Julie Dietze vs. Jonathon Cohl in a Rock/Paper/Scissors showdown that you'd have to see to believe!
Jonathan A. Cohl
A Hydrologic Technician with the New Jersey Water Science Center associated with the Water-Quality Observations Program. NJ WSC technicians have expertise in surface-water, groundwater, and water-quality data collection and review, as well as the installation and maintenance of gages and data-collection equipment.
Science and Products
Organic and inorganic constituents in surface water and native and non-native fish and frog health data collected from streams, impoundments and wetlands in the New Jersey Pinelands, 2017-2020 (ver. 1.1, August 2022)
Estrogen equivalents of surface water and smallmouth bass estrogenic biomarker data in New Jersey, 2016-2017
Current-use pesticides and emerging amphibian pathogens in natural ponds, excavated ponds, and stormwater basins from 24 sites varying in land-use classifications throughout the New Jersey Pinelands, 2014-2016
Location, sampling methods and field conditions of resiliency-mode soil and sediment sampling stations sampled, Sediment-Bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy pilot study, northeastern United States, 2015
Location, sampling methods and field conditions of response-mode soil and sediment sampling stations sampled, Sediment-Bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy pilot study, northeastern United States, 2015
Julie Dietze vs. Jonathon Cohl in a Rock/Paper/Scissors showdown that you'd have to see to believe!
Hydrologist Bradley Bjorklund sharing deployment information with cooperators at an anchored continuous water quality monitor deployment downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir
Hydrologist Bradley Bjorklund sharing deployment information with cooperators at an anchored continuous water quality monitor deployment downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir
Scientists setting up a multi-parameter sonde water quality monitor deployment anchored to the streambed and suspended in the center of flow downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir.
Scientists setting up a multi-parameter sonde water quality monitor deployment anchored to the streambed and suspended in the center of flow downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection advised the public to avoid swimming in or contact with Lake Hopatcong water due to a harmful algal bloom confirmed in June 2019 by aerial surveillance. To help study water-quality conditions and the bloom’s severity, the USGS installed a monitoring buoy on the lake in July.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection advised the public to avoid swimming in or contact with Lake Hopatcong water due to a harmful algal bloom confirmed in June 2019 by aerial surveillance. To help study water-quality conditions and the bloom’s severity, the USGS installed a monitoring buoy on the lake in July.
Assessing the ecological functionality and integrity of natural ponds, excavated ponds and stormwater basins for conserving amphibian diversity
An initial comparison of pesticides and amphibian pathogens between natural and created wetlands in the New Jersey Pinelands, 2014–16
Standard operating procedures for collection of soil and sediment samples for the Sediment-bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response (SCoRR) strategy pilot study
U.S. Geological Survey COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance
USGS, as part of the National Wastewater Surveillance System, designed and implemented high-frequency sampling of wastewater across six states throughout September 2021, to support tracking of potential increases in COVID-19 infections in communities. COVID-19 viral loads were determined for each sample with the goal of delivering results to the CDC within three days of sampling.
Science and Products
Organic and inorganic constituents in surface water and native and non-native fish and frog health data collected from streams, impoundments and wetlands in the New Jersey Pinelands, 2017-2020 (ver. 1.1, August 2022)
Estrogen equivalents of surface water and smallmouth bass estrogenic biomarker data in New Jersey, 2016-2017
Current-use pesticides and emerging amphibian pathogens in natural ponds, excavated ponds, and stormwater basins from 24 sites varying in land-use classifications throughout the New Jersey Pinelands, 2014-2016
Location, sampling methods and field conditions of resiliency-mode soil and sediment sampling stations sampled, Sediment-Bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy pilot study, northeastern United States, 2015
Location, sampling methods and field conditions of response-mode soil and sediment sampling stations sampled, Sediment-Bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy pilot study, northeastern United States, 2015
Julie Dietze vs. Jonathon Cohl in a Rock/Paper/Scissors showdown that you'd have to see to believe!
Julie Dietze vs. Jonathon Cohl in a Rock/Paper/Scissors showdown that you'd have to see to believe!
Hydrologist Bradley Bjorklund sharing deployment information with cooperators at an anchored continuous water quality monitor deployment downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir
Hydrologist Bradley Bjorklund sharing deployment information with cooperators at an anchored continuous water quality monitor deployment downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir
Scientists setting up a multi-parameter sonde water quality monitor deployment anchored to the streambed and suspended in the center of flow downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir.
Scientists setting up a multi-parameter sonde water quality monitor deployment anchored to the streambed and suspended in the center of flow downstream of the outlet at Spruce Run Reservoir.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection advised the public to avoid swimming in or contact with Lake Hopatcong water due to a harmful algal bloom confirmed in June 2019 by aerial surveillance. To help study water-quality conditions and the bloom’s severity, the USGS installed a monitoring buoy on the lake in July.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection advised the public to avoid swimming in or contact with Lake Hopatcong water due to a harmful algal bloom confirmed in June 2019 by aerial surveillance. To help study water-quality conditions and the bloom’s severity, the USGS installed a monitoring buoy on the lake in July.
Assessing the ecological functionality and integrity of natural ponds, excavated ponds and stormwater basins for conserving amphibian diversity
An initial comparison of pesticides and amphibian pathogens between natural and created wetlands in the New Jersey Pinelands, 2014–16
Standard operating procedures for collection of soil and sediment samples for the Sediment-bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response (SCoRR) strategy pilot study
U.S. Geological Survey COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance
USGS, as part of the National Wastewater Surveillance System, designed and implemented high-frequency sampling of wastewater across six states throughout September 2021, to support tracking of potential increases in COVID-19 infections in communities. COVID-19 viral loads were determined for each sample with the goal of delivering results to the CDC within three days of sampling.