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Web Tools

Check out web tools that include alert and notification services, data access, data analysis, data visualizations, digital repositories, and interactive maps.



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Data Visualizations

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Interactive Maps

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USGS Map Viewer

The USGS Map Viewer provides a general purpose TerriaMap based geospatial data visualization platform where data publishers can assemble catalogs of spatial datasets with a combination of hand curation and federation of online data services.

Hydrologic Imagery Visualization and Information System (HIVIS)

Many USGS water-resource monitoring sites have webcams installed to allow remote visibility of current water and environmental conditions, identify technical issues, verify remote measurements, and gather data for visual analyses. The Hydrologic Imagery Visualization and Information System (HIVIS) provides access to still-frame images and timelapse videos from our active webcams.

Mauna Loa - Preparing for the next eruption of Earth's largest active volcano

This geonarrative provides an overview of Mauna Loa’s eruptive history and hazards and includes interactive maps and datasets to help residents prepare for the next eruption.

JACIE Search Tool

Annual Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation (JACIE) workshops engage federal agencies, their partners, and the commercial remote sensing industry to understand the characteristics and capabilities of current and new data sources, along with the quality of data they provide. This Tool allows the searching of presentations from the workshops, that started in 2001. 


Arctic Rivers Project: Connecting Indigenous knowledge and western science to strengthen collective understanding of the changing Arctic

The Arctic Rivers Project will weave together Indigenous knowledges, monitoring, and the modeling of climate, rivers (flows, temperature, ice), and fish to improve understanding of how Arctic rivers, ice transportation corridors, fish, and communities might be impacted by and adapt to climate change.

Landsat 2 Overview

After launch in 1975, Landsat 2 began to collect remote sensing data. Outliving its one-year design, Landsat 2 achieved seven years of operation. With two Landsats in orbit, scientists gleaned additional views of the planet.

With this uninterrupted data, the record of the Earth's land surface could always be recorded, allowing for reliable imaging for scientists, policy makers, and land managers.

U.S. Groundwater Conditions

The U.S. Groundwater Conditions animated data visualization depicts groundwater levels at 2,281 well sites across the U.S. At each site, groundwater levels are shown relative to the historic record (using percentiles), indicating where groundwater is comparatively high or low to what has been observed in the past. The corresponding time series chart shows the percent of sites in each water-le

Nitrogen Loading from Selected Long Island Sound Tributaries from 1995 to 2016

This dashboard application displays nitrogen concentrations and loads in selected Long Island Sound tributaries. 

Pennsylvania Real-Time Water Quality

Real-time computed concentrations of water-quality constituents such as suspended sediment and fecal coliform bacteria are calculated using ordinary least squares regression models. The results of these models, along with direct water-quality measurements, can be viewed here as time-series graphs, or downloaded as tabular data.

Climate Research & Development Program - 2021 Year in Review

Geonarrative that summarizes research highlights from the Climate Research & Development Program from 2021.


Species observations for the United States and Territories.

2021 Annual Overview

This year was huge for the Landsat Program. Here are three major Landsat events from 2021. Use the map to explore the stories we've shared with you this year.

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