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Isotopic and environmental tracers for improved understanding of geochemical and hydrologic processes occurring near flooded mine workings
Draining mine tunnels contribute metals and acidity to streams throughout the western United States. One remediation strategy that is increasing in usage is the emplacement of hydraulic bulkheads to impound water within the subsurface. Potential secondary effects of bulkhead usage are difficult to quantify however because of the inherent complexity of most mountain hydrologic systems. In...
Hydrology of an Artesian Aquifer near Manitou Springs, Colorado
The area surrounding Manitou Springs, Colorado is host to numerous bedrock springs, which help to support the local economy through tourist visitation. Although many springs previously flowed directly to the surface, most of the “springs” in the area are now more strictly classified as flowing artesian wells completed in the Manitou Formation, a cavernous intermixed limestone and dolomite, which...
Hydrology of and potential for groundwater storage in the alluvial aquifer in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado
Hydrologic analysis of the alluvial aquifer in the Wet Mountain Valley has been undertaken using synoptic streamflow and groundwater-level elevation measurements, aquifer tests, water-quality sampling and data analysis, and numerical groundwater-flow modeling. These datasets together provide an encompassing view of the interconnected water resources in the area and allow for quantitative...
Groundwater Quality Research
Every day, millions of gallons of groundwater are pumped to supply drinking water for about 140 million people, almost one-half of the Nation’s population. Learn about the quality and availability of groundwater for drinking, where and why groundwater quality is degraded, and where groundwater quality is changing.
Water-Budget Analysis of the Upper Big Sandy Alluvial Aquifer
The Upper Big Sandy Groundwater Management District is concerned with potentially declining groundwater levels and thus available groundwater in storage for the Upper Big Sandy alluvial aquifer in eastern Colorado This project evaluated changes in groundwater storage within the Upper Big Sandy Designated Groundwater Basin by updating water-budget results for the alluvial aquifer from the Denver...
National Groundwater Monitoring Network 2016-2017
The National Ground-Water Monitoring Network (NGWMN) is a compilation of selected wells monitoring groundwater aquifers all around the nation. The NGWMN Data Portal brings groundwater data together in one place to provide users with current and reliable information for the planning, management, and development of groundwater resources.
Groundwater Protection Plan for the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
The objective of this project is to update the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe’s (UMUT) existing Groundwater Protection Plan to protect their valuable groundwater resources in Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico.
Lower Gunnison River Basin Groundwater Selenium
The east side of the Uncompahgre River Basin has been a known contributor of dissolved selenium to recipient streams. Discharge of groundwater containing dissolved selenium contributes to surface-water selenium concentrations and loads; however, the groundwater system on the east side of the Uncompahgre River Basin is not well characterized.
Elbert County Groundwater Network
Elbert County, Colorado relies heavily on nonrenewable groundwater from the Denver Basin aquifers for water supply. Population growth in the county has placed increasing demands on groundwater resources, and future groundwater withdrawals are expected to increase as the population continues to grow. A detailed program to monitor groundwater levels in the Denver Basin aquifers throughout the county...
South Platte Groundwater Analysis
The South Platte River and underlying alluvial aquifer form an important hydrologic resource in northeastern Colorado that provides water to population centers along the Front Range and to agricultural communities across the rural plains. Water is regulated based on seniority of water rights and delivered using a network of administration structures that includes ditches, reservoirs, wells...
Water budget and potential for underground storage in the Buena Vista-Salida Basin in Chaffee and parts of Fremont, Lake, and Saguache Counties, Colorado, 2009-2012
Population increases in the Upper Arkansas Headwaters Region, which includes Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, and Lake Counties, Colorado, are forecast to increase about 75 percent by 2030. An annual deficit gap between supply and demand of about 5,950 acre-feet is anticipated. Groundwater in the area is tributary to the Arkansas River but the effects of additional groundwater use are poorly defined by...
South Platte Alluvial Aquifer Water-Level Monitoring
Reports indicate that groundwater levels are rising in parts of the South Platte alluvial aquifer. The Colorado Division of Water Resources and the Colorado Water Conservation Board are establishing a groundwater-level monitoring network in the South Platte basin. The USGS National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) monitoring wells are uniquely located so as to be included in the proposed...