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U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Geospatial Data Gateway

Natural resources and environmental data, including orthoimagery, hydrologic, and cartographic data.

USGS Rainfall Calculator

Find out how much rain has fallen—how many gallons have come down from the skies onto your roof, yard, block, or town.

Regional Research Web Cameras

Access to regional web cameras located in the desert southwest and arctic Alaska. Desert cameras capture and document regional climate variability with a specific focus on local and regional dust emission and transport. The artic Alaska cameras capture and document regional climate variability with a specific focus on snow cover and permafrost feature evolution.

California SPARROW Mapper, 2002

The SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regression on Watershed attributes) model was used to simulate annual phosphorus loads and concentrations in unmonitored stream reaches in California, U.S., and portions of Nevada and Oregon.

Texas Geology Web Map Viewer

The Texas Geology Web Map Viewer is the third generation in a series of Texas geologic mapping products which is intended to empower and expose surface geology details to a broad range of diverse users interested in exploring the geology of the State of Texas. Key features incude clear navigational controls, location search, and an identify tool to retrieve detailed formation data.

StreamStats in Oklahoma

Delineate custom drainage basins, compute basin characteristics, and estimate streamflow statistics. Funding partners: Oklahoma Department of Transportation and Oklahoma Water Resources Board

U.S. Water Use from 1950-2015

U.S. Water Use from 1950-2015 is an interactive map viewer used to visualize water use by region and date for U.S. freshwater withdrawals, 1950-present (created by USGS VIZLAB).

Eastern United States 2002 Nutrient Loading

The U.S. Geological Survey applied the SPARROW model to assess the loads delivered in 2002 for estuaries and coastal waters along the Atlantic Ocean and eastern Gulf of Mexico.

Alkalinity Calculator

The Alkalinity Calculator will analyze the titration curve and calculate the alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) of the sample using one or more of several different methods. Alkalinity is for filtered samples, while ANC is for unfiltered samples. The results will be displayed in tabular and graphical form.

USGS Science in Alaska

The portal is a searchable, web map-based tool to facilitate public and partner access to information on over 200 subjects under USGS study in the Nation's largest State.

Groundwater Recharge in Pennsylvania

A map app to get recharge values from streamgage locations in Pennsylvania. Development of this app is described at the Related Science page.

Pacific Northwest SPARROW Mapper, 2002

The SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model was used to perform an assessment of surface‐water nutrient conditions and to identify important nutrient sources in watersheds of the Pacific Northwest region of the United States (U.S.) for the year 2002.
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