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Central Eurasia

USGS activities in central Eurasia focus on natural hazards, energy and mineral resource assessments, water resources, climate change, environmental health, zoonotics, spatial data infrastructure, and ecosystems.

Land with earth brown, vegetation green, and white ice and snow cover in a blue globe view from space - central Eurasia
Central Eurasia

USGS completed a project on the occurrence of Rare Earth Elements in Central Eurasia in coordination and in collaboration with scientists from Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan. 

USGS is focused on seismic hazards in Central and South Asia. A workshop was conducted in Nepal 2013 and in Almaty in fall 2014 bringing seismologists from Central and South Asia together.

USGS is focusing on transboundary water resources. USGS conducted several workshops in coordination with U.S. Embassy Kazakhstan and the International and Technology Center (ISTC) both in Central Eurasia and the U.S. to address water resources science. USGS currently is engaged with ISTC in developing activities focused on water resources, glaciers, and Uranium contamination in the region.

Much of this work is done in close collaboration with other Federal agencies such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), tha National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) of the Department of the Interior (DOI), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Selected Projects and Activities:

Regional Central Asia Engagement
  • Central Asia - A Promising Region for Rare Earth Element Resources
  • Seismology cooperation with Central Asian and South East Asian scientists
  • Food security and climate change
  • National Spatial Data Infrastructure
  • Water resources collaboration
  • Empowerment of women in water resources
  • Water resources
  • Water quality
  • Ecosystems
  • Desertification
  • Wind power and conservation
  • Water resources
  • Geology and natural resources
  • Energy
  • National Spatial Data Infrastructure


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