Kara M Garvin
Hydrologist Oklahoma - Texas Water Science Center
As a Hydrologist with the New Jersey Water Science Center, my primary research focus has been on surface-water statistics. I've worked on projects to compute low-flow and flood frequency statistics at gaging stations and partial record sites and to develop regional regression equations used to estimate low- flow and flood frequency statistics at ungaged sites. I've developed the StreamStats web application for New Jersey, which allows users to calculate basin characteristics, peak-flow and low-flow estimates for a selected drainage basin. I am a member of the USGS StreamStats Advisory Committee. I am currently working on creating flood inundation maps for stream reaches with known flooding issues in New Jersey. The mapping process uses HEC-RAS surface water models and GIS analysis tools to map the aerial extent and depth of flooding in the stream reaches.
B.S., Geology; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, August 1996