The namesake of the City of Steamboat Springs was once a geyser. Now the spring upwells into a large pool before flowing out to the Yampa River.
Connor Patrick Newman
Connor is a Hydrologist - Groundwater Specialist with the Colorado Water Science Center (COWSC), in Lakewood, CO.
As groundwater specialist for the Colorado Water Science Center, Connor focuses on investigations including evaluation of groundwater/surface-water interactions, groundwater geochemistry, groundwater modeling, and studies of acid mine drainage. Connor applies an integrated suite of methods including physical, geochemical, and statistical tools in an effort to better understand water resources of Colorado, and to provide this information to stakeholders and water managers. Connor also assists other USGS staff with the design of groundwater investigations and participates in public outreach.
Professional Experience
2015-2016 – Staff Hydrogeologist, Itasca Denver, Inc.
2016-2018 – Environmental Scientist, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
2018-Present – Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey
Education and Certifications
Master of Science, Geology, 2014. University of Nevada, Reno
Bachelor of Arts, Geology, 2011. University of Colorado, Boulder
Affiliations and Memberships*
Professional Geologist - Wyoming (PG-4139)
Science and Products
Making water tracing rock solid: national, geologic map-based visualization of USGS water strontium isotope data
Isotopic and environmental tracers for improved understanding of geochemical and hydrologic processes occurring near flooded mine workings
Data supporting management of thermal springs –Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Hydrology of an Artesian Aquifer near Manitou Springs, Colorado
Hydrology of and potential for groundwater storage in the alluvial aquifer in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado
Compilation of water-quality data, discharge data, and geochemical equilibrium models for streams, draining mine adits, and springs in the Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado, 1987–2020
Statistical and groundwater-flow models of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer near Colorado Springs, Colorado
Environmental tracer model for the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado, 2019
Recharge temperatures and groundwater-age models for the Paradox Valley alluvial aquifer, 2011, Colorado
Analytic-element groundwater-flow model of the Captain Jack Superfund Site, Boulder County, Colorado
Water-level and well-discharge data related to aquifer testing in Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2019
Hydrologic and Geochemical Data and Models Supporting Integrated Evaluation of the Captain Jack Superfund Site, Boulder County, Colorado
Passive seismic (HVSR) data from Fountain Creek, CO
Water-level and pumping data, water-level models, and estimated hydraulic properties for the Paradox Valley alluvial aquifer in Montrose County, Colorado, 2013
Environmental-tracer modeling to support hydrogeochemical evaluation of the Fountain Creek Alluvial Aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2018-2019
Water-level and well-discharge data related to aquifer testing in Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado, 2019
The namesake of the City of Steamboat Springs was once a geyser. Now the spring upwells into a large pool before flowing out to the Yampa River.
USGS hydrologists use thermal infrared (IR) imagery to evaluate the distribution of warm and hot springs near the Yampa River. Numerous diffuse springs discharge near the river, and IR imagery is useful as a screening tool to pinpoint points of discharge to be sampled for water quality.
USGS hydrologists use thermal infrared (IR) imagery to evaluate the distribution of warm and hot springs near the Yampa River. Numerous diffuse springs discharge near the river, and IR imagery is useful as a screening tool to pinpoint points of discharge to be sampled for water quality.
Springs discharging from the artesian aquifer are commonly supersaturated with minerals. In this photo at Iron Spring a small mound of iron hydroxides is forming below where the spring outflows to Fountain Creek.
Springs discharging from the artesian aquifer are commonly supersaturated with minerals. In this photo at Iron Spring a small mound of iron hydroxides is forming below where the spring outflows to Fountain Creek.
Image of a streamflow measurement site on Fountain Creek near Manitou Springs, Colorado.
Image of a streamflow measurement site on Fountain Creek near Manitou Springs, Colorado.
Image of North Taylor Creek in Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado prior to completion of a surface-water discharge measurement.
Image of North Taylor Creek in Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado prior to completion of a surface-water discharge measurement.
Photo of equipment for slug test at aquifer testing site in Colorado. The Rocky Mountains are visible in the background.
Photo of equipment for slug test at aquifer testing site in Colorado. The Rocky Mountains are visible in the background.
Hydrogeologic conceptual model of groundwater occurrence and brine discharge to the Dolores River in the Paradox Valley, Montrose County, Colorado
High resolution identification and quantification of diffuse deep groundwater discharge in mountain rivers using continuous boat-mounted helium measurements
Groundwater hydrology, groundwater and surface-water interactions, aquifer testing, and groundwater-flow simulations for the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, near Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2018–20
Mechanisms of water-rock interaction and implications for remediating flooded mine workings elucidated from environmental tracers, stable isotopes, and rare earth elements
Hydrologic compartmentalization and analytic-element groundwater-flow simulations for a draining mine tunnel
Opportunities to improve water quality during abandoned mine-tunnel reclamation
Assessing specific-capacity data and short-term aquifer testing to estimate hydraulic properties in alluvial aquifers of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA
Using an unmanned aerial vehicle water sampler to gather data in a pit-lake mining environment to assess closure and monitoring
Natural and anthropogenic geochemical tracers to investigate residence times and groundwater–surface-water interactions in an urban alluvial aquifer
NGWA Groundwater Modeling Advisory Panel Survey on the Use of Uncertainty Analysis in Groundwater Modeling
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Making water tracing rock solid: national, geologic map-based visualization of USGS water strontium isotope data
Isotopic and environmental tracers for improved understanding of geochemical and hydrologic processes occurring near flooded mine workings
Data supporting management of thermal springs –Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Hydrology of an Artesian Aquifer near Manitou Springs, Colorado
Hydrology of and potential for groundwater storage in the alluvial aquifer in the Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado
Compilation of water-quality data, discharge data, and geochemical equilibrium models for streams, draining mine adits, and springs in the Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado, 1987–2020
Statistical and groundwater-flow models of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer near Colorado Springs, Colorado
Environmental tracer model for the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado, 2019
Recharge temperatures and groundwater-age models for the Paradox Valley alluvial aquifer, 2011, Colorado
Analytic-element groundwater-flow model of the Captain Jack Superfund Site, Boulder County, Colorado
Water-level and well-discharge data related to aquifer testing in Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2019
Hydrologic and Geochemical Data and Models Supporting Integrated Evaluation of the Captain Jack Superfund Site, Boulder County, Colorado
Passive seismic (HVSR) data from Fountain Creek, CO
Water-level and pumping data, water-level models, and estimated hydraulic properties for the Paradox Valley alluvial aquifer in Montrose County, Colorado, 2013
Environmental-tracer modeling to support hydrogeochemical evaluation of the Fountain Creek Alluvial Aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2018-2019
Water-level and well-discharge data related to aquifer testing in Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado, 2019
The namesake of the City of Steamboat Springs was once a geyser. Now the spring upwells into a large pool before flowing out to the Yampa River.
The namesake of the City of Steamboat Springs was once a geyser. Now the spring upwells into a large pool before flowing out to the Yampa River.
USGS hydrologists use thermal infrared (IR) imagery to evaluate the distribution of warm and hot springs near the Yampa River. Numerous diffuse springs discharge near the river, and IR imagery is useful as a screening tool to pinpoint points of discharge to be sampled for water quality.
USGS hydrologists use thermal infrared (IR) imagery to evaluate the distribution of warm and hot springs near the Yampa River. Numerous diffuse springs discharge near the river, and IR imagery is useful as a screening tool to pinpoint points of discharge to be sampled for water quality.
Springs discharging from the artesian aquifer are commonly supersaturated with minerals. In this photo at Iron Spring a small mound of iron hydroxides is forming below where the spring outflows to Fountain Creek.
Springs discharging from the artesian aquifer are commonly supersaturated with minerals. In this photo at Iron Spring a small mound of iron hydroxides is forming below where the spring outflows to Fountain Creek.
Image of a streamflow measurement site on Fountain Creek near Manitou Springs, Colorado.
Image of a streamflow measurement site on Fountain Creek near Manitou Springs, Colorado.
Image of North Taylor Creek in Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado prior to completion of a surface-water discharge measurement.
Image of North Taylor Creek in Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado prior to completion of a surface-water discharge measurement.
Photo of equipment for slug test at aquifer testing site in Colorado. The Rocky Mountains are visible in the background.
Photo of equipment for slug test at aquifer testing site in Colorado. The Rocky Mountains are visible in the background.
Hydrogeologic conceptual model of groundwater occurrence and brine discharge to the Dolores River in the Paradox Valley, Montrose County, Colorado
High resolution identification and quantification of diffuse deep groundwater discharge in mountain rivers using continuous boat-mounted helium measurements
Groundwater hydrology, groundwater and surface-water interactions, aquifer testing, and groundwater-flow simulations for the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer, near Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2018–20
Mechanisms of water-rock interaction and implications for remediating flooded mine workings elucidated from environmental tracers, stable isotopes, and rare earth elements
Hydrologic compartmentalization and analytic-element groundwater-flow simulations for a draining mine tunnel
Opportunities to improve water quality during abandoned mine-tunnel reclamation
Assessing specific-capacity data and short-term aquifer testing to estimate hydraulic properties in alluvial aquifers of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA
Using an unmanned aerial vehicle water sampler to gather data in a pit-lake mining environment to assess closure and monitoring
Natural and anthropogenic geochemical tracers to investigate residence times and groundwater–surface-water interactions in an urban alluvial aquifer
NGWA Groundwater Modeling Advisory Panel Survey on the Use of Uncertainty Analysis in Groundwater Modeling
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government