StreamStats is a Web-based tool that provides streamflow statistics, drainage-basin characteristics, and other information for USGS streamgaging stations and for user-selected ungaged sites on streams. When users select the location of a streamgaging station, StreamStats provides previously published information from a database. When users select a site on an ungaged stream, StreamStats will determine the drainage-basin boundary for the site, compute a variety of drainage-basin characteristics, and solve regression equations to estimate streamflow statistic for the site. This information is needed by engineers, land and water-resource managers, biologists, and many others to help guide decisions in their everyday work.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Estimation of upstream water use with Ohio’s StreamStats application
Adjusted peak-flow frequency estimates for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter D in Montana StreamStats
Methods for estimating peak-flow frequencies at ungaged sites in Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter F in Montana StreamStats
Maine StreamStats: a water-resources web application
Arkansas StreamStats: a U.S. Geological Survey web map application for basin characteristics and streamflow statistics
Geospatial datasets for watershed delineation and characterization used in the Hawaii StreamStats web application
Hawaii StreamStats: A web application for defining drainage-basin characteristics and estimating peak-streamflow statistics
Implementation and Evaluation of the Streamflow Statistics (StreamStats) Web Application for Computing Basin Characteristics and Flood Peaks in Illinois
Incorporation of water-use summaries into the StreamStats web application for Maryland
A Streamflow Statistics (StreamStats) Web Application for Ohio
Below are partners associated with this project.
StreamStats is a Web-based tool that provides streamflow statistics, drainage-basin characteristics, and other information for USGS streamgaging stations and for user-selected ungaged sites on streams. When users select the location of a streamgaging station, StreamStats provides previously published information from a database. When users select a site on an ungaged stream, StreamStats will determine the drainage-basin boundary for the site, compute a variety of drainage-basin characteristics, and solve regression equations to estimate streamflow statistic for the site. This information is needed by engineers, land and water-resource managers, biologists, and many others to help guide decisions in their everyday work.
Below are publications associated with this project.
Estimation of upstream water use with Ohio’s StreamStats application
Adjusted peak-flow frequency estimates for selected streamflow-gaging stations in or near Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter D in Montana StreamStats
Methods for estimating peak-flow frequencies at ungaged sites in Montana based on data through water year 2011: Chapter F in Montana StreamStats
Maine StreamStats: a water-resources web application
Arkansas StreamStats: a U.S. Geological Survey web map application for basin characteristics and streamflow statistics
Geospatial datasets for watershed delineation and characterization used in the Hawaii StreamStats web application
Hawaii StreamStats: A web application for defining drainage-basin characteristics and estimating peak-streamflow statistics
Implementation and Evaluation of the Streamflow Statistics (StreamStats) Web Application for Computing Basin Characteristics and Flood Peaks in Illinois
Incorporation of water-use summaries into the StreamStats web application for Maryland
A Streamflow Statistics (StreamStats) Web Application for Ohio
Below are partners associated with this project.