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An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.

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ModelMuse: A Graphical User Interface for Groundwater Models

ModelMuse is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) models MODFLOW 6, MODFLOW–2005, MODFLOW-LGR, MODFLOW-LGR2, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW-CFP, MODFLOW-OWHM versions 1 and 2, MODPATH, ZONEBUDGET, PHAST, SUTRA 2.2, SUTRA 3.0, SUTRA 4.0,  MT3D-USGS, and WellFootprint and the non-USGS programs MT3DMS and PEST.

Landscape transcriptomic analysis detects thermal stress responses and potential adaptive variation in wild brook trout during successive heatwaves

Extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, are becoming more frequent and intense as a result of climate change. Importantly, such extreme weather events can be more important drivers of extirpation and selection than changes in annual or seasonal averages and they pose a particularly large threat to poikilothermic organisms. In this study, we evaluate the thermal stress response of a coldwater ad

pfdf 2.0.0

This release substantially improves support for working with datasets in a mix of coordinate reference systems. The release also introduces new classes for working with spatial metadata, adds confidence intervals to the Gartner 2014 volume model, adds support for additional unit systems, and improves the user experience when filtering the stream segments in a network.

grsg_lekdb: Compiling and standardizing greater sage-grouse lek databases (version 1.3.0)

Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter referred to as sage-grouse) are landscape-scale sagebrush obligate species and an important gamebird and iconic species of the West (Hanser & Knick, 2011; Rowland et al., 2006). They occupy the sagebrush biome in western North America, extending east of the Sierra Nevada/Cascade Mountain ranges to the western regions of the Great Plains of

CWIRE - Coda Wave Interferometry with Repeating Earthquakes (Version 1.0.0)

This code takes a catalog of earthquakes clustered by waveform similarity (e.g., REDPy) and processes the coda for each pair of earthquakes within each cluster/family for small, relative changes in seismic velocity. The causes of these velocity changes are a topic of active research. This code finds the optimal time stretching factor to either expand or condense one earthquake's coda waveform to m

Retrieving Band Values for a Single Pixel Through Time

In July 2017, a sinkhole collapse significantly impacted the Lake Padgett Estates community in Land O'Lakes, Florida. Two homes were destroyed, and seven others were condemned. Mitigation efforts involved partially filling the sinkhole and creating an open-water pond surrounded by shrubs. This tutorial explores how the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) can be used to analyze changes in

Decoding the Quality Assessment Radiometric Saturation (QA_RADSAT) Band

In this tutorial, we show the effects of radiometric saturation on the Surface Reflectance Bands for a single pixel from Mount Adams, Yakima, Washington. Mount Adams currently supports ten active glaciers, and has consistent snow cover. Thus, it is an excellent survey area to test radiometric saturation from reflective snow. Below, we retrieve and plot the values from all reflectance bands for the

Querying the Landsat SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) with PySTAC

The pystac_client is a Python library that allows you to interact with STAC APIs. It is useful for querying the Landsat STAC API, which provides programmatic access to Landsat satellite imagery collections. In this notebook, we will show users how to use pystac_client to search for products within the Landsat STAC API.

Scaling Landsat Collection 2 Level 2 Data

This tutorial will demonstrate how to apply scale factors to Landsat Level-2 Surface Reflectance and Temperature datasets for Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix is known for being one of the hottest cities in the United States, with surface temperatures reaching up to 80 degrees Celsius. In this tutorial, we will scale the NIR, RED, and LWIR (temperature band) bands of a single Landsat scene acquired over

Formatting and rescaling water use data for the IWAAs National Report

This software release contains code to create the fractional intersectional weights used to crosswalk data from the National Water Use Program to the National Integrated Water Availability Assessment (IWAAs) projects. The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) contains polygons that define the spatial boundaries of hydrologic units. These are periodically updated as these boundary definitions are refine

Bayesian Composition Sampling

R Code to Run Composition Sampling for Cook et al. 2023 The aim of this software is to perform composition sampling on simulated disease observation data. Composition sampling is a valuable approach for statistical inference in data limited systems. This software implements composition sampling on simulated chronic wasting disease surveillance data in white-tailed deer in Michigan, U.S. For additi

Code for quantitative support for the benefits of proactive management for wildlife disease control

This software release contains the input data, R scripts, and Rmarkdown visualization scripts. This includes (i) aggregation code of expert elicited parameter estimates, (ii) simulation code using our develop dynamic multi-state occupancy model for no management, proactive management, and reactive management, (iii) code for probabilistic decision trees, and (iv) Rmarkdown scripts visualize the sim
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