When Fern Ridge Lake levels are low the Long Tom River can be seen meandering through the reservoir. Check out the USGS water elevation gage at Fern Ridge Lake Near Elmira, OR - 14168000.
Mackenzie Keith
Mackenzie Keith is a Hydrologist at the USGS Oregon Water Science Center.
Mackenzie joined the Oregon Water Science Center in 2009 as a hydrologist on the Geomorphology Team. Her main research focuses on documenting and understanding recent and historical physical changes to rivers to inform restoration and management decisions. Current projects include characterizing the geomorphic responses of dam removal on the Sandy River, mapping the Willamette River floodplain geomorphology, characterizing the coupled upstream-downstream geomorphic responses to deep reservoir drawdowns at Fall Creek Lake, and developing a geomorphic framework to inform erosion and deposition processes within Willamette Valley reservoirs.
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Geology, Oregon State University, 2006
M.S. in Geology, Portland State University, 2012
Science and Products
Fern Ridge Geomorphology
Willamette FIP Effectiveness Monitoring Framework
Geomorphic Response to Fall Creek Lake Drawdowns
A Thermal Mosaic for the Willamette River
Marmot Dam Removal
Below are data sets that Mackenzie Keith has authored.
Human-modified ponded features mapped within the Willamette River floodplain, Oregon, in 2018
Geomorphic Mapping for the lower Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon in 2018 and 2020
Surficial and subsurface grain-size data for the Siletz River, Oregon, 2017-18
Active channel mapping for the Siletz River, Oregon, 1939 to 2016
Water temperature data to support effectiveness monitoring of channel and floodplain restoration projects along the Willamette River, Oregon (ver. 1.2, May 2024)
Geomorphic Mapping of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, 2016
Geomorphic and larval lamprey surveys in tributaries of the Umpqua River, Oregon
Structure-from-motion datasets of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016
Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette Geomorphic Mapping Geodatabase
Surficial Particle Count and Clay Horizon Marker Data for Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon in 2015-2017
When Fern Ridge Lake levels are low the Long Tom River can be seen meandering through the reservoir. Check out the USGS water elevation gage at Fern Ridge Lake Near Elmira, OR - 14168000.
Drawdown of Fall Creek Lake result in lake levels being lowered to the elevation near the historical, pre-dam streambed.
Drawdown of Fall Creek Lake result in lake levels being lowered to the elevation near the historical, pre-dam streambed.
Below are publications that Mackenzie Keith has authored.
Reservoir evolution, downstream sediment transport, downstream channel change, and synthesis of geomorphic responses of Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette River to water years 2012–18 streambed drawdowns at Fall Creek Lake, Oregon
Historical changes to channel planform and bed elevations downstream from dams along Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon, 1926–2016
Coupled upstream-downstream geomorphic responses to deep reservoir drawdowns at Fall Creek Dam, Oregon
Monitoring framework to evaluate effectiveness of aquatic and floodplain habitat restoration activities for native fish along the Willamette River, northwestern Oregon
Historical changes in bed elevation and water depth within the Nehalem Bay, Oregon, 1891–2019
Improving flood-frequency analysis with a 4,000-year record of flooding on the Tennessee River near Chattanooga, Tennessee
River network and reach‐scale controls on habitat for lamprey larvae in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon
Linking sedimentation and erosion patterns with reservoir morphology and dam operations during streambed drawdowns in a flood-control reservoir in the Oregon Cascades
Monitoring framework for evaluating hydrogeomorphic and vegetation responses to environmental flows in the Middle Fork Willamette, McKenzie, and Santiam River Basins, Oregon
GIS database and discussion for the distribution, composition, and age of Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Pacific Northwest Volcanic Aquifer System study area
Geothermal implications of a refined composition-age geologic map for the volcanic terrains of southeast Oregon, northeast California, and southwest Idaho, USA
Geomorphic response of the North Fork Stillaguamish River to the State Route 530 landslide near Oso, Washington
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Fern Ridge Geomorphology
Willamette FIP Effectiveness Monitoring Framework
Geomorphic Response to Fall Creek Lake Drawdowns
A Thermal Mosaic for the Willamette River
Marmot Dam Removal
Below are data sets that Mackenzie Keith has authored.
Human-modified ponded features mapped within the Willamette River floodplain, Oregon, in 2018
Geomorphic Mapping for the lower Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon in 2018 and 2020
Surficial and subsurface grain-size data for the Siletz River, Oregon, 2017-18
Active channel mapping for the Siletz River, Oregon, 1939 to 2016
Water temperature data to support effectiveness monitoring of channel and floodplain restoration projects along the Willamette River, Oregon (ver. 1.2, May 2024)
Geomorphic Mapping of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, 2016
Geomorphic and larval lamprey surveys in tributaries of the Umpqua River, Oregon
Structure-from-motion datasets of Fall Creek Lake, Oregon, acquired during annual drawdown to streambed November 2016
Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette Geomorphic Mapping Geodatabase
Surficial Particle Count and Clay Horizon Marker Data for Fall Creek and the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon in 2015-2017
When Fern Ridge Lake levels are low the Long Tom River can be seen meandering through the reservoir. Check out the USGS water elevation gage at Fern Ridge Lake Near Elmira, OR - 14168000.
When Fern Ridge Lake levels are low the Long Tom River can be seen meandering through the reservoir. Check out the USGS water elevation gage at Fern Ridge Lake Near Elmira, OR - 14168000.
Drawdown of Fall Creek Lake result in lake levels being lowered to the elevation near the historical, pre-dam streambed.
Drawdown of Fall Creek Lake result in lake levels being lowered to the elevation near the historical, pre-dam streambed.
Below are publications that Mackenzie Keith has authored.
Reservoir evolution, downstream sediment transport, downstream channel change, and synthesis of geomorphic responses of Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette River to water years 2012–18 streambed drawdowns at Fall Creek Lake, Oregon
Historical changes to channel planform and bed elevations downstream from dams along Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon, 1926–2016
Coupled upstream-downstream geomorphic responses to deep reservoir drawdowns at Fall Creek Dam, Oregon
Monitoring framework to evaluate effectiveness of aquatic and floodplain habitat restoration activities for native fish along the Willamette River, northwestern Oregon
Historical changes in bed elevation and water depth within the Nehalem Bay, Oregon, 1891–2019
Improving flood-frequency analysis with a 4,000-year record of flooding on the Tennessee River near Chattanooga, Tennessee
River network and reach‐scale controls on habitat for lamprey larvae in the Umpqua River Basin, Oregon
Linking sedimentation and erosion patterns with reservoir morphology and dam operations during streambed drawdowns in a flood-control reservoir in the Oregon Cascades
Monitoring framework for evaluating hydrogeomorphic and vegetation responses to environmental flows in the Middle Fork Willamette, McKenzie, and Santiam River Basins, Oregon
GIS database and discussion for the distribution, composition, and age of Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Pacific Northwest Volcanic Aquifer System study area
Geothermal implications of a refined composition-age geologic map for the volcanic terrains of southeast Oregon, northeast California, and southwest Idaho, USA
Geomorphic response of the North Fork Stillaguamish River to the State Route 530 landslide near Oso, Washington
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.