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Asia and the Pacific

USGS has conducted research and investigations in Asia and the Pacific. 


Asia-Pacific land and islands with earth brown and vegetation green cover in a blue globe view from space
Asia and the Pacific


Under a project sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development, (USAID), USGS is conducting research on the deeper aquifer system in Bangladesh in areas associated with high levels of arsenic in the shallow groundwater. The work uses an integrated geologic, hydrologic, microbiologic, and geochemical approach to characterize the deep aquifer system and to develop mappable criteria that will identify sources of safe groundwater. This work is an integral step in the characterization of the hydrogeological framework needed to define the potential for developing safe and sustainable groundwater sources. The important questions to address are

  • To what extent can the deep aquifer system of the delta be reliably used to provide an alternative drinking-water source for the Nation?
  • How much good-quality water can be produced from this resource?
  • How long will it last?


USGS is an active partner in the Climate Forecasting Systems (CFS) component of the Disaster Management Support Project, which is a collaborative effort of the Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs and USAID.  As a sub-project of the CFS, the Central Water Commission (CWC) of India, the India Meteorological Department, USGS, and the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration implemented a pilot flood forecasting and flood inundation modeling project for the Mahanadi River Basin, where devastating floods occur almost annually. 


USGS provided assistance to Millennium Challenge Corporation to aid in ensuring the sustainable use of available water resources associated with the land/property rights project, notably regarding proposed wells in Mongolia. USGS provided technical assistance related to the potential environmental risks of proposed water resources development. 


USGS and the Pakistan Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) and other Pakistani organizations involved in water resources assessment and management have been engaged in science and technology exchange since 2004. USGS has provided scientific and technical assistance to allow for strengthening of the capabilities of the MoST with emphasis on the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources. The focus of the science and technology exchange has been on water resources assessments, creation of national, regional, and local water-quality laboratories, application of geographic information systems, organic analytical methods for pesticide analyses, creation of an integrated Pakistan water resources data warehouse, and creation of a Center of Excellence in Microbiology.


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