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Chronic Wasting Disease Research by the U.S. Geological Survey & Partners

The USGS, the science bureau of the Department of the Interior, conducts wildlife disease surveillance and research to support management of affected species and their habitats. Here you will find information on USGS science addressing Chronic Wasting Disease across the Nation.

Building a Cloud Forest From the Ground Up

California's Channel Islands were once home to cloud forests, but this unique ecosystem was lost. USGS & partners are bringing them back.

Gas Hydrate in Nature

This geonarrative combines the text and imagery of USGS Fact Sheet 3080 with additional supporting imagery. Except for headings used to organize the text in the geonarrative and an updated name for the coastal and marine program at the USGS, the text is exactly the same as USGS Fact Sheet 3080, with an updated timeline diagram.

USGS Gas Hydrates Project

This geonarrative combines the text and imagery of USGS Fact Sheet 3079 with additional supporting imagery. Except for (a) headings used to organize the text in the geonarrative, (b) an additional reference to support an image included in the geonarrative, and (c) the updated program name for the coastal and marine component of the USGS, the text is the same as that of USGS Fact Sheet 3079. 

Climate Research & Development Program - 2020 Year in Review

Geonarrative that includes summaries of research highlights from the USGS Climate Research & Development Program during 2020. 

Habitat Vulnerability Assessment for Wintering American Black Ducks

We estimated food availability among five main wetland cover types used by overwintering American Black Ducks: subtidal, fresh water, high marsh, low marsh, and mudflat. Bioenergetics models used to inform North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) can be simplified into two major components: energetic demand and energetic supply. 

Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the Chesapeake

Findings from US Geological Survey studies on sources, occurrence, effects and risk of contaminants throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

2020-2021 Alaska Peninsula Earthquake Sequence

A summary of the earthquake sequence in the Alaska Peninsula during 2020 and 2021. On 29 July 2021, a magnitude (M) 8.2 earthquake occurred southeast of Perryville, Alaska, (south of the Alaska Peninsula). This event was preceded in 2020 by two nearby earthquakes. The first was a M7.8 earthquake (22 July 2020), followed three months later by a M7.6 earthquake (19 October 2020).

Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center 2020 Annual Report

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, is one of three centers serving the mission of the USGS Coastal/Marine Hazards and Resources Program (CMHRP). Since its authorization by Congress in 1962, the CMHRP has served as the primary Federal program for marine geology and physical science research.

C-Aquifer Monitoring Program

The Coconino aquifer (C aquifer) supplies water to northeastern Arizona. Proposed increases in groundwater withdrawal to meet population demands, coupled with ongoing drought conditions, increase the potential for water-level changes in the aquifer. The USGS monitors groundwater and surface-water conditions in northeastern Arizona.

Test Sites Catalog

The Test Site Catalog contains information about worldwide radiometric, geometric, and spatial calibration sites used for post launch characterization and calibration of Earth observation sensors.


The Mojave River: Lifeblood of the Desert

Take a 3D tour along the Mojave River and learn about its contribution to groundwater and surface water supply and the geologic characteristics that control it.

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