Introduction to the North American Bat Monitoring Program, including a short history of the program, a review of key program components, and highlights of program outcomes and products.
North American bats face unprecedented threats including habitat loss and fragmentation, white-nose syndrome, wind energy development, and climate change. However, it is difficult to evaluate the impacts of these threats due to a lack of basic information about the distribution and abundance of bats across the continent. Although bat monitoring has long been conducted in individual areas and for individual projects, until now, there has been no statistically robust and standardized monitoring program to assess the status and trends of bat populations across North America. The North American Bat Monitoring Program, or NABat, provides information to a broad constituency garnered from a continental-scale, long-term program, and allows them to better document changes in bat populations, estimate extinction risk, set conservation priorities, and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation actions.
What is NABat?
The North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) is an international interagency program designed to monitor bat distributions and abundances on public and private lands, and provide trend data at the state, provincial, tribal, regional (e.g., Landscape Conservation Cooperatives), and range-wide scales.
The goal of NABat is to provide natural resource managers with information required to manage bat populations effectively, detect early warning signs of population decline, and estimate extinction risk.
NABat will allow state, provincial, and federal agencies to better prioritize limited resources and engage in cross-agency collaboration. Over time, NABat will involve the public in monitoring and conservation activities.
Scope of NABat
Currently, NABat concentrates on the 47 species of bats found in Canada and the U.S. Over time, NABat will integrate with an existing monitoring program in Mexico.
Methods and Approaches Used in NABat
A central component of NABat is the use of a master sample of grid cells, a spatially balanced list of sampling areas within a continental grid framework. Conducting standardized monitoring within this framework allows statistical inference to unsurveyed locations. The master sample provides operational flexibility to partners while allowing for regional and range-wide analyses.
NABat gathers monitoring data to assess changes in bat populations using:
Mobile acoustic surveys along driving transects
Acoustic surveys at stationary points
Internal colony counts (winter and summer)
External colony counts
Capture data
Anticipated Products and Outcomes
Status and Trends of North American Bats: Summer Occupancy Analysis (2022)
Spatially-explicit data on bat populations (e.g., improved range maps, density estimates) that will allow natural resource managers to identify areas and species of conservation concern
Long-term distribution data for addressing cross-boundary issues related to bat management and conservation
Accomplishments to Date
Release of third-party data sharing platform with automated notifications and user approval which allows NABat partners to request and share data with other registered users
Establishment of regional hubs which facilitate implementation of NABat and guide local efforts — to date, regional hubs have been established in the following areas:
Atlantic Canada
Release of an annual schedule for training webinars covering topics like data processing, field methods, and contributing data to NABat
Development of a new offshore sample frame to support ongoing monitoring efforts related to offshore wind energy development
Release of the NABat R package
Expanded database structure to facilitate upload of bat capture records (for example, mist netting, harp trapping, and more)
Developed an open-source machine learning algorithm for assigning bat species IDs to acoustic recordings
Developed standard operating procedures for stationary acoustic and mobile transect surveys
More than 650 registered projects in 50 states, 10 Canadian provinces, and Puerto Rico
More than 3,000 NABat GRTS cells claimed for survey
More than 7,000 GRTS cells with survey data uploaded
More than 65 million acoustic files uploaded to NABat database
Release of, a website to support and disseminate information, user resources, and training materials
Publication of a spatially‐enabled database to house NABat data and metadata
Release of data visualization tools based on the NABat sample design, including mapping features to explore project data (private) and a public data map to identify current monitoring efforts and project details
Release of a new cell selection tool with numerous data layers, mapping features, and functionality to upload spatial objects and user-generated layers
Development of an automated project reporting feature for stationary acoustic and winter hibernacula data
Publication of the NABat Attributed Master Sample: a spatially balanced ordered list of sample units for each U.S. state and Canadian province
Interagency partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to utilize the NABat database as part of the Species Status Assessment for three North American bat species
Statewide volunteer mobile transect survey program implemented in North Carolina
Active engagement by U.S. and Canadian coordinators, state management agencies, and private conservation agencies
Four workshops and a technical report: A Plan for the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat). The report describes rationale, need, sampling design, sampling framework, guidelines for data collection, data management capabilities, and analytical approaches
Establishment of four NABat working groups to refine survey methods and collaboratively address research needs and emerging conservation issues
Partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to merge the BatAMP database with NABat
Partnership with the National Parks Service to merge bat acoustic data collected at National Parks across North America with the NABat database
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Integrated Summer Species Distribution Model: Predicted Tricolored Bat Occupancy Probabilities (ver. 1.1, October 2024)
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Winter Abundance: Predicted Population Estimates (2022 and 2023)
Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) 5km x 5km Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame
Attributed North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frames
Training dataset for NABat Machine Learning V1.0
Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019 Data Release
North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frames
Rangewide summertime model predictions for three bat species (Myotis lucifigus, Myotis septentrionalis, and Perimyotis subflavus) from acoustic and mist net data 2010 to 2019
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Winter Colony Count Analysis
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Predicted Wind Take Allocated To Hibernacula Each Year Under Current and Future Scenarios
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Summer Mobile Acoustic Transect Analysis
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Wind Energy Influence
Introduction to NABat
Introduction to the North American Bat Monitoring Program, including a short history of the program, a review of key program components, and highlights of program outcomes and products.
Introduction to the North American Bat Monitoring Program, including a short history of the program, a review of key program components, and highlights of program outcomes and products.
Training webinar for Mobile Acoustic Surveying hosted by Sarah Gaulke (USGS). The webinar details preparing for and implementing Mobile Acoustic Surveys for bat monitoring, including how to use the NABat Partner Portal to plan a survey route
Training webinar for Mobile Acoustic Surveying hosted by Sarah Gaulke (USGS). The webinar details preparing for and implementing Mobile Acoustic Surveys for bat monitoring, including how to use the NABat Partner Portal to plan a survey route
NABat Training Webinar on how to upload acoustic survey data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat Training Webinar on how to upload acoustic survey data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat training webinar on scripts, tools, and resources for uploading data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat training webinar on scripts, tools, and resources for uploading data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 1 covered data storage and management, quality assurance/control of incoming data, batch attribution and data curation, and batch processing of auto-classifiers.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 1 covered data storage and management, quality assurance/control of incoming data, batch attribution and data curation, and batch processing of auto-classifiers.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 2 covered strategies for manual vetting, transferring results to NABat, and automating cooperator reports.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 2 covered strategies for manual vetting, transferring results to NABat, and automating cooperator reports.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 1 - Introduction
Introduction contains background information on NABat and Florida Bonneted Bat surveys.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 1 - Introduction
Introduction contains background information on NABat and Florida Bonneted Bat surveys.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List)
linkRecording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List)
linkRecording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part - 3 External Roost Surveys)
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part - 3 External Roost Surveys)
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 4 - Acoustic Surveys
This video describes how to prepare and submit acoustic data into the NABat portal.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 4 - Acoustic Surveys
This video describes how to prepare and submit acoustic data into the NABat portal.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 5 - Uploading Acoustic Data
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 5 - Uploading Acoustic Data
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 6 - Finish Submitting Project
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 6 - Finish Submitting Project
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Below are publications associated with this project.
U.S. Geological Survey science in support of the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat)
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) mobile acoustic transect surveys standard operating procedure 3—Conducting mobile transect surveys
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Mobile Acoustic Transect Surveys Standard Operating Procedure 2—Field Season and Survey Preparation
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) mobile acoustic transect surveys standard operating procedure 1—Locating and establishing mobile transect routes
NABat ML: Utilizing deep learning to enable crowdsourced development of automated, scalable solutions for documenting North American bat populations
Status and trends of North American bats: Summer occupancy analysis 2010-2019
Spatial Gaussian processes improve multi-species occupancy models when range boundaries are uncertain and nonoverlapping
The scope and severity of white-nose syndrome on hibernating bats in North America
NABat: A top-down, bottom-up solution to collaborative continental-scale monitoring
Evidence of region‐wide bat population decline from long‐term monitoring and Bayesian occupancy models with empirically informed priors
North American Bat Monitoring Program regional protocol for surveying with stationary deployments of echolocation recording devices: Narrative version 1.0, Pacific Northwestern US
Statistical power of dynamic occupancy models to identify temporal change: Informing the North American Bat Monitoring Program
Identifying occupancy model inadequacies: Can residuals separately assess detection and presence?
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Partner Portal
North American Bat Monitoring Program: NABat Acoustic ML (version 2.0.0)
North American Bat Monitoring Program: NABat Acoustic ML, Version 1.0.1
North American Bat Monitoring Program: R Data Connection Package, (Version 1.0.1)
Software Supplement to accompany 'Estimating Species-Environment Relationships with Non-ignorable Sampling Designs'
North American bats face unprecedented threats including habitat loss and fragmentation, white-nose syndrome, wind energy development, and climate change. However, it is difficult to evaluate the impacts of these threats due to a lack of basic information about the distribution and abundance of bats across the continent. Although bat monitoring has long been conducted in individual areas and for individual projects, until now, there has been no statistically robust and standardized monitoring program to assess the status and trends of bat populations across North America. The North American Bat Monitoring Program, or NABat, provides information to a broad constituency garnered from a continental-scale, long-term program, and allows them to better document changes in bat populations, estimate extinction risk, set conservation priorities, and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation actions.
What is NABat?
The North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) is an international interagency program designed to monitor bat distributions and abundances on public and private lands, and provide trend data at the state, provincial, tribal, regional (e.g., Landscape Conservation Cooperatives), and range-wide scales.
The goal of NABat is to provide natural resource managers with information required to manage bat populations effectively, detect early warning signs of population decline, and estimate extinction risk.
NABat will allow state, provincial, and federal agencies to better prioritize limited resources and engage in cross-agency collaboration. Over time, NABat will involve the public in monitoring and conservation activities.
Scope of NABat
Currently, NABat concentrates on the 47 species of bats found in Canada and the U.S. Over time, NABat will integrate with an existing monitoring program in Mexico.
Methods and Approaches Used in NABat
A central component of NABat is the use of a master sample of grid cells, a spatially balanced list of sampling areas within a continental grid framework. Conducting standardized monitoring within this framework allows statistical inference to unsurveyed locations. The master sample provides operational flexibility to partners while allowing for regional and range-wide analyses.
NABat gathers monitoring data to assess changes in bat populations using:
Mobile acoustic surveys along driving transects
Acoustic surveys at stationary points
Internal colony counts (winter and summer)
External colony counts
Capture data
Anticipated Products and Outcomes
Status and Trends of North American Bats: Summer Occupancy Analysis (2022)
Spatially-explicit data on bat populations (e.g., improved range maps, density estimates) that will allow natural resource managers to identify areas and species of conservation concern
Long-term distribution data for addressing cross-boundary issues related to bat management and conservation
Accomplishments to Date
Release of third-party data sharing platform with automated notifications and user approval which allows NABat partners to request and share data with other registered users
Establishment of regional hubs which facilitate implementation of NABat and guide local efforts — to date, regional hubs have been established in the following areas:
Atlantic Canada
Release of an annual schedule for training webinars covering topics like data processing, field methods, and contributing data to NABat
Development of a new offshore sample frame to support ongoing monitoring efforts related to offshore wind energy development
Release of the NABat R package
Expanded database structure to facilitate upload of bat capture records (for example, mist netting, harp trapping, and more)
Developed an open-source machine learning algorithm for assigning bat species IDs to acoustic recordings
Developed standard operating procedures for stationary acoustic and mobile transect surveys
More than 650 registered projects in 50 states, 10 Canadian provinces, and Puerto Rico
More than 3,000 NABat GRTS cells claimed for survey
More than 7,000 GRTS cells with survey data uploaded
More than 65 million acoustic files uploaded to NABat database
Release of, a website to support and disseminate information, user resources, and training materials
Publication of a spatially‐enabled database to house NABat data and metadata
Release of data visualization tools based on the NABat sample design, including mapping features to explore project data (private) and a public data map to identify current monitoring efforts and project details
Release of a new cell selection tool with numerous data layers, mapping features, and functionality to upload spatial objects and user-generated layers
Development of an automated project reporting feature for stationary acoustic and winter hibernacula data
Publication of the NABat Attributed Master Sample: a spatially balanced ordered list of sample units for each U.S. state and Canadian province
Interagency partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to utilize the NABat database as part of the Species Status Assessment for three North American bat species
Statewide volunteer mobile transect survey program implemented in North Carolina
Active engagement by U.S. and Canadian coordinators, state management agencies, and private conservation agencies
Four workshops and a technical report: A Plan for the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat). The report describes rationale, need, sampling design, sampling framework, guidelines for data collection, data management capabilities, and analytical approaches
Establishment of four NABat working groups to refine survey methods and collaboratively address research needs and emerging conservation issues
Partnership with the U.S. Forest Service to merge the BatAMP database with NABat
Partnership with the National Parks Service to merge bat acoustic data collected at National Parks across North America with the NABat database
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Integrated Summer Species Distribution Model: Predicted Tricolored Bat Occupancy Probabilities (ver. 1.1, October 2024)
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Winter Abundance: Predicted Population Estimates (2022 and 2023)
Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) 5km x 5km Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame
Attributed North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frames
Training dataset for NABat Machine Learning V1.0
Status and Trends of North American Bats Summer Occupancy Analysis 2010-2019 Data Release
North American Grid-Based Offshore Sampling Frames
Rangewide summertime model predictions for three bat species (Myotis lucifigus, Myotis septentrionalis, and Perimyotis subflavus) from acoustic and mist net data 2010 to 2019
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Winter Colony Count Analysis
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Predicted Wind Take Allocated To Hibernacula Each Year Under Current and Future Scenarios
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Summer Mobile Acoustic Transect Analysis
In Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment: Wind Energy Influence
Introduction to NABat
Introduction to the North American Bat Monitoring Program, including a short history of the program, a review of key program components, and highlights of program outcomes and products.
Introduction to the North American Bat Monitoring Program, including a short history of the program, a review of key program components, and highlights of program outcomes and products.
Introduction to the North American Bat Monitoring Program, including a short history of the program, a review of key program components, and highlights of program outcomes and products.
Training webinar for Mobile Acoustic Surveying hosted by Sarah Gaulke (USGS). The webinar details preparing for and implementing Mobile Acoustic Surveys for bat monitoring, including how to use the NABat Partner Portal to plan a survey route
Training webinar for Mobile Acoustic Surveying hosted by Sarah Gaulke (USGS). The webinar details preparing for and implementing Mobile Acoustic Surveys for bat monitoring, including how to use the NABat Partner Portal to plan a survey route
NABat Training Webinar on how to upload acoustic survey data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat Training Webinar on how to upload acoustic survey data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat training webinar on scripts, tools, and resources for uploading data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat training webinar on scripts, tools, and resources for uploading data to the NABat Partner Portal. Hosted by Dane Smith (USGS).
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 1 covered data storage and management, quality assurance/control of incoming data, batch attribution and data curation, and batch processing of auto-classifiers.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 1 covered data storage and management, quality assurance/control of incoming data, batch attribution and data curation, and batch processing of auto-classifiers.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 2 covered strategies for manual vetting, transferring results to NABat, and automating cooperator reports.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
NABat Virtual Workshop: Managing Large Datasets
Day 2 covered strategies for manual vetting, transferring results to NABat, and automating cooperator reports.
Hosted by the NABat Stationary Acoustic Working Group.
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 1 - Introduction
Introduction contains background information on NABat and Florida Bonneted Bat surveys.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 1 - Introduction
Introduction contains background information on NABat and Florida Bonneted Bat surveys.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List)
linkRecording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List)
linkRecording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 2 - Creating an NABat Project and Species List
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part - 3 External Roost Surveys)
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop (Part - 3 External Roost Surveys)
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 4 - Acoustic Surveys
This video describes how to prepare and submit acoustic data into the NABat portal.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 4 - Acoustic Surveys
This video describes how to prepare and submit acoustic data into the NABat portal.
Spreaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 5 - Uploading Acoustic Data
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 5 - Uploading Acoustic Data
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 6 - Finish Submitting Project
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Recording of the Florida Bonneted Bat Data Submission Workshop: Part 6 - Finish Submitting Project
Speaker: Roxanne Pourshoushtari (USGS)
Presentation contributors and moderators: Laura D’Acunto (USGS) and Sandra Sneckenberger (FWS)
Below are publications associated with this project.