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Dissolved organic matter dynamics from mountains to sea - James Shanley

Research the movement of organic carbon out of the mountains and into the stream -- the “forgotten flux” of the global carbon budget. Assess how climate extremes, including both floods and drought, will alter carbon and other nutrient cycling. Lead a scientific paper on an aspect of this research that excites you.

Dissolved organic matter dynamics from mountains to sea - James Shanley

Research the movement of organic carbon out of the mountains and into the stream -- the “forgotten flux” of the global carbon budget. Assess how climate extremes, including both floods and drought, will alter carbon and other nutrient cycling. Lead a scientific paper on an aspect of this research that excites you.
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Hydrothermal alteration at Yellowstone - linking geophysical models to alteration mineralogy- Paul Bedrosian

This opportunity focuses on integration of geophysical modeling with constraints on alteration mineralogy from spectral measurements on drill core and hyperspectral remote sensing data.

Hydrothermal alteration at Yellowstone - linking geophysical models to alteration mineralogy- Paul Bedrosian

This opportunity focuses on integration of geophysical modeling with constraints on alteration mineralogy from spectral measurements on drill core and hyperspectral remote sensing data.
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Coregonine restoration in the Great Lakes- David Bunnell

The principals of conservation biology are waiting to be applied to restore native coregonines in the Great Lakes. Native fishes have suffered extinctions and extirpations owing to loss of habitat, interactions with invasive species, and overfishing, and now fishery managers are committed to their restoration.

Coregonine restoration in the Great Lakes- David Bunnell

The principals of conservation biology are waiting to be applied to restore native coregonines in the Great Lakes. Native fishes have suffered extinctions and extirpations owing to loss of habitat, interactions with invasive species, and overfishing, and now fishery managers are committed to their restoration.
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Peatland responses to centennial and millennial-scale changes in North Pacific hydroclimate- Miriam Jones

This study will examine centennial- to millennial-scale North Pacific hydroclimate variability over the late-glacial and Holocene from Alaskan peatlands using cellulose extraction from peatland plants. Hydroclimate analysis will be coupled with vegetation and carbon dynamics to better understand how peatlands respond to long-term climate variability.

Peatland responses to centennial and millennial-scale changes in North Pacific hydroclimate- Miriam Jones

This study will examine centennial- to millennial-scale North Pacific hydroclimate variability over the late-glacial and Holocene from Alaskan peatlands using cellulose extraction from peatland plants. Hydroclimate analysis will be coupled with vegetation and carbon dynamics to better understand how peatlands respond to long-term climate variability.
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Water Withdrawal Footprint Visualizations- Daniel Goode

Decision makers, water use stakeholders, and the public at large need intuitive visualizations of the status and trends in water use in order to make wise management decisions. How can we best turn newly available details on water use in the US into geospatial information that can be easily understood, without biasing that information. Help us create maps that make our water use data come alive.

Water Withdrawal Footprint Visualizations- Daniel Goode

Decision makers, water use stakeholders, and the public at large need intuitive visualizations of the status and trends in water use in order to make wise management decisions. How can we best turn newly available details on water use in the US into geospatial information that can be easily understood, without biasing that information. Help us create maps that make our water use data come alive.
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The influence of preferential flow on water and solute fluxes in the unsaturated zone- John Nimmo

Much unsaturated-zone water moves not as typically slow diffuse flow, but rapidly through preferential flow channels such as root holes and fractures. Impacts are profound and far-reaching for issues such as contaminant transport, ecohydrology, and aquifer recharge. Understanding is limited and accepted theory is lacking, making preferential flow a crucial and exciting area of earth science.

The influence of preferential flow on water and solute fluxes in the unsaturated zone- John Nimmo

Much unsaturated-zone water moves not as typically slow diffuse flow, but rapidly through preferential flow channels such as root holes and fractures. Impacts are profound and far-reaching for issues such as contaminant transport, ecohydrology, and aquifer recharge. Understanding is limited and accepted theory is lacking, making preferential flow a crucial and exciting area of earth science.
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Operational remote sensing on the verge of changing water resources management- Kyle Blasch

Have you ever thought that our nation’s satellites could be put to better use than watching you drink your fifth cup of coffee as you prepare for final exams? If so, then this is a project that you would enjoy. The hydrologic community is at a pivotal moment in the application of remote sensing into everyday decision making and we need you.

Operational remote sensing on the verge of changing water resources management- Kyle Blasch

Have you ever thought that our nation’s satellites could be put to better use than watching you drink your fifth cup of coffee as you prepare for final exams? If so, then this is a project that you would enjoy. The hydrologic community is at a pivotal moment in the application of remote sensing into everyday decision making and we need you.
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Groundwater Storage - Middle East / North Africa- Daniel Goode

The goal of this activity is to improve water security in the MENA region by accelerating ASR. This activity will accelerate adoption of ASR by applying and disseminating new methods for mapping and identifying high potential ASR locations using remote sensing, geospatial data, and hydrologic analysis.

Groundwater Storage - Middle East / North Africa- Daniel Goode

The goal of this activity is to improve water security in the MENA region by accelerating ASR. This activity will accelerate adoption of ASR by applying and disseminating new methods for mapping and identifying high potential ASR locations using remote sensing, geospatial data, and hydrologic analysis.
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Evaluation of the National Streamgage Network to Support Surface Water Characterization- Chris Konrad

How can our national streamgage network evolve to meet changing demands in the coming fifty years? This is an opportunity to explore the varied uses of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Streamgage Network and understand how it can be used to support water management across the country and how it can be more effectively designed.

Evaluation of the National Streamgage Network to Support Surface Water Characterization- Chris Konrad

How can our national streamgage network evolve to meet changing demands in the coming fifty years? This is an opportunity to explore the varied uses of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Streamgage Network and understand how it can be used to support water management across the country and how it can be more effectively designed.
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Ecosystem Services of Urban Stormwater Management- Kristina Hopkins

As urban development continues to expand, the ecosystem services provided by the urban landscape will be increasingly important to human well-being. Join our interdisciplinary team to help us quantify the water quality services provided by urban stormwater management practices such as rain gardens, infiltration trenches, and detention ponds.

Ecosystem Services of Urban Stormwater Management- Kristina Hopkins

As urban development continues to expand, the ecosystem services provided by the urban landscape will be increasingly important to human well-being. Join our interdisciplinary team to help us quantify the water quality services provided by urban stormwater management practices such as rain gardens, infiltration trenches, and detention ponds.
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Opening the black box -- digging into watershed dissolved organic carbon (DOC) processes to interpret DOC dynamics at the outlet- James Shanley

As a leading team in stream sensor application, we welcome a GRIP intern to help expand our focus on DOC quality. The intern will have free experimental reign in an established research watershed with great opportunities to publish. This position is set in a beautiful small town /rural setting with plenty of outdoor recreational activities.

Opening the black box -- digging into watershed dissolved organic carbon (DOC) processes to interpret DOC dynamics at the outlet- James Shanley

As a leading team in stream sensor application, we welcome a GRIP intern to help expand our focus on DOC quality. The intern will have free experimental reign in an established research watershed with great opportunities to publish. This position is set in a beautiful small town /rural setting with plenty of outdoor recreational activities.
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Assessment of Infiltration and Recharge due to Wetland Restoration in a Semiarid Ecosystem- Laura M. Norman

This intern will work with an exciting team of scientists to develop novel approaches to assess wetland restoration. Methods include documenting baseline conditions and monitoring site evolution, hydrologic modeling, using shallow piezometers to estimate recharge and storage change, tracking streambed water exchanges using heat as a tracer, and estimating percolation using electrical resistivity.

Assessment of Infiltration and Recharge due to Wetland Restoration in a Semiarid Ecosystem- Laura M. Norman

This intern will work with an exciting team of scientists to develop novel approaches to assess wetland restoration. Methods include documenting baseline conditions and monitoring site evolution, hydrologic modeling, using shallow piezometers to estimate recharge and storage change, tracking streambed water exchanges using heat as a tracer, and estimating percolation using electrical resistivity.
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