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Mike Colvin, PhD

Dr. Mike Colvin is a Research Ecologist at the Columbia Environmental Research Center

Dr. Mike Colvin received a Ph.D. from Iowa State University. He was a postdoctoral scholar at Oregon State University, where he trained in using structured decision-making and adaptive management of natural resources. As an assistant and associate professor at Mississippi State University, he taught courses in fisheries science, fisheries management, and natural resource decision-making. His research group applied decision-making approaches to conserving and managing aquatic resources. He joined the USGS in 2022 as a research ecologist. 

Mike’s research efforts integrate management actions, monitoring, and research with structured decision-making and adaptive management. Current research areas include

  • Supporting science components and decision analysis for endangered pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River,
  • Adaptive management program development for invasive carps,
  • Developing decision support tools for species status assessments of aquatic species in the southeast US, and
  • Applying structured decision-making and adaptive management to natural resource problems.

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