East Fork Carson River near Markleeville
West Fork Carson River at Woodfords
Carson River near Genoa
Carson River at Deer Run Rd
Carson River near Fort Churchill
The Carson River is an important water resource for residents, agriculture, and wildlife. At the headwaters, precipitation as snow and rain can produce runoff that is unregulated until it reaches Lahontan reservoir. Water flowing in the mainstem may be diverted in Carson Valley for agriculture and for municipal water uses. At Lahontan Reservoir, water imported from the Truckee River Basin is used as needed to supplement natural inflows from the Carson River. Streamflow downgradient of the Lahontan is also used for irrigation and supports habitat critical to migratory birds in the wetlands of the Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge. The USGS provides science support on water quality and quantity, as well as on the impacts of climate change on water resources in the basin.
The Carson River Basin (State of Nevada hydrographic region 8) is about 3,900 square miles and extends about 150 miles from eastern California to Pershing County, Nevada. The Carson River Basin includes the following hydrographic areas: Carson Desert, Churchill Valley, Dayton Valley, Eagle Valley, and Carson Valley. Major cities and towns with the Carson River Basin include Carson City (Nevada's capital), Dayton, Fallon, Gardnerville, and Minden.
USGS Nevada Water Science Center maintains surface and groundwater monitoring locations throughout the Carson River Basin.
- Real-Time Streamflow
- Daily Value Streamflow
- Peak Streamflow
- Water Quality for all site types (zip file)
Carson River Basin Hydro Mapper
- Assessing potential effects of changes in water use with a numerical groundwater-flow model of Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California
By: Richard M. Yager, Douglas K. Maurer, and C.J. Mayers - The distribution and modeling of nitrate transport in the Carson Valley alluvial aquifer, Douglas County, Nevada
By: Ramon C. Naranjo, Toby L. Welborn, and Michael R. Rosen
Presentations related to East Fork and West Fork Carson River Headwater Flow models and Carson Valley Groundwater/Surface Water model are available here.
Modeling Tools
Water Quality Science
Chemical Quality of Water Deliveries to Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada
Nevada Water Science Center projects in the Carson River Basin are linked below.
Collection of arsenic and associated geochemical data important to occurrence and mobility of arsenic in groundwater used for public supply in southern Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada
Water for the Seasons
Evaluation of Groundwater Flow in the Middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, Nevada
Chemical Quality of Water Deliveries to Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada
Occurrence and Mobility of Arsenic in Groundwater Used for Public Supply in Southern Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada
Monitoring Sediment and Water Quality in Clear Creek
USGS Nevada Water Science Center data releases and tools listed below. Links to other available tools and data can be found on the Overview tab.
MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate Potential Effects of Changes in Water Use in the Middle Carson River Basin for Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central, Nevada
Data for the report Geologic Framework and Hydrogeology of the Middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central Nevada
Supplemental Data for Groundwater Contributions to Excessive Algal Growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, West-Central Nevada, 2010 and 2012
Go to View Manage Groundwater-level and groundwater-level change contours for the Lahontan Valley shallow aquifer near Fallon, Nevada, 2012
Nevada Water Science Center publications for the Carson River Basin are listed below.
Assessing potential effects of changes in water use in the middle Carson River Basin with a numerical groundwater-flow model, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, west-central Nevada
Peak streamflow determinations in Nevada: A cooperative program with the USGS and Nevada Department of Transportation
Early warning pesticide monitoring in Nevada’s surface waters
Managed aquifer recharge in snow-fed river basins: What, why and how?
Spatial patterns of meadow sensitivities to interannual climate variability in the Sierra Nevada
Groundwater contributions to excessive algal growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, west-central Nevada, 2010 and 2012
Discharge, sediment, and water chemistry in Clear Creek, western Nevada, water years 2013–16
Chemical quality of water and bottom sediment, Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Lahontan Valley, Nevada
Long-term trends of surface-water mercury and methylmercury concentrations downstream of historic mining within the Carson River watershed
Groundwater-level change and evaluation of simulated water levels for irrigated areas in Lahontan Valley, Churchill County, west-central Nevada, 1992 to 2012
Discharge, suspended sediment, bedload, and water quality in Clear Creek, western Nevada, water years 2010-12
The distribution and modeling of nitrate transport in the Carson Valley alluvial aquifer, Douglas County, Nevada
Carson River Basin Hydro Mapper
The Carson River Basin Hydro Mapper web application provides a modern and easy-to-use interface with the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS).
These are the partners that we are working with currently in the Carson River Basin.
The Carson River is an important water resource for residents, agriculture, and wildlife. At the headwaters, precipitation as snow and rain can produce runoff that is unregulated until it reaches Lahontan reservoir. Water flowing in the mainstem may be diverted in Carson Valley for agriculture and for municipal water uses. At Lahontan Reservoir, water imported from the Truckee River Basin is used as needed to supplement natural inflows from the Carson River. Streamflow downgradient of the Lahontan is also used for irrigation and supports habitat critical to migratory birds in the wetlands of the Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge. The USGS provides science support on water quality and quantity, as well as on the impacts of climate change on water resources in the basin.
The Carson River Basin (State of Nevada hydrographic region 8) is about 3,900 square miles and extends about 150 miles from eastern California to Pershing County, Nevada. The Carson River Basin includes the following hydrographic areas: Carson Desert, Churchill Valley, Dayton Valley, Eagle Valley, and Carson Valley. Major cities and towns with the Carson River Basin include Carson City (Nevada's capital), Dayton, Fallon, Gardnerville, and Minden.
USGS Nevada Water Science Center maintains surface and groundwater monitoring locations throughout the Carson River Basin.
- Real-Time Streamflow
- Daily Value Streamflow
- Peak Streamflow
- Water Quality for all site types (zip file)
Carson River Basin Hydro Mapper
- Assessing potential effects of changes in water use with a numerical groundwater-flow model of Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California
By: Richard M. Yager, Douglas K. Maurer, and C.J. Mayers - The distribution and modeling of nitrate transport in the Carson Valley alluvial aquifer, Douglas County, Nevada
By: Ramon C. Naranjo, Toby L. Welborn, and Michael R. Rosen
Presentations related to East Fork and West Fork Carson River Headwater Flow models and Carson Valley Groundwater/Surface Water model are available here.
Modeling Tools
Water Quality Science
Chemical Quality of Water Deliveries to Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada
Nevada Water Science Center projects in the Carson River Basin are linked below.
Collection of arsenic and associated geochemical data important to occurrence and mobility of arsenic in groundwater used for public supply in southern Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada
Water for the Seasons
Evaluation of Groundwater Flow in the Middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, Nevada
Chemical Quality of Water Deliveries to Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada
Occurrence and Mobility of Arsenic in Groundwater Used for Public Supply in Southern Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada
Monitoring Sediment and Water Quality in Clear Creek
USGS Nevada Water Science Center data releases and tools listed below. Links to other available tools and data can be found on the Overview tab.
MODFLOW-NWT model used to simulate Potential Effects of Changes in Water Use in the Middle Carson River Basin for Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central, Nevada
Data for the report Geologic Framework and Hydrogeology of the Middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central Nevada
Supplemental Data for Groundwater Contributions to Excessive Algal Growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, West-Central Nevada, 2010 and 2012
Go to View Manage Groundwater-level and groundwater-level change contours for the Lahontan Valley shallow aquifer near Fallon, Nevada, 2012
Nevada Water Science Center publications for the Carson River Basin are listed below.
Assessing potential effects of changes in water use in the middle Carson River Basin with a numerical groundwater-flow model, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, west-central Nevada
Peak streamflow determinations in Nevada: A cooperative program with the USGS and Nevada Department of Transportation
Early warning pesticide monitoring in Nevada’s surface waters
Managed aquifer recharge in snow-fed river basins: What, why and how?
Spatial patterns of meadow sensitivities to interannual climate variability in the Sierra Nevada
Groundwater contributions to excessive algal growth in the East Fork Carson River, Carson Valley, west-central Nevada, 2010 and 2012
Discharge, sediment, and water chemistry in Clear Creek, western Nevada, water years 2013–16
Chemical quality of water and bottom sediment, Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Lahontan Valley, Nevada
Long-term trends of surface-water mercury and methylmercury concentrations downstream of historic mining within the Carson River watershed
Groundwater-level change and evaluation of simulated water levels for irrigated areas in Lahontan Valley, Churchill County, west-central Nevada, 1992 to 2012
Discharge, suspended sediment, bedload, and water quality in Clear Creek, western Nevada, water years 2010-12
The distribution and modeling of nitrate transport in the Carson Valley alluvial aquifer, Douglas County, Nevada
Carson River Basin Hydro Mapper
The Carson River Basin Hydro Mapper web application provides a modern and easy-to-use interface with the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS).
These are the partners that we are working with currently in the Carson River Basin.