In southwest Colorado, drought, wildfires, mining activities, agriculture, and population growth have altered the landscape from its natural condition. These changes have potentially degraded the water-quality of streams, rivers, reservoirs, and groundwater by introducing or increasing levels of metals, nutrients, synthetic organic chemicals, and sediment.
Recognizing the need to understand how these changes affect the receiving waters, local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies expressed a desire for a compilation and analysis of existing water-resources information.
A comprehensive, watershed-scale, study was conducted as a result, to update information pertaining to surface-water quality, streamflow, groundwater quality, and water-table elevations in southwest Colorado. This common data repository provides an invaluable contribution to the planning, monitoring, conservation, and management of water resources in southwest Colorado.
- To compile and characterize existing water-resources data for the Dolores River and San Juan River watersheds.
- To develop a relational database containing information on water-quality and Geographic Information System (GIS) features/coverages.
- To create a Web-based interface to the relational database to streamline sharing of data.
- To identify gaps in the available data and design a water-quality sampling network to fill these gaps.
Historic surface-water and groundwater quality data, instantaneous streamflow data associated with a water-quality sample, and water-table elevations that are available in electronic form were compiled and screened for the Dolores River and San Juan River watersheds.
- The historic water-quality data and published reports for the Dolores River and San Juan River watersheds will be used to develop an interpretive retrospective analysis. The retrospective analysis will include: a description of the spatial and temporal distribution of physical and chemical data,
- a statistical summary of the data including range, maximum, minimum and mean values,
- a comparison of the historic data to State and Federal water-quality standards,
- an analysis of trends at sites where the length of record is sufficient, and (5) an evaluation of the environmental and cultural factors, such as geology and land use, that affect water quality within the limits of the available data.
Below are other science projects associated with the Colorado Water-Quality Data Repository.
Upper Yampa Watershed Water-Quality Data
Eagle River Water-Quality Data
Piceance Basin Water-Quality Data
Upper Gunnison River Water-Quality Data
Roaring Fork Watershed Water-Quality Data
Arkansas River Water-Quality Data
Blue River Water-Quality Data
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Net Acid Production, Acid Neutralizing Capacity, and Associated Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Animas River Watershed Igneous Rocks Near Silverton, Colorado
Water-Quality Data Collected from Vallecito Reservoir, Its Inflows and Outflow, Southwestern Colorado, 1999-2002
Environmental effects of historical mining in the Animas River watershed, southwestern Colorado
Integrated investigations of environmental effects of historical mining in the Animas River Watershed, San Juan County, Colorado
Hydrostratigraphic Framework of the Raton, Vermejo, and Trinidad Aquifers in the Raton Basin, Las Animas County, Colorado
Preliminary Assessment of Landslides Along the Florida River Downstream from Lemon Reservoir, La Plata County, Colorado
Quantification and simulation of metal loading to the Upper Animas River, Eureka to Silverton, San Juan County, Colorado, September 1997 and August 1998
Using water-quality profiles to characterize seasonal water quality and loading in the upper Animas River basin, southwestern Colorado
Reconnaissance-level application of physical habitat simulation in the evaluation of physical habitat limits in the Animas Basin, Colorado
Effect of the Paradox Valley Unit on the dissolved-solids load of the Dolores River near Bedrock, Colorado, 1988-2001
Water quality and aquatic toxicity data of 2002 spring thaw conditions in the upper Animas River watershed, Silverton, Colorado
Evaluation of Metal Toxicity in Streams Affected by Abandoned Mine Lands, Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado
Below are partners associated with this project.
In southwest Colorado, drought, wildfires, mining activities, agriculture, and population growth have altered the landscape from its natural condition. These changes have potentially degraded the water-quality of streams, rivers, reservoirs, and groundwater by introducing or increasing levels of metals, nutrients, synthetic organic chemicals, and sediment.
Recognizing the need to understand how these changes affect the receiving waters, local, State, Tribal, and Federal agencies expressed a desire for a compilation and analysis of existing water-resources information.
A comprehensive, watershed-scale, study was conducted as a result, to update information pertaining to surface-water quality, streamflow, groundwater quality, and water-table elevations in southwest Colorado. This common data repository provides an invaluable contribution to the planning, monitoring, conservation, and management of water resources in southwest Colorado.
- To compile and characterize existing water-resources data for the Dolores River and San Juan River watersheds.
- To develop a relational database containing information on water-quality and Geographic Information System (GIS) features/coverages.
- To create a Web-based interface to the relational database to streamline sharing of data.
- To identify gaps in the available data and design a water-quality sampling network to fill these gaps.
Historic surface-water and groundwater quality data, instantaneous streamflow data associated with a water-quality sample, and water-table elevations that are available in electronic form were compiled and screened for the Dolores River and San Juan River watersheds.
- The historic water-quality data and published reports for the Dolores River and San Juan River watersheds will be used to develop an interpretive retrospective analysis. The retrospective analysis will include: a description of the spatial and temporal distribution of physical and chemical data,
- a statistical summary of the data including range, maximum, minimum and mean values,
- a comparison of the historic data to State and Federal water-quality standards,
- an analysis of trends at sites where the length of record is sufficient, and (5) an evaluation of the environmental and cultural factors, such as geology and land use, that affect water quality within the limits of the available data.
Below are other science projects associated with the Colorado Water-Quality Data Repository.
Upper Yampa Watershed Water-Quality Data
Eagle River Water-Quality Data
Piceance Basin Water-Quality Data
Upper Gunnison River Water-Quality Data
Roaring Fork Watershed Water-Quality Data
Arkansas River Water-Quality Data
Blue River Water-Quality Data
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Net Acid Production, Acid Neutralizing Capacity, and Associated Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Animas River Watershed Igneous Rocks Near Silverton, Colorado
Water-Quality Data Collected from Vallecito Reservoir, Its Inflows and Outflow, Southwestern Colorado, 1999-2002
Environmental effects of historical mining in the Animas River watershed, southwestern Colorado
Integrated investigations of environmental effects of historical mining in the Animas River Watershed, San Juan County, Colorado
Hydrostratigraphic Framework of the Raton, Vermejo, and Trinidad Aquifers in the Raton Basin, Las Animas County, Colorado
Preliminary Assessment of Landslides Along the Florida River Downstream from Lemon Reservoir, La Plata County, Colorado
Quantification and simulation of metal loading to the Upper Animas River, Eureka to Silverton, San Juan County, Colorado, September 1997 and August 1998
Using water-quality profiles to characterize seasonal water quality and loading in the upper Animas River basin, southwestern Colorado
Reconnaissance-level application of physical habitat simulation in the evaluation of physical habitat limits in the Animas Basin, Colorado
Effect of the Paradox Valley Unit on the dissolved-solids load of the Dolores River near Bedrock, Colorado, 1988-2001
Water quality and aquatic toxicity data of 2002 spring thaw conditions in the upper Animas River watershed, Silverton, Colorado
Evaluation of Metal Toxicity in Streams Affected by Abandoned Mine Lands, Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado
Below are partners associated with this project.