Sampling location at the Kukuavile community along Ankobra River, Ghana highlighting the highly turbid water found near mining sites.

Sampling location at the Kukuavile community along Ankobra River, Ghana highlighting the highly turbid water found near mining sites.

Grated cassava root soaking in alum-processed river water, Kukuavile community along Ankobra River, Ghana.
Grated cassava root soaking in alum-processed river water, Kukuavile community along Ankobra River, Ghana.
USGS chemist Grace Armstrong is accessing Ankobra River sampling site with community consent and accompaniment.
USGS chemist Grace Armstrong is accessing Ankobra River sampling site with community consent and accompaniment.

USGS chemist Grace Armstrong collecting a sediment core for mercury analysis at the Kukuavile community along Ankobra River, Ghana.
USGS chemist Grace Armstrong collecting a sediment core for mercury analysis at the Kukuavile community along Ankobra River, Ghana.

Trainees in the remote sensing class working to develop potential groundwater maps from multiple satellite data sources.
Trainees in the remote sensing class working to develop potential groundwater maps from multiple satellite data sources.
Kolobeng River, Botswana, downstream of a streamflow monitoring station currently recording zero streamflow.
Kolobeng River, Botswana, downstream of a streamflow monitoring station currently recording zero streamflow.

This is an Office of International Programs (OIP) science highlight featuring groundwater remote sensing and optimizations in Kenya.
This is an Office of International Programs (OIP) science highlight featuring groundwater remote sensing and optimizations in Kenya.

In this video segment, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a detailed description of how the USGS uses Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers, (ADCP) to measure flow along the lower Mississippi River.
In this video segment, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a detailed description of how the USGS uses Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers, (ADCP) to measure flow along the lower Mississippi River.

(Episode 3, Part B) In this video segment, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a detailed description of how the USGS deploys heavy samplers to collect discrete water samples for suspended sediment, and bed material on large rivers like the Mississippi River.
(Episode 3, Part B) In this video segment, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a detailed description of how the USGS deploys heavy samplers to collect discrete water samples for suspended sediment, and bed material on large rivers like the Mississippi River.

In this video segment, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a preview of how the USGS is currently working to design a new generation large river sampler. This new sampler will incorporate all functions of previously developed USGS depth and point samplers.
In this video segment, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a preview of how the USGS is currently working to design a new generation large river sampler. This new sampler will incorporate all functions of previously developed USGS depth and point samplers.

In this video segment (Episode 3, Part A), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a detailed description of how the USGS deploys heavy samplers to collect discrete water samples for suspended sediment, and bed material on large rivers like the Mississippi River.
In this video segment (Episode 3, Part A), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) scientists give a detailed description of how the USGS deploys heavy samplers to collect discrete water samples for suspended sediment, and bed material on large rivers like the Mississippi River.

In this video segment, Physical Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) give an overview of USGS monitoring efforts along the Lower Mississippi River. General sampling logistics and monitoring frequencies are also shown.
In this video segment, Physical Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Lower Mississippi Gulf Water Science Center (LMGWSC) give an overview of USGS monitoring efforts along the Lower Mississippi River. General sampling logistics and monitoring frequencies are also shown.