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Photo Roundup - April-May 2020

A selection of coastal and marine images and videos from across the USGS

This article is part of the April-May 2020 issue of the Sound Waves newsletter.

A USGS field team measures spring floodwaters at Chesapeake bay's largest tributary.
A USGS field team, to include Pat Bowen, Kate Bowen and John Trainor, uses specialized equipment to measure spring floodwaters at Chesapeake Bay's largest tributary, the Susquehanna River in Maryland. At this site, the team has an interesting strategy to deal with conflicts between sample-collection protocols and Covid-19 safe-distancing recommendations. Pat and Kate are married, so they can safely work together, while John maintains a safe distance at the helm.
Video Transcript
Cattail (Typha) is an iconic emergent wetland plant found worldwide. A diverse team of researchers produced a paper that details the spread and management of cattail throughout North America. 
USGS technicians launch "sparker" used in seafloor mapping
USGS research geologist Jason Chaytor (L) and marine technicians Alex Nichols (center) and Eric Moore (R) deploy the “sparker” sound source on a seismic research cruise off the southwest coast of Puerto Rico aboard research vessel Sultana in March 2020.
Four panel image displaying corals in degraded versus good condition up close and on a coral reef.
Key used in an educational lesson plan for identifying the composition and condition of corals and coralline algae in a core. (a) Two examples of Pocillopora in good taphonomic condition (<50% erosion or encrustation of the skeleton). Intervals in cores during which Pocillopora skeletons dominate and are in good condition represent times of good coral growth and active reef development (b). (c) Example of core constituents from an interval representing poor coral growth and interrupted reef development (d). Such intervals are dominated by Pocillopora skeletons in poor taphonomic condition (“Poc. Poor”), Psammocora stellata skeletons (“Psam.”), and/or coralline algae (>50% erosion or encrustation of the skeleton).
Video Transcript
This video demonstrates a simulation of how storms can impact sandy coastlines through processes such as erosion. This demonstration is conducted at outreach events by scientists at the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center. The activity can also be re-created at home or in the classroom.
Underwater photograph of a shallow area with coral reef and sand.
Porites and Acropora coral species in reef flat pools in the National Park of American Samoa on Ofu, Manuʻa Islands Group, American Samoa.

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