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Diversity Council


The Diversity Council strives to achieve a USGS workforce that reflects the demographics of our Nation, and an environment which is open and accepting of individual differences. The Diversity Council desires an organizational culture where all employees are encouraged to maximize their potential and exhibit a commitment to science excellence and responsiveness to our society’s needs.



To promote diversity within the USGS reflective of our Nation’s citizens and address issues affecting quality of work life. The Diversity Council works in conjunction with the Human Capital organization, the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (DEO) and Bureau management to achieve the goals and objectives of the Department of the Interior’s “Policy on Equal Opportunity and Zero Tolerance of Discrimination and Harassment”, USGS “Diversity and Inclusion Plan FY 2010 – 2015” and the USGS “Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Management Directive 715 Report and Objectives”. The Diversity Council assists management and employees with identifying and removing barriers to equal employment in the workplace and creating an environment that supports and advances the goal of science excellence.



The Diversity Council is a permanent single Bureau advisory council consisting of four Sub-Councils; three Area and one Headquarter Sub-Councils, with a Strategic Advisory Committee. The Diversity Council is aligned under a single strategic plan and operational plan. Each Area (Eastern States, Rocky Mountain/Central States, and Western States) and Headquarter Sub-Council is comprised of no more than five members who serve two-year terms. All permanent and term employees interested in serving on one of the Sub-Councils are encouraged to apply during the annual call for nominations. Please reference the Diversity Council Operating Procedures for additional information.


Strategic Goals

  • Strategic Goal 1: Diversity training and education—Teaching supervisors, managers, and employees the value of diversity
  • Strategic Goal 2: Accountability—Leaders acting as change agents and modeling appropriate workplace behaviors
  • Strategic Goal 3: Recruitment and retention—Attracting diverse applicants of high caliber to the USGS


Want to get involved?

  • Attend local programs
  • Apply to serve on the Council by completing a nomination form found on the Diversity and Inclusion Web site under “Resources”
  • Submit suggestions/concerns to your Area/Headquarter Diversity Sub-Council


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