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Required Safety Training

Below is Safety Training required by occupation, i.e., executives (GS-14 and above), supervisors, collateral duty personnel, and employees. Visit the Required Safety Orientation Training Modules for DOI Talent Web-based Training page to see a complete list of occupations and what safety-orientation training is required for that occupation.

USGS Executive Safety Orientation Training Program (DOI Talent link)

(GS-14's and above only take the following course, regardless of whether they are supervisors or not)

  • SAFETY: 1315 USGS Safety and Occupational Health Program Overview *

* Course is already part of USGS Employee Safety Orientation


USGS Supervisor Safety Orientation Training Program (DOI Talent link)

(GS-13's and below who Supervise Employees) 
DOI Talent Portal | One time only.

  • SAFETY: DOI Safety and Occupational Health Overview *

  • SAFETY: 1315 USGS Safety and Occupational Health Program Overview *

  • SAFETY: 1300 USGS Safety Program Requirements *

  • Behavior-based Safety for Supervisors (ehs_hsf_d63_sh_enus)

  • SAFETY: 1304 USGS Industrial Hygiene Program Requirements *

* Course(s) are already part of USGS Employee Safety Orientation


USGS Collateral Duty Safety Program Coordinator

* Course(s) are already part of USGS Employee Safety Orientation
+ Course(s) are required for Safety Points of Contact (POCs) within the Mission Area


USGS Employee Safety Orientation Training Program (DOI Talent link)

(All non-supervisory employees must complete all 4 courses in order, to be certified.  The responsible Project Manager or Site Supervisor must also provide employees with the following instruction to supplement the online training.) 
DOI Talent Portal | One time only.


SM 445-2-H Appendix 14-2 Master Training Requirements


For more safety training resources and information visit the USGS Safety Training Resources site.


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