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State Geologists & Geological Surveys

Geological Surveys, city and county governments, and professional consultants may have specific landslide information for your area. The American Association of State Geologists (AASG) maintains a directory of all State Geological Surveys. 

A select number of State Geological Surveys presented on state-specific landslide topics at the USGS Landslide Hazards Seminar Series. Learn more about landslides in these states using the links below.  


Alaska landslides—A challenge for the Last Frontier

Alaska is the largest and arguably most geomorphologically diverse state in the union, as well as being the most sparsely mapped and poorly understood. While slope instability features are abundant and obvious on the landscape, only a handful have been documented due to the huge area, low population, and unique remoteness of most of the state. Alaska’s climate and complex geology result in...

The Arkansas Geological Survey Landslide Program

The talk will cover the Arkansas Geological Survey Landslide Program, statewide inventory activities and projects, collaboration partners and future research goals.

Landslide case studies across California’s diverse terrain

California is one of the most geologically diverse states in the nation, the second most seismically active, and first in seismic risk with a population approaching 40 million. Climate regimes span from deserts to temperate rain forests, and its geologic framework consists of hard crystalline rocks, to soft unconsolidated sediment spanning Paleoproterozoic to Quaternary. Across California’s eleven...

An overview of landslide hazards in Idaho

Landslides are a significant hazard in Idaho because they are widespread, destructive, disruptive, and their exact timing and location is unpredictable. Despite the drastic precipitation gradient across Idaho, landslides occur throughout the state. Idaho’s underlying geology and steep topography create favorable conditions for landsliding. Furthermore, the location of many of Idaho’s...

Sea to summit: An overview of landslides in Maine

The majority of Maine’s mass wasting events occur in glacial deposits and can be roughly divided into three geographic groups: coastal, inland lowland, and inland upland. Maine’s variety of landscapes and surficial materials has also resulted in diverse events from isolated rock falls to large (> 1 km2) spreads in geotechnically sensitive glaciomarine deposits. Lidar topographic data acquisition...

The building and upkeep of a landslide hazards program: The confluence (collision?) of science, history, politics, and public opinion – A Blue Ridge perspective on a national challenge

Building and maintaining a landslide hazards program as a state agency presents many opportunities and challenges. Core functions of the North Carolina Geological Survey’s landslide hazards program have been to provide technical assistance in responses to landslide events, to conduct countywide landslide hazard mapping, and have evolved to include landslide monitoring. Funding for such programs...

Pennsylvania Landslides, Pittsburgh and Beyond: A 40-year Perspective

A broad overview of landslide geology across Pennsylvania, and historical and current work on landslides by the Pennsylvania Survey and others. The diverse geology and topography of Pennsylvania's woods provides a variety of landslide problems beyond the well-known issues around Pittsburgh.

Landslides in the Empire State – A brief review of the Quaternary geology and landslide styles and phenomena in New York State

The bedrock geology and fluvial erosional history of New York State has resulted in unique physiographic settings. Late Pleistocene glaciations engaged the existing landscape, altered and dammed drainage resulting in the formation of extensive proglacial lakes. Deposition of fine-grained sediments in proglacial lakes was common and excessive and some places exceed 500 feet in thickness. After and...

Utah landslides — Types, problems, and risk reduction

Utah is the second driest state in the nation but has a surprising number of active landslides, different landslide types, and some large landslides. The presentation will provide an overview of Utah landslides, their problems, implemented risk-reduction measures, and the ongoing efforts of the Utah Geological Survey to understand and manage Utah landslides. Giraud R (2021). Utah landslides —...

Utah’s ancient mega-landslides

During the late Oligocene to early Miocene, the Marysvale volcanic field of southwestern Utah experienced three consecutive, catastrophic, mega-scale collapse events: the Sevier, Markagunt, and Black Mountains gravity slides, which we refer to collectively as the Marysvale gravity slide complex (MGSC). Each collapse ranks among Earth’s largest terrestrial landslides; collectively they span more...

Washington Geological Survey’s Landslide Hazard Program

In 2015, the Washington Geological Survey received legislative funding to start a Landslide Hazards Program (LHP). The LHP has three primary functions: landslide inventory mapping, post-wildfire debris flow assessments, and emergency response. This presentation will include an overview of the LHP and our products and discuss how the program has evolved over the last 6 years. Mickelson K (2021)...

Communicating landslide information and hazards with maps and graphics at the Washington Geological Survey

The Washington Geological Survey works to increase public and scientific understanding of landslide hazards in Washington State. One of the ways that we do this is through use of interpretive maps, illustrations, and other types of graphics. I will show several examples of these products and will discuss some of the methods used to construct them. Coe (2023) Communicating landslide information and...

Landslides in Wyoming: Work, challenges, and case studies

Wyoming’s diverse topography is host to a wide range of landslide types, density, and susceptibility. Landslides are common in multiple regions of the state, and several high-profile events in the past decade have damaged property, disrupted transportation corridors, and led to substantial economic loss. However, it is more common for landslides in Wyoming to remain unreported because they occur...

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