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Automated deep learning-based point cloud classification on USGS 3DEP lidar data using transformer
The goal of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) is to facilitate the acquisition of nationwide lidar data. Although data meet USGS lidar specifications, some point cloud tiles include noisy and incorrectly classified points. The enhanced accuracy of classified point clouds can improve support for many downstream applications such as hydrologic analysis, urban...
Jung-Kuan (Ernie) Liu, Rongjun Qin, Shuang Song
Evaluation of classified ground points from National Agriculture Imagery program photogrammetrically derived point clouds
Studies have shown that digital surface models and point clouds generated by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) can measure basic forest parameters such as canopy height. However, all measured forest parameters from these studies are evaluated using the differences between NAIP digital surface models (DSMs) and available lidar...
Jung-Kuan (Ernie) Liu, Samantha Arundel, Ethan J. Shavers
GeoAI for spatial image processing
The development of digital image processing, as a subset of digital signal processing, depended upon the maturity of photography and image science, introduction of computers, discovery and advancement of digital recording devices, and the capture of digital images. In addition, government and industry applications in the Earth and medical sciences were paramount to the growth of the...
Samantha Arundel, Kevin G McKeehan, Wenwen Li, Zhining Gu
At what scales does a river meander? Scale-specific sinuosity (S3) metric for quantifying stream meander size distribution
Stream bend geometry is linked to terrain features, hydrologic and ecologic conditions, and anthropogenic forces. Knowledge of the distributions of geometric properties of streams advances understanding of changing landscape conditions and associated processes that operate over a range of spatial scales. Statistical decomposition of sinuosity in natural linear features has proven a...
Larry Stanislawski, Barry J. Kronenfeld, Barbara P. Buttenfield, Ethan J. Shavers
Reimagining standardization and geospatial interoperability in today’s GeoAI culture
Integrating Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) into our technological landscape has revolutionized our capacity to understand and engage with the world. However, the burgeoning adoption of GeoAI applications has underscored the imperative of data, format, and conveyance standardization and enhancing geospatial interoperability. This vision paper delves into the intricacies of the...
Samantha Arundel, Wenwen Li, Bryan B Campbell
A guide to creating an effective big data management framework
Many agencies and organizations, such as the U.S. Geological Survey, handle massive geospatial datasets and their auxiliary data and are thus faced with challenges in storing data and ingesting it, transferring it between internal programs, and egressing it to external entities. As a result, these agencies and organizations may inadvertently devote unnecessary time and money to convey...
Samantha Arundel, Kevin G McKeehan, Bryan B Campbell, Andrew N. Bulen, Philip T. Thiem
Transferring deep learning models for hydrographic feature extraction from IfSAR data in Alaska
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) managed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is being updated with higher-quality feature representations through efforts that derive hydrography from 3DEP HR elevation datasets. Deriving hydrography from elevation through traditional flow routing and interactive methods is a complex, time-consuming process that must be tailored for different...
Larry V. Stanislawski, Nattapon Jaroenchai, Shaowen Wang, Ethan J. Shavers, Alexander Duffy, Philip T. Thiem, Zhe Jiang, Adam Camerer
Generalization quality metrics to support multiscale mapping: Hausdorff and average distance between polylines
Large geospatial datasets must often be generalized for analysis and display at reduced scales. Automated methods including artificial intelligence and deep learning are being applied to this problem, but the results are often analyzed on the basis of limited and subjective measures. To better support automation, a project is underway to develop a robust Python toolkit for computing...
Barry J. Kronenfeld, Larry Stanislawski, Barbara P. Buttenfield, Ethan J. Shavers
Historical maps inform landform cognition in machine learning
No abstract available.
Samantha Arundel, Sinha Gaurav, Wenwen Li, David P. Martin, Kevin G McKeehan, Philip T. Thiem
Automated mapping of culverts, bridges, and dams
Accurate maps of built structures around stream channels, such as dams, culverts, and bridges, are vital in monitoring infrastructure, risk management, and hydrologic modeling. Hydrologic modeling is essential for research and decisionmaking related to infrastructure and development planning, emergency management, ecology, and developing hydrographic data. Technological advances in...
Ethan J. Shavers, Larry Stanislawski, Joel Schott, Zachary Brosseau
Geomorphometric analysis of the Summit and Ridge classes of the Geographic Names Information System
This research aims to conduct a geosemantic comparison of landforms classified in the Summit and Ridge feature classes in the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). The comparison is based on a 2D shape analysis of manually delineated polygons produced by USGS staff to correspond to 33,304 Summit and 8,006 Ridge features. Five shape measures were chosen for this specific...
Sinha Gaurav, Samantha Arundel, Romim Somadder, David P. Martin, Kevin G McKeehan
Comparing line feature morphology with scale specific sinuosity distributions: A modified earth mover’s distance
No abstract available.
Barry J. Kronenfeld, Barbara Buttenfield, Ethan J. Shavers, Larry Stanislawski