fall of St. Matthew Reindeer
The Rise and Fall of St. Matthew Reindeer
The Rise and Fall of St. Matthew Reindeer

In August of 1944, 29 Nunivak Island reindeer were transported to St. Matthew Island via barge as a free-range food source for the Coast Guard officials that maintained the long-range navigation site (Loran) during World War II. At the peak, 6,000 reindeer roamed the island at a density of 47 animals per square mile.

In August of 1944, 29 Nunivak Island reindeer were transported to St. Matthew Island via barge as a free-range food source for the Coast Guard officials that maintained the long-range navigation site (Loran) during World War II. At the peak, 6,000 reindeer roamed the island at a density of 47 animals per square mile.

 Map of St. Mathhew Island in blue. Alaska, Russia, and St. Lawence Island in black. North degrees on left and West on bottom
Bird Survey Map Matthew Island, Alaska
Bird Survey Map Matthew Island, Alaska
Bird Survey Map Matthew Island, Alaska

This map shows all available marine bird survey data from the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD) around St.

This map shows all available marine bird survey data from the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD) around St.

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