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USGS CoreFacts

It's short on time and big on science.

Special Announcement: CoreFacts Being Discontinued

A special announcement regarding the USGS CoreFacts podcast series.

How is water cleaned?

Listen to hear the answer.

Why should people in the Eastern United States be concerned about earthquakes?

Why should people in the Eastern United States be concerned about earthquakes?

What is tuff?

Listen to hear the answer.

How did Asian swamp eels get here?

Listen to hear the answer.

How far did the ash from Mount St. Helens travel?

Welcome to CoreFacts, where we're always short on time and big on science. I'm Brian Campbell. Today's question is …

How far did the ash from Mount St. Helens travel?

What is a supervolcano?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is the National Map?

Listen to hear the answer.

Were dinosaurs social animals?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a "lava dome"?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a "lava dome"?

Listen to hear the answer.

Does the Earth's magnetic field affect human health?

Listen to hear the answer.

How do volcanoes erupt?

Listen to hear the answer.

What was Pangea?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a thunderegg?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is "artesian well water"?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is an aquifer?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is the Palmer Index?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is geologic time?

Listen to hear the answer.

How hot are volcanoes?

In general, the magma (molten rock) in volcanoes ranges from...

Why are coral reefs in peril and what is being done to protect them?

Coral reefs can be damaged by natural processes, such as storms, but they are increasingly at risk from human activities. Oil spills and pollutants...

What is Remote Sensing?

Remote sensing is the gathering of information about the Earth from a distance. Information can be collected about...

What is a lava tube?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is metadata?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is sterling silver?

Listen to hear the answer.

Can you define safe water?

Safe water means water that will not harm you if you come in contact with it. The most common use of this term applies to drinking water, but it could also apply to water for swimming or other uses. To be safe, the water must...

Can you define safe water?

Safe water means water that will not harm you if you come in contact with it. The most common use of this term applies to drinking water, but it could also apply to water for swimming or other uses. To be safe, the water must...

What are we doing about acid rain?

Listen to hear the answer.

Where are salmon most endangered?

Listen to hear the answer.

How can I report an earthquake experience or related observation?

Starting next Wednesday, July 30, CoreFacts will be delivered once a week instead of daily, in order to bring you better content. Please let us know how you feel about CoreFacts via an e-mail to Listen to hear the answer.

What do Asian swamp eels eat?

Starting next Wednesday, July 30, CoreFacts will be delivered once a week instead of daily, in order to bring you better content. Please let us know how you feel about CoreFacts via an e-mail to Listen to hear the answer.

What colors were dinosaurs?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is ground water?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a reef?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is space weather?

Listen to hear the answer.

Why do scientists band birds?

Listen to hear the answer.

Is glacier ice very cold?

Listen to hear the answer.

How are dinosaurs named?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is Gas Hydrate?

Listen to hear the answer.

What are sinkholes?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a landslide hazard map?

Listen to hear the answer.

How are floods predicted?

Listen to hear the answer.

What does a hydrologist do?

Listen to hear the answer.

How many glaciers are in Alaska?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a topographic map?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is marine geology?

Listen to hear the answer.

Where did dinosaurs live?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a volcano?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is Devils Hole?

Listen to hear the answer.

What are tsunamis?

Listen to hear the answer.

How does a compass work?

Listen to hear the answer.

Are USGS reports copyrighted?

Listen to hear the answer.

Where can I climb a volcano?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is Fool's Gold?

Listen to hear the answer.

Why is snow white?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is the greatest hazard presented by Mount Rainier?

Welcome to CoreFacts, where we're always short on time and big on science. I'm Steve Sobieszczyk. Let's get right to it, today's question is:

What is the greatest hazard presented by Mount Rainier?

What is Landsat 7?

Listen to hear the answer.

Can animals predict earthquakes?

Listen to hear the answer.

When does a drought begin?

Listen to hear the answer.

How dangerous is flooding?

Listen to hear the answer.

Why are glaciers blue?

Listen to hear the answer.

Which was the smartest dinosaur?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is a landslide susceptibility map?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is the "Ring of Fire"?

Listen to hear the answer.

Are there different types of flooding?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is white gold?

Listen to hear the answer.

What is pewter?

Listen to hear the answer.

What are we doing about acid rain?

Listen to hear the answer.

Does the USGS monitor global warming?

Listen to hear the answer.

Do volcanoes affect weather?

Listen to hear the answer.

What causes drought?

Listen to hear the answer.

CoreFacts: It's short on time and big on science.

CoreFacts: It’s short on time and big on science. CoreFacts is coming Feb 4th, 2008. Subscribe today!

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