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The Environmental Health Program (Contaminant Biology and Toxic Substances Hydrology) generate  environmental contaminant and pathogen, toxicity, and effects data. All of which is provided to the public in our publications and data sets. 

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Biological and chemical data from attenuated and pulsed exposures of fire chemical to fish

Survival endpoints for juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in response to exposure to wildland firefighting chemicals. Exposures were either attenuated or pulsed. For attenuated exposures, chemical treatment was applied at the beginning of the exposure and control water was added for the duration of the assay so chemical concentration...

Target-Chemical Concentration Results for Assessment of Mixed-Organic/Inorganic Chemical and Biological Exposures in North Dakota and South Dakota Tapwater, 2019

Concentration and quality assurance results for organic compounds and bioassay endocrine activity results analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory, Denver, Colorado, Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory, Sacramento, California, the Organic Geochemistry Research Laboratory, Lawrence, Kansas, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research...

Inorganic Concentration Results for Assessment of Mixed Organic/Inorganic Chemical and Biological Exposures in North Dakota and South Dakota Tapwater, 2019

This data set reports results for inorganic constituents analyzed at the Redox Chemistry Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, for the 2019 tapwater study conducted in North Dakota and South Dakota, USA. This project is part of the U.S. Geological Survey, Ecosystems Mission Area, Environmental Health Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Program.

Concentrations of organic and inorganic constituents in tapwater samples from California in 2020-21 (ver. 3.1, March 2024)

This dataset contains the trace elements, cations, anions, disinfection by-products, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), pharmaceutical and pesticide concentration results for the tapwater study conducted in California, November, 2020 through May, 2021. Trace elements, cations and anions were analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey Redox Chemistry Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado...

Laboratory analysis assessing immune response after flame retardant exposure in American kestrels, Falco sparverius, through 21 days post-hatch

Laboratory analysis of innate American kestrel, Falco sparverius, immune response after exposure to flame retardant, isopropylphenyl phosphate (ITP) through 21 days post hatch. Data consist of flow cytometry files that were generated in the analysis of white blood cells from kestrel blood. Thus, data are in standard format that allows files created by one type of acquisition hardware and...

Biogeochemical data of water, sediments, periphyton, and macroinvertebrates collected from springs in and near Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (ver. 4.0, October 2022)

The U.S. Geological Survey is studying uranium and associated trace element bioaccumulation in aquatic invertebrates across a gradient of dissolved uranium concentrations in spring outflow pools and creeks in the Grand Canyon and adjacent watershed. This data release makes available data from sampling campaigns in April 2016, April 2017, and in April 2019. Data collected include: (1)...

Chemical and biological data from a study on sensitivity of a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) to a permitted effluent and elevated potassium

The data release includes data from four studies: (1) toxicity of a permitted effluent, which entered the Deep Fork River (DFR), Oklahoma, USA, to a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) and to 2 standard test species (cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia; and fathead minnow Pimephales promelas) in short-term 7-d effluent tests; (2) relative sensitivities of the 3 species to potassium (K), an...

Hydrologic and Geochemical Data and Models Supporting Integrated Evaluation of the Captain Jack Superfund Site, Boulder County, Colorado

The Captain Jack Superfund site near Ward, Colorado hosts extensive interconnected underground mine workings, which drain via the Big Five Adit. Drainage from the adit has historically been acidic with elevated concentrations of metals. In 2018 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) utilized a subsurface remediation strategy consisting of the installation of a hydraulic bulkhead...

Concentrations of pesticides in multiple matrices to measure exposure of wild bees visiting pollinator hedgerows in northern California

To better understand the exposure of wild bees to pesticides in an agricultural landscape, samples were collected from fields in northern California. Hedgerows are known to provide habitat for wild bees, but these bees may also be exposed to pesticides from nearby agricultural fields. The study included eight hedgerow sites located in an intensively managed agricultural landscape that...

Pesticides and pesticide transformation product data from passive samplers deployed in 15 Great Lakes tributaries, 2016

This dataset includes pesticides and pesticide transformation products in 15 tributaries of the Great Lakes. Pesticides were monitored using polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) to estimate concentrations in water following standard protocols (Alvarez, 2010) in June and July 2016. POCIS extracts were analyzed for 225 chemicals (USGS National Water Quality Laboratory...

Concentrations of inorganic, organic, and microbial analytes from a national reconnaissance of wastewater from food, beverage, and feedstock facilities across the United States

This dataset contains results for treated wastewater samples collected at food processing facilities across the United States to characterize the potential contaminant profile of this type of wastewater. The associated report (Hubbard and others, 2021) can be found at Samples were analyzed by USGS laboratories using 10 target organic (576 unique...

Data acquired in laboratory experiments conducted with the stonefly Zapada sp. and the ephemerellid mayflies Drunella sp. and Ephemerella tibialis to characterize uptake and surface adsorption after short aqueous exposures to uranium, 2017-2019

Little is known about the underlying mechanisms governing uranium (U) bioaccumulation in aquatic insects, especially the influence of surface adsorption on the measured U concentrations (Henry et al. 2020). U.S. Geological Survey scientists are conducting experiments to parameterize conditional rate constants for aqueous U uptake and to quantify desorption of weakly bound U from insect's...
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