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Land and Water Resource Change

We live in a changing world where land and water are connected. This research focuses on how climate and land use change affect all parts of the hydrologic system including snow and ice, rivers, and groundwater.

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Integration of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure in Modeling Water Quality Patterns in Small Urban Streams

The Issue: Stormwater can quickly run off impervious surfaces delivering potentially polluted water to streams and rivers in the Puget Sound region. Runoff from impervious surfaces can either be directly connected to streams through stormwater pipes or indirectly connected if runoff is routed to some other surface such as grass or a feature like a stormwater management structure. It is currently...

Integration of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure in Modeling Water Quality Patterns in Small Urban Streams

The Issue: Stormwater can quickly run off impervious surfaces delivering potentially polluted water to streams and rivers in the Puget Sound region. Runoff from impervious surfaces can either be directly connected to streams through stormwater pipes or indirectly connected if runoff is routed to some other surface such as grass or a feature like a stormwater management structure. It is currently...
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Mapping ecohydrological headwater refugia

The Issue: Forests in the Pacific Northwest have changed substantially over the past hundred years because of logging, changing forest management methods, and climate change. These forests contain a dense network of small headwater streams that supply cold, clean water and support 52 amphibian species. These amphibians live both in the cold streams and in the cool, moist areas nearby. Natural...

Mapping ecohydrological headwater refugia

The Issue: Forests in the Pacific Northwest have changed substantially over the past hundred years because of logging, changing forest management methods, and climate change. These forests contain a dense network of small headwater streams that supply cold, clean water and support 52 amphibian species. These amphibians live both in the cold streams and in the cool, moist areas nearby. Natural...
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Hoh geomorphology

The Issue: Glaciers in the Hoh River watershed are expected to largely disappear by 2050, while flooding is expected to become more intense. Understanding if or how this will impact sediment transport and channel change in the watershed is relevant for salmon habitat, restoration efforts, and flood hazard management. However, there is relatively little information about historical channel...

Hoh geomorphology

The Issue: Glaciers in the Hoh River watershed are expected to largely disappear by 2050, while flooding is expected to become more intense. Understanding if or how this will impact sediment transport and channel change in the watershed is relevant for salmon habitat, restoration efforts, and flood hazard management. However, there is relatively little information about historical channel...
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Bolt Creek Wildfire Sediment Runoff and Water Quality

The Issue: Scientists and water-resource managers recognize the increasing impact of wildfires on water supply in the western U.S. The increasing frequency and severity of wildfires are linked to changes in snowpack, warmer temperatures, and drought. Sedimentation following wildfire can impact aquatic habitat, reservoir storage capacity, water quality, and thus public drinking water supplies...

Bolt Creek Wildfire Sediment Runoff and Water Quality

The Issue: Scientists and water-resource managers recognize the increasing impact of wildfires on water supply in the western U.S. The increasing frequency and severity of wildfires are linked to changes in snowpack, warmer temperatures, and drought. Sedimentation following wildfire can impact aquatic habitat, reservoir storage capacity, water quality, and thus public drinking water supplies...
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Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM)

The issue: Stormwater runoff often carries pollutants that degrade water quality in receiving waters. A regional-scale monitoring program is necessary to objectively measure and track progress in reducing stormwater impacts on environmental health. How USGS will help: Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are monitoring water quality and watershed health for urban and urbanizing areas...

Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM)

The issue: Stormwater runoff often carries pollutants that degrade water quality in receiving waters. A regional-scale monitoring program is necessary to objectively measure and track progress in reducing stormwater impacts on environmental health. How USGS will help: Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are monitoring water quality and watershed health for urban and urbanizing areas...
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Hydrogeologic Framework for Duwamish River Valley, Washington

The Issue: Most of the Duwamish River valley in Seattle, Washington, is less than 20 feet above sea level; consequently, the river valley is prone to flooding during high tides, extreme rainfall, and high streamflow. In addition, groundwater inundation—localized coastal flooding due to a rise of the groundwater table with global sea-level rise—may compound flooding issues in the area. The King...

Hydrogeologic Framework for Duwamish River Valley, Washington

The Issue: Most of the Duwamish River valley in Seattle, Washington, is less than 20 feet above sea level; consequently, the river valley is prone to flooding during high tides, extreme rainfall, and high streamflow. In addition, groundwater inundation—localized coastal flooding due to a rise of the groundwater table with global sea-level rise—may compound flooding issues in the area. The King...
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Channel Change and Sediment Transport in the Puyallup River Watershed

The Issue: Sediment loads in the Puyallup River and its major tributaries, the White River and Carbon River, are high and river channels are dynamic. While there is a relatively rich history of sediment transport and channel change studies in the Puyallup River and its tributaries, there has not been an integrated assessment of channel-elevation trends in nearly a decade. This lack of up-to-date...

Channel Change and Sediment Transport in the Puyallup River Watershed

The Issue: Sediment loads in the Puyallup River and its major tributaries, the White River and Carbon River, are high and river channels are dynamic. While there is a relatively rich history of sediment transport and channel change studies in the Puyallup River and its tributaries, there has not been an integrated assessment of channel-elevation trends in nearly a decade. This lack of up-to-date...
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Chehalis Watershed Suspended Sediment Monitoring

The Issue: The Chehalis River deposits sediment in Grays Harbor, which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regularly dredges to maintain shipping access. The sources and overall volumes of sediment transport in the lower river were last assessed in the 1960s. Given substantial changes in land-use and watershed regulations over the subsequent half-century, there is an open question as to if or how...

Chehalis Watershed Suspended Sediment Monitoring

The Issue: The Chehalis River deposits sediment in Grays Harbor, which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regularly dredges to maintain shipping access. The sources and overall volumes of sediment transport in the lower river were last assessed in the 1960s. Given substantial changes in land-use and watershed regulations over the subsequent half-century, there is an open question as to if or how...
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Water Availability for Tribal Treaty Rights in Western Washington

The Issue: Native American treaty rights depend on the availability of adequate and high-quality streamflow across the Western Washington, which can be degraded by water and land use, reservoir operations, and climate change among other factors. Streamflow during critical low-flow periods depend on groundwater discharge from aquifers, which also is vulnerable to human activities in the Western...

Water Availability for Tribal Treaty Rights in Western Washington

The Issue: Native American treaty rights depend on the availability of adequate and high-quality streamflow across the Western Washington, which can be degraded by water and land use, reservoir operations, and climate change among other factors. Streamflow during critical low-flow periods depend on groundwater discharge from aquifers, which also is vulnerable to human activities in the Western...
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Analysis of USGS Surface Water Monitoring Networks

The issue: National interests in water information are important but challenging to incorporate into planning and operation of a monitoring network driven by local information needs. These interests include an understanding of the spatial variability in water availability across the United States, anthro-physical factors including climate and land use that affect water availability, and federal...

Analysis of USGS Surface Water Monitoring Networks

The issue: National interests in water information are important but challenging to incorporate into planning and operation of a monitoring network driven by local information needs. These interests include an understanding of the spatial variability in water availability across the United States, anthro-physical factors including climate and land use that affect water availability, and federal...
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Assess the utility of a regional aquifer system groundwater model to inform the USGS National Hydrologic Model

The Issue: In Washington State, groundwater (GW) inflow to streams, or baseflow, is essential for maintaining aquatic habitats, and for out-of-stream uses such as irrigated agriculture during the typically dry summers. However, the National Hydrologic Model (NHM) currently is most suited to predicting total daily streamflow. This project aims to assess the NHM’s performance in simulating baseflow...

Assess the utility of a regional aquifer system groundwater model to inform the USGS National Hydrologic Model

The Issue: In Washington State, groundwater (GW) inflow to streams, or baseflow, is essential for maintaining aquatic habitats, and for out-of-stream uses such as irrigated agriculture during the typically dry summers. However, the National Hydrologic Model (NHM) currently is most suited to predicting total daily streamflow. This project aims to assess the NHM’s performance in simulating baseflow...
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Coarse sediment delivery and routing in the White River

The Issue: Ongoing channel aggradation has reduced flow conveyance along the lower White River, increasing the flood risk in urban-suburban areas. A refined understanding of the delivery, transport and deposition of sediment in the White River, and how those processes may be influenced by climate and existing dam operations, is necessary in order to plan for future flood hazard in the lower White...

Coarse sediment delivery and routing in the White River

The Issue: Ongoing channel aggradation has reduced flow conveyance along the lower White River, increasing the flood risk in urban-suburban areas. A refined understanding of the delivery, transport and deposition of sediment in the White River, and how those processes may be influenced by climate and existing dam operations, is necessary in order to plan for future flood hazard in the lower White...
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