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U.S. Geological Survey National Produced Waters Geochemical Database (ver. 3.0, December 2023) Viewer

The U.S. Geological Survey National Produced Waters Geochemical Database Viewer (ver. 3.0) provides access to an updated compilation of geochemical and related information for water from oil and gas wells in the United States. The information includes identification and location information, well descriptions, dates, rock properties, physical properties of the water, organic chemistry and more.

Boneau and Williamson Reservoir Water-Quality Sites

Follow the link above to access water-quality and fish tissue results for Boneau and Williamson Reservoir.

Asset Identifier Service (AIS)

The USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) allows USGS personnel to reserve, register, publish, and manage USGS persistent identifiers to make our research more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR).

Lake Class and Walleye Natural Resources Information

The goal of this tool is that users of the tool can use the information provided here to inform their decisions (or their advice to those with decision-making authority) about whether to Resist, Accept, or Direct in walleye fisheries in Wisconsin.


The BatTool R package provides functions implementing a demographic matrix model with associated Shiny graphical user interface.

Interactive Catchment Explorer (ICE)

Interactive Catchment Explorer (ICE) is a web-based data visualization tool for exploring complex, multivariate environmental datasets and model results. It is designed to help researchers and resource managers identify spatial patterns in hydro-ecological conditions and to prioritize locations for restoration or further study.


EcoSHEDS is a collection of Spatial Hydro-Ecological Data Systems (SHEDS) designed to improve our understanding of stream ecosystems. The goal of EcoSHEDS is to provide a series of user-friendly tools for gaining insight and supporting transparent research, management, and decision-making of hydro-ecological resources.

Flow Photo Explorer

The Flow Photo Explorer is an integrated database, machine learning, and data visualization platform for monitoring streamflow and other hydrologic conditions using timelapse images.

Restoration of the Sulphur Springs Geothermal Area, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Evaluation of surface water quality and geothermal resources before, during, and after restoration

VALL recently received National Park Service (NPS) funding to restore the Sulphur Springs area to pre-mining conditions. Restoration will include removing the old buildings and debris, plugging geothermal wells and grading the mine overburden piles and other disturbed earth to a more natural angle of repose, followed by revegetation,

Water bottling across the U.S.

This Web Tool explores the count of water bottling facilities across the U.S. Facility types include bottled water facilities, breweries, distilleries, ice facilities, soft drink manufacturing plants, and wineries. Reported volumes withdrawn (water use) for bottled water facilities are also explored for the small number of facilities for which data are currently available.

REmote Aquatic Chlorophyll-a Tracker (REACT)

This tool shows the presence of aquatic chlorophyll-a in select waterbodies. Note: This tool indicates the presence of aquatic chlorophyll-a and should not be used to determine if a toxic cyanobacterial bloom (harmful algal bloom) is present.

Denitrification Only Removes Minor Amounts of Nitrate in Eastern San Joaquin Valley Groundwater

Nitrate is a major concern to water-resource managers in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, and there are extensive regulatory programs in place that seek to reduce nonpoint-source loading and eventually reduce concentrations in groundwater.
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