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USGS Domestic Continuous (Unconventional) Oil & Gas Assessments, 2000-Present

Interactively explore assessment summary information for continuous (unconventional) assessments conducted at the USGS from 2000-2018. The assessment results data used to generate this visualization can be downloaded here in Excel Format.  These data represent all assessment results for Continuous Assessments only from 2000-2018.

Topographic Change Viewer

The USGS has developed a national inventory of significant topographic changes based on seamless multitemporal elevation data and land cover data. The National Elevation Dataset (NED) and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data form a unique pair of seamless elevation datasets that can be used to detect and analyze 20th century topographic surface changes in the United States.

Download Species Range and Predicted Habitat Data

This tool allows the user to explore or download the National Gap terrestrial species habitat distribution models, ranges and the species models reports. These models cover the conterminous U.S. and were based on 2001 land cover conditions.

COAWST: A Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave- Sediment Transport Modeling System

To better identify the significant processes affecting our coastlines and how those processes create coastal change we have developed a Coupled Ocean – Atmosphere – Wave – Sediment Transport (COAWST) Modeling System, which is integrated by the Model Coupling Toolkit to exchange data fields between the ocean model ROMS, the atmosphere model WRF, the wave model SWAN, and the sedime

Edwards and Trinity Geology in Parts of South Central Texas

Groundwater flow and storage in the Edwards and Trinity aquifers are largely controlled by the geologic structure and hydrostratigraphy in the region. To help local agencies and stakeholders to more effectively manage the regional water resources, a better understanding of the spatial distribution of the geologic framework and hydrostratigraphic units of the aquifers is needed.

Water-Quality Monitoring on Lake Houston

In cooperation with the City of Houston, USGS collects, processes, and interprets water-quality, streamflow, and reservoir water elevation and capacity data. These data are collected to better understand the effects of urbanization in Lake Houston, a drinking water reservoir in Houston, Texas. 


GWWebFlow is a browser-based groundwater model viewer designed to allow users to easily explore model inputs and outputs for published and approved USGS models.

ESPA On-Demand Interface

The USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Science Processing Architecture (ESPA) On-Demand Interface is used to request processing and services for Landsat Science Products and MODIS products. 

StreamStats Batch Processing Tool

This tool produces shapefiles that contain the delineated basins, basin characteristics, and flow statistics for multiple sites requested at once by users. Before this tool can be used, the the points of interest will likely need to be edited in GIS so that they are coincident with the stream grid used by StreamStats for delineations and saved to a shapefile. 

Texas Water On-The-Go (discontinued)

The Water On-the-Go app has been discontinued. You can view gages near your location using the National Water Dashboard.

“Water On-the-Go” was a map-based web application to give people easy access to current conditions in streams across Texas. It was developed to help raise water awareness during floods and normal conditions.

Landsat State Mosaic Puzzle Game

How well do you know your state? Find out by completing the puzzle! Once you master your state, you can choose another state or try one of our other images. Click here to play.

Whole Wildlife Toxicology Catalog

The Whole Wildlife Toxicology Catalog is a compilation of websites containing toxicological information related to amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals that may be of value to scientists, risk assessors, regulators and natural resource managers.

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