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Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site
Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site

Desert marigold (Baileya multiradiata) blooming in a monitoring quadrat at a RestoreNet site in Northern Arizona. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

Claudia Dimartini holds a long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument
Long camelthorn rhizomes exposed in a wash at Wupatki National Monument

USGS Biological Science Technician Claudia Dimartini poses with a long camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum) rhizome (underground root structure from which new plants can propagate that was exposed in a wash at the Deadman Wash Confluence Area. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

USGS Biological Science Technician Claudia Dimartini poses with a long camelthorn (Alhagi maurorum) rhizome (underground root structure from which new plants can propagate that was exposed in a wash at the Deadman Wash Confluence Area. Photo by Laura Shriver (USGS).

a field of sagebrush and yellow flowers under a dark sky full of clouds
Field sampling in Montana
Field sampling in Montana
Field sampling in Montana

A landscape of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentada) and yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in Montana.

A landscape of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentada) and yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in Montana.

rain falling from dark storm clouds over a field of sagebrush and grasses
Storm over sagebrush steppe in Montana
Storm over sagebrush steppe in Montana
Storm over sagebrush steppe in Montana

A storm rolls in during field work at the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in Montana. Crews were measuring plant cover and other site characteristics. Sagebrush and yellow sweet clover are visible.

A storm rolls in during field work at the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in Montana. Crews were measuring plant cover and other site characteristics. Sagebrush and yellow sweet clover are visible.

A clearing of nearly bare dirt surrounded by low, green vegetation. A person wearing a hat is crouched down touching a plant
ROAM field data collection
ROAM field data collection
ROAM field data collection

A five-person USGS crew collecting Rapid and Other Assessment and Monitoring (ROAM) density data in southwest Idaho. One person is inspecting a plant in the foreground, while the rest of the team are identifying and counting individual plants during a radial density belt. 

A five-person USGS crew collecting Rapid and Other Assessment and Monitoring (ROAM) density data in southwest Idaho. One person is inspecting a plant in the foreground, while the rest of the team are identifying and counting individual plants during a radial density belt. 

a white plastic pole and tape mark the location of a sampling plot. The ground is mostly bare dirt with a few small sagebrush
Downward facing photo within a ROAM plot
Downward facing photo within a ROAM plot
Downward facing photo within a ROAM plot

A downward-facing photo taken on a Rapid and Other Methods for Assessment and Monitoring (ROAM) plot that is within a fuel break. The photo includes a lot of gravel and bare ground, with intermixed small grasses, forbs, and shrubs. 

A downward-facing photo taken on a Rapid and Other Methods for Assessment and Monitoring (ROAM) plot that is within a fuel break. The photo includes a lot of gravel and bare ground, with intermixed small grasses, forbs, and shrubs. 

baby sagebrush plants
Recently germinated sagebrush plants
Recently germinated sagebrush plants
Recently germinated sagebrush plants

Many new big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) plants that have just sprouted from the ground in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in Idaho.

Many new big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) plants that have just sprouted from the ground in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in Idaho.

person leaning over placing a long pin with a red flag on top into the ground near a white tape
Line-point intercept vegetation survey in Idaho
Line-point intercept vegetation survey in Idaho
Line-point intercept vegetation survey in Idaho

A field crew member collecting line-point intercept data at a Project ROAM (Rapid and Other Methods for Assessment and Monitoring) plot. A pin flag is dropped along a transect line and the vegetation it comes into contact with is recorded to estimate cover. 

A field crew member collecting line-point intercept data at a Project ROAM (Rapid and Other Methods for Assessment and Monitoring) plot. A pin flag is dropped along a transect line and the vegetation it comes into contact with is recorded to estimate cover. 

RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site
RAMPS employees and partners pose in front of a cattle grazing enclosure at a RestoreNet site

From left to right: RAMPS Ecologist Seth Munson, RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver, RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo, NAU postdoctoral researcher Collin VanBuren, and Diablo Trust Program Manager Corinne LaViolette. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

From left to right: RAMPS Ecologist Seth Munson, RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver, RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo, NAU postdoctoral researcher Collin VanBuren, and Diablo Trust Program Manager Corinne LaViolette. Photo by Seth Munson (USGS).

Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding
Newly installed RestoreNet treatments including pits + seedballs + live topsoil and live topsoil + direct seeding

Newly installed RestoreNet Version 2.0 treatment plots at Bar T Bar Ranch in Northern Arizona. Left: a plot that received pitting + seedballs + live topsoil inoculum (in the seedballs), Right: a plot that received live topsoil inoculum (spread across the plot) and direct seeding.

Newly installed RestoreNet Version 2.0 treatment plots at Bar T Bar Ranch in Northern Arizona. Left: a plot that received pitting + seedballs + live topsoil inoculum (in the seedballs), Right: a plot that received live topsoil inoculum (spread across the plot) and direct seeding.

Incorporating cattle into restoration treatments at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet site
Cattle at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet experimental study site, Bar T Bar Ranch, AZ
Cattle at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet experimental study site, Bar T Bar Ranch, AZ
Cattle at a Northern Arizona RestoreNet experimental study site, Bar T Bar Ranch, AZ

Cattle inside a grazing enclosure at the Bar T Bar Ranch RestoreNet site in Northern Arizona.

Bike-produced seedballs laying on a tray to try before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation
Bike-produced seedballs before field implementation

Seedballs produced by a seedball bike drying before field implementation. The seedball bike was constructed at USGS with help from the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University for RestoreNet restoration experiments.

Seedballs produced by a seedball bike drying before field implementation. The seedball bike was constructed at USGS with help from the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University for RestoreNet restoration experiments.

Several people stand talking around a table covered in pamphlets and a laptop under a thatched, open air pavilion
Laura Norman with graduate students in Baja California Sur
Laura Norman with graduate students in Baja California Sur
Laura Norman with graduate students in Baja California Sur

Norman with graduate students from the Academic Department of Earth Sciences at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS) teaching high school students from El Sargento at the “Caminos Del Agua” Water Festival  (photo by Alfredo Martinez, March 11, 2024).

RAMPS Biologist rides a bike designed to create seedballs (mixes of seed, clay, and other materials) for restoration
RAMPS Biologist rides a seedball bike to make seedballs for RestoreNet restoration
RAMPS Biologist rides a seedball bike to make seedballs for RestoreNet restoration
RAMPS Biologist rides a seedball bike to make seedballs for RestoreNet restoration

RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo rides a seedball bike designed to create seedballs (mixes of seed, clay, and other materials) for RestoreNet restoration

RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo rides a seedball bike designed to create seedballs (mixes of seed, clay, and other materials) for RestoreNet restoration

Map of Wyoming and northeast Utah shaded by Core and Growth Opportunity Sagebrush Areas
Wyoming and Northeast Utah Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape
Wyoming and Northeast Utah Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape
Wyoming and Northeast Utah Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Map of Idaho and southwest Montana shaded by core and growth opportunity sagebrush areas
Idaho and Southwest Montana Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape
Idaho and Southwest Montana Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape
Idaho and Southwest Montana Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Map of southwest Colorado shaded by Core and Growth Opportunity sagebrush areas
Southwest Colorado Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape
Southwest Colorado Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape
Southwest Colorado Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscape

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Map of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and Oregon shaded by core and growth opportunity sagebrush conservation areas
DOI Sagebrush Keystone Initiative - Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes
DOI Sagebrush Keystone Initiative - Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes
DOI Sagebrush Keystone Initiative - Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Layer Sources

Sagebrush Collaborative Restoration Landscapes capture over a third of the remaining intact Core Sagebrush Areas across the sagebrush biome.

Layer Sources

Person hunching over white metal box in ground
Tarah Balden, scientist, Yurok Tribe looking at data logger
Tarah Balden, scientist, Yurok Tribe looking at data logger
Tarah Balden, scientist, Yurok Tribe looking at data logger

A soil moisture data logger buried in the ground is a specialized instrument designed to measure and record the moisture content of soil over time. Here's how it generally functions:

A soil moisture data logger buried in the ground is a specialized instrument designed to measure and record the moisture content of soil over time. Here's how it generally functions:

RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference
RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference
RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference
RestoreNet poster presentation at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference

RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver (left) and RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo (right) pose with a poster describing the RAMPS project RestoreNet at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Sant

RAMPS Coordinator Laura Shriver (left) and RAMPS Biologist Sarah Costanzo (right) pose with a poster describing the RAMPS project RestoreNet at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Sant

RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023
RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023
RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023
RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology get together at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023

RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) get together to discuss potential seeding network across New Mexico at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

RAMPS and the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) get together to discuss potential seeding network across New Mexico at the Society for Ecological Restoration – Southwest Chapter 2023 Annual Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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