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Interactive Map: Virginia and West Virginia Groundwater Levels and Trends

February 4, 2023

About this Tool

The Virginia and West Virginia Groundwater Levels and Trends web application provides access to groundwater level data from continuous groundwater wells across Virginia and West Virginia. Recent water-level measurements for all wells considered are compared to long-term monthly statistics using functions in the HASP R Package. Wells are classified and visualized according to water-level conditions relative to long-term monthly statistics.

Map showing locations of continuous groundwater monitoring stations across Virginia and West Virginia.

For each well, additional information and links to the real time data in Water Data for the Nation is provided on detailed site pages accessible through the pop-up information in the map and in the Network Well List at the bottom of the page. The information on this page updates daily, though some continuous measurements can be as frequent as every five minutes.

Unprocessed groundwater level data are always available on Water Data For the Nation. This website is the best place to get the most recent, uninterpreted data and will include provisional data not shown in this application. It contains water resources data collected from approximately 1.9 million sites in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Visit to learn more about groundwater monitoring efforts by the USGS and partners.


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