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Annika Walters, PhD

Assistant Unit Leader - Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Annika joined the Wyoming Unit as Assistant Unit Leader of Fisheries in 2011. Her research addresses basic questions in population and community ecology and applied questions in conservation biology and fisheries management. Her focus is aquatic ecosystems and how these ecosystems are altered by natural and anthropogenic disturbance. Major research themes include multiple stressors, fish movement patterns, and native fish conservation. Most of her research is motivated by conservation concerns and has implications for management and restoration efforts. She works closely with agency cooperators across Wyoming and the region to address questions that can help inform the management of fishes and aquatic ecosystems. She currently teaches advanced fisheries management and seminars on topics of interest at University of Wyoming. 

Annika received graduate degrees from Yale University and was a post-doctoral researcher at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center and at the University of Washington in Seattle.

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