Anne M Wein, Ph.D.
Dr. Anne Wein is a principle investigator with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in the Western Geographic Science Center, Moffett Field, California.
Her collaborative research activities translate natural hazard information and data into societal consequences to help inform decision-making and policy discussions. She has coordinated the analyses of economic impacts for USGS scenarios in California: the 2008 ShakeOut earthquake, 2011 ARkStorm winter storm, and 2013 SAFRR Tsunami. Currently, she co-leads the Bay Area HayWired earthquake sequence scenario. Also, she investigates the communication of aftershock information and forecasts during the 2010-2012 Canterbury, New Zealand earthquake sequence with GNS Science.
Anne works at the interfaces of disciplines (e.g., between engineering and economics), between theory and practice, using quantitative and qualitative methods. She received a Success Story award for advancing the goals of the USGS Science Strategy through the development and execution of the ShakeOut Scenario and Exercise.
Professional Experience
2015- present, Research Operations Research Analyst, Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC)
2007-2014, Operations, Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC)
2004-2007 Contractor, Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC)
Education and Certifications
Stanford University, Ph.D. Decision Sciences, June 1988
Stanford University, M.S. Operations Research, June 1985
University of Canterbury, New Zealand, B.S.Hons, Operations Research, May 1983
Christchurch Primary Teachers College, New Zealand, 1978-7
Honors and Awards
Recognition for leadership on the HayWired scenario by Metropolitan Transportation Commission/Assocation of Bay Area Governments, 2019
Recognition for leadership in USGS Strategic Science Planning, 2012
USGS Pacific Southwest Science Strategy Success Story, 2009
Best Scientific Paper, USGS Geography Discipline, 2009