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Holly Embke, Ph.D.

Holly Embke is a Research Fish Biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. 

Holly leads the Midwest CASC's aquatics program and co-leads the CASC Fish Research Team. Her research aims to understand conditions to support self-sustaining inland fish communities in a changing climate across a range of scales. Her work is collaborative and seeks to inform the conservation of inland fishes by working directly with partners to address areas of concern and develop adaptation strategies.

Her research consists of projects across the basic to applied science spectrum with a focus on understanding the impact of climate change on inland fisheries. She works across a range of scales, including local (e.g., walleye in Wisconsin lakes), regional (e.g., recreational fisheries across the U.S.), and global (e.g., valuing inland fisheries globally).

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