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Data Management and Resources

The Powell Center is committed to developing methods to locate, access, analyze, and make data widely available to the scientific community.

Reporting Requirements

The Powell Center is committed to developing methods to locate, access, analyze, and make data widely available to the scientific community. To meet this goal, the Powell Center requires that:

  • Derived data (resulting from analyses from which the original data cannot be reconstituted) generated by research project activities are documented with metadata and made publicly available on the Powell Center website.
  • Copies of publications resulting from Powell Center support be provided to the Powell Center at the time of publication.
  • Working group participants sign the Code of Ethics agreement, which includes compliance with the data and information policy, prior to initiating research activities. Extenuating circumstances that may prevent full compliance with the data and information policy should be discussed with Powell Center staff.

Data Management Plan

The Powell Center requires data management planning in the proposal process. This work leverages data management policies developed by the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and aligns with policies of National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and others.  

As a data synthesis and analysis center, data management forms a core responsibility of the Powell Center and its Working Groups. The Data Management Plan will enhance proposal evaluation and allow the Science Advisory Board to anticipate possible support requirements and opportunities for the Working Group.  Some Powell Center proposals will not require data synthesis and analysis, and the following data management planning guidance is only applicable to Working Groups that will be using and synthesizing data.

In submitted proposals, Powell Center Working Groups should provide a Data Management Plan that describes:

  1. Known datasets that will be used by Working Group
  2. Basic idea of the processes, transformations, and syntheses that may be conducted on the data (recognizing that much of this may develop during the project)
  3. Anticipated new data derivatives produced and published by Working Group

Consider the Data Management Plan before proposal submission to become familiar with data reporting requirements. The Data Management Plan helps Powell Center staff determine support required to provide researchers with data management, scientific computing, and other functions. 

Proposed derived data and data products generated by Powell Center Working Groups should be described in the Data Management Plan. Data products will be documented with metadata and released through an appropriate publishing outlet. Data publishing venues continue to evolve and range from USGS ScienceBase to scientific data journals and other government agency options such as DataOne. Any of these options may be used, and the Powell Center will provide assistance and technical resources as appropriate for successful projects.

Please contact the Powell Center ( with questions about preparing Data Management Plans. 

Download Data Management Plan - submit with proposal.

Data Resources

The Powell Center provides the technical tools to share, integrate, and manipulate existing scientific information to generate new insights. Powell Center Working Groups tackle Earth system science issues by combining existing information; we can help provide onsite and remote expertise to manage, merge, share, and query large data sets. Scientists routinely bring diverse data sets to team meetings requiring advanced computing support. We tailor our support to individual Working Group needs, and try to address issues as close to immediately as possible by highly qualified information technology and informatics staff. Integration and analysis of large, diverse datasets requires extensive knowledge of appropriate software use, data accessibility and storage, and metadata generation. Working Groups include an informatics manager to coordinate data management and technical nuances with Powell Center staff.

Each Powell Center Working Group will be able to request assistance with the following information technology support:

  • remote conferencing abilities;
  • wireless internet connection for laptops;
  • access to copiers, printers, and plotters;
  • onsite data storage (during Working Group meetings);
  • on-site data and model processing (dedicated virtual machines, Windows server or Linux/CentOS);
  • help with metadata generation;
  • High Performance Computing (HPC).

During the course of their project, Powell Center Working Groups may utilize a suite of USGS-supported online collaboration tools, including:

  • a private collaboration wiki for informally sharing information, archiving discussions, and organizing ideas;
  • access to ScienceBase organize, store and provide access to data sets, internet links, models, and other on-line sources of interest.

Upon proposal approval, please download and submit IT Checklist [pdf] to request any of the resources listed. Please contact with any specific inquiries regarding Powell Center IT, data management and technical support.

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