Lisa D Miller
Lisa is a Hydrologist with the USGS Colorado Water Science Center, Southeast Colorado Office, in Pueblo, CO.
Since joining the USGS in 1994, she has conducted a variety of surface-water, groundwater, and water-quality studies throughout the country. Her areas of interest include groundwater/surface-water interactions and developing tools and techniques to help water managers optimize water use and water quality in their daily activities.
Professional Experience
2005 - present – Hydrologist, USGS Pueblo, CO
2004 - 2005 – Hydrologist, USGS Columbus, OH
2002 - 2004 – Hydrologist, USGS San Antonio, TX
1998 - 2002 – Hydrologist, USGS Honolulu, HI
1995 - 1998 – Hydrologist/Engineer, USGS Lincoln, NE
1994 - 1995 – Hydrologist/Engineer, USGS Rapid City, SD
Education and Certifications
M.S. (1995) Civil and Environmental Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD
B.S. (1993) Civil Engineering, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Science and Products
Transit-loss accounting program for Monument and Fountain Creeks, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado
Identifying Changes in Background Water-Quality Conditions, Arkansas River and Fountain Creek, Colorado
Public supply water use reanalysis for the 2000-2020 period by HUC12, month, and year for the conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, August 2024)
Analysis of Escherichia coli, total recoverable iron, and dissolved selenium concentrations and loads for selected 303(d) listed segments in the Grand Valley, western Colorado, 1991-2018 (ver. 3.0, August 2021)
Analysis of Escherichia coli, total recoverable iron, and dissolved selenium concentrations, loading, and identifying data gaps for selected 303(d) listed streams, Grand Valley, western Colorado, 1980–2018
Upgrades to a Fortran program for estimating stream transit losses of reusable water, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado
Volcanic aquifers of Hawai‘i—Hydrogeology, water budgets, and conceptual models
Characterization of water quality and suspended sediment during cold-season flows, warm-season flows, and stormflows in the Fountain and Monument Creek watersheds, Colorado, 2007–2015
A water-budget analysis of Medina and Diversion Lakes and the Medina/Diversion Lake system, with estimated recharge to Edwards aquifer, San Antonio area, Texas
Analysis of water quality in the Blue River watershed, Colorado, 1984 through 2007
Assessment of historical surface-water quality data in southwestern Colorado, 1990-2005
Occurrence and distribution of dissolved solids, selenium, and uranium in groundwater and surface water in the Arkansas River Basin from the headwaters to Coolidge, Kansas, 1970-2009
Revised Comparisons of Simulated Hydrodynamics and Water Quality for Projected Demands in 2046, Pueblo Reservoir, Southeastern Colorado
Comparisons of Simulated Hydrodynamics and Water Quality for Projected Demands in 2046, Pueblo Reservoir, Southeastern Colorado
Ground-Water Quality and Potential Effects of Individual Sewage Disposal System Effluent on Ground-Water Quality in Park County, Colorado, 2001-2004
Statistical analyses of hydrologic system components and simulation of Edwards aquifer water-level response to rainfall using transfer-function models, San Antonio region, Texas
Fortran Program for Estimating Stream Transit Losses of Reusable Water, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado
The transit-loss accounting program, which has been in continuous daily use in some form since April 1989, has provided water-rights administrators with a tool to effectively manage RRFs and administer water diversion priorities along Fountain Creek on a daily basis.
Science and Products
Transit-loss accounting program for Monument and Fountain Creeks, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado
Identifying Changes in Background Water-Quality Conditions, Arkansas River and Fountain Creek, Colorado
Public supply water use reanalysis for the 2000-2020 period by HUC12, month, and year for the conterminous United States (ver. 2.0, August 2024)
Analysis of Escherichia coli, total recoverable iron, and dissolved selenium concentrations and loads for selected 303(d) listed segments in the Grand Valley, western Colorado, 1991-2018 (ver. 3.0, August 2021)
Analysis of Escherichia coli, total recoverable iron, and dissolved selenium concentrations, loading, and identifying data gaps for selected 303(d) listed streams, Grand Valley, western Colorado, 1980–2018
Upgrades to a Fortran program for estimating stream transit losses of reusable water, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado
Volcanic aquifers of Hawai‘i—Hydrogeology, water budgets, and conceptual models
Characterization of water quality and suspended sediment during cold-season flows, warm-season flows, and stormflows in the Fountain and Monument Creek watersheds, Colorado, 2007–2015
A water-budget analysis of Medina and Diversion Lakes and the Medina/Diversion Lake system, with estimated recharge to Edwards aquifer, San Antonio area, Texas
Analysis of water quality in the Blue River watershed, Colorado, 1984 through 2007
Assessment of historical surface-water quality data in southwestern Colorado, 1990-2005
Occurrence and distribution of dissolved solids, selenium, and uranium in groundwater and surface water in the Arkansas River Basin from the headwaters to Coolidge, Kansas, 1970-2009
Revised Comparisons of Simulated Hydrodynamics and Water Quality for Projected Demands in 2046, Pueblo Reservoir, Southeastern Colorado
Comparisons of Simulated Hydrodynamics and Water Quality for Projected Demands in 2046, Pueblo Reservoir, Southeastern Colorado
Ground-Water Quality and Potential Effects of Individual Sewage Disposal System Effluent on Ground-Water Quality in Park County, Colorado, 2001-2004
Statistical analyses of hydrologic system components and simulation of Edwards aquifer water-level response to rainfall using transfer-function models, San Antonio region, Texas
Fortran Program for Estimating Stream Transit Losses of Reusable Water, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado
The transit-loss accounting program, which has been in continuous daily use in some form since April 1989, has provided water-rights administrators with a tool to effectively manage RRFs and administer water diversion priorities along Fountain Creek on a daily basis.