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The climate history, land cover and land surface data developed by the Climate R&D Program is vital to various types of research and management applications, including assessing the impacts of climate change, evaluating ecosystem status and health, understanding spatial patterns of biodiversity, and informing land use planning.

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Data release for Oxygen isotopes of land snail shells in high latitude regions

The present study investigates the environmental significance of the oxygen isotopic composition of several modern land snail species collected along two north-to-south transects in Alaska and Scandinavia at latitudes between 60 and 70 degrees N. We tested the hypothesis that land snail shell Delta18O values primarily track precipitation Delta18O. The results show that shell Delta18O values from S

Data release for Evidence of glacial activity during MIS 4 in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA

The Ziegler Reservoir fossil site near Snowmass Village, Colorado (USA) provides a rare opportunity to examine environmental conditions in the Rocky Mountains during marine isotope stage (MIS) 4 (71-57 ka). Although recognized as a global-scale cold event, MIS 4 is typically absent from Rocky Mountain glacial chronologies because the geologic evidence was either covered or destroyed during the sub

Water table depth, soil moisture, and meteorological data from Panola Mountain Research Watershed, 2017 - 2020

These data represent time-series of water table depth from nine monitoring wells, soil moisture from three depths at a single monitoring location, and meteorological data from a weather station at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed (PMRW) in Rockdale County Georgia. Water-level data were logged at a 5 minute interval. In total, the data span from April 2017 to April 2020 but some wells did not

National Surface Water Maps using Daily MODIS Satellite Data for the Conterminous United States, 2003-2019

Members from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Patterns in the Landscape - Analyses of Cause and Effect (PLACE) team are releasing monthly surface water maps for the conterminous United States (U.S.) from 2003 through 2019 as 250-meter resolution geoTIFF files. The maps were produced using the Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) algorithm applied to daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiome

Soil geomorphic unit and ecological site group maps for the rangelands of the Upper Colorado River Basin region

This data release includes maps characterizing soil geomorphic units (SGUs), climate zones, and ecological site groups that classify landscapes by ecological potential and behavior for use in land management in the Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) region. Soil geomorphic units were created by analysis and grouping of ecological sites (ESs), a more detailed local system of ecological units managed

Data release for Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum

Archaeologists and researchers in allied fields have long sought to understand human colonization of North America. Questions remain about when and how people migrated, where they originated, and how their arrival affected the established fauna and landscape. Here, we present evidence from excavated surfaces in White Sands National Park (New Mexico, United States), where multiple in situ human foo

Precipitation, air temperature, streamflow, and water table depths from selected wells at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, 2001 - 2003

This dataset contains hourly average groundwater level time-series for 19 monitoring wells at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed (PMRW) from January 2001 to October 2002. The data was used in a hydrologic modeling study to test a model formulation that allowed for bi-direction fluxes between groundwater and surface water in a bucket type hydrologic model. Some wells had missing data so record

Precipitation, soil moisture, and vegetation data from 36 experimental plots in southeastern Utah, near Canyonlands National Park (2015 - 2018)

These data were compiled for a study that investigated the effects of drought seasonality and plant community composition on two dominant perennial grasses, Achnatherum hymenoides (C3 photosynthesis), and Pleuraphis jamesii (C4 photosynthesis), in a dryland ecosystem. In 2015 USGS Ecologists recorded vegetation and soil moisture data in 36 experimental plots which manipulated precipitation in two

Radiocarbon dating of an alluvial deposit with associated faunal remains

We assessed a construction site in the northern Las Vegas Valley that was initially reported as an "ice age" deposit. Alluvial deposits exposed at the site were inset into the Las Vegas Formation and contained semi-articulated Equus remains. Calibrated radiocarbon dates on two different materials associated with the remains centered on 1957, thus rendering the horse bones as modern.

Radiocarbon Dates and Foraminiferal Geochemistry Data for Sediment Core Collected from Garrison Basin, Gulf of Mexico

Stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition (delta18O and delta13C) and magnesium-to-calcium (Mg/Ca) ratios were measured in the tests of planktic foraminiferal species, Globigerinoides ruber (white variety), in a northwestern Gulf of Mexico sediment core 2010-GB2-GC1 collected from the Garrison Basin (26.67 degrees N, 93.92 degrees W) at a water depth of 1776 meters (m), aboard the R/V Cape Hatt

Alpine Vegetation Trends in Glacier National Park, Montana 2019

This dataset is focused on alpine plant species presence/absence, species turnover, and trends in species abundance on four mountain summits in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. This dataset consists of data from 2019, the fourth survey of the project which is on a five year survey schedule. Two summit sites were established in 2003 on Dancing Lady and Bison Mountain, east of the continental di

Data from a reactive transport modeling study of cave seepage water chemistry

Karst systems are useful for examining spatial and temporal variability in Critical Zone processes because they provide a window into the subsurface where waters have interacted with vegetation, soils, regolith, and bedrock across a range of length and time scales. The majority of Critical Zone research has emphasized silicate lithologies, which are typified by relatively slow rates of reactivity
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