Patrick C Longley
Patrick is a Hydrologist with the USGS Colorado Water Science Center, Western Colorado Office, in Grand Junction, CO.
Patrick is interested in studying how snowpack dynamics and changing climate affect water availability and water quality at a variety of scales.
Professional Experience
Hydrologist, USGS-Colorado Water Science Center, Grand Junction, CO, 2022-present
Physical Scientist, USGS-Utah Water Science Center, Salt Lake City, UT, 2020-2022
Water Rights Specialist, Utah Division of Water Rights, Salt Lake City, UT, 2019-2020
Hydrologic Technician, National Park Service, Yosemite, CA, 2018
Research Assistant, Nevada Mountain Ecohydrology Lab, Reno, NV, 2015-2017
Education and Certifications
Masters of Science in Hydrology, the University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, 2017
Focus: Quantifying the effects of changing snowpack dynamics on hydrologic partitioning at multiple scalesBachelor of Science in Mathematics, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 2014
Science and Products
Daily baseflow specific conductance and daily baseflow discharge at selected sites within the Colorado River Basin for water years 1980-2022
Daily baseflow specific conductance, daily baseflow discharge, and seasonal baseflow discharge and baseflow dissolved solids loads at selected sites within the Colorado River Basin for water years 1980 – 2022
Erosion rates and salinity and selenium yields in a basin near Rangely, Colorado following the 2017 Dead Dog wildfire as modeled by WEPP and measured from UAV
Digital hydrogeologic framework model of the Upper Colorado River Basin, western U.S.
Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope mass balance evaluation of the National Water Model (v2.1) streamflow, runoff and groundwater flows
SPARROW model inputs and simulated future baseflow for streams of the Upper Colorado River Basin
Dissolved-Selenium Concentrations and Loads in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado, as Part of the Selenium Management Program (ver. 3.0, August 2023)
Wildland fire effects on sediment, salinity, and selenium yields in a basin underlain by Cretaceous marine shales near Rangely, Colorado
Isotopic evaluation of the National Water Model reveals missing agricultural irrigation contributions to streamflow across the western United States
Assessing exposure of northern Utah communities to dust from the contaminated and dynamic Great Salt Lake playa
A review of current capabilities and science gaps in water supply data, modeling, and trends for water availability assessments in the Upper Colorado River Basin
How will baseflow respond to climate change in the Upper Colorado River Basin?
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Daily baseflow specific conductance and daily baseflow discharge at selected sites within the Colorado River Basin for water years 1980-2022
Daily baseflow specific conductance, daily baseflow discharge, and seasonal baseflow discharge and baseflow dissolved solids loads at selected sites within the Colorado River Basin for water years 1980 – 2022
Erosion rates and salinity and selenium yields in a basin near Rangely, Colorado following the 2017 Dead Dog wildfire as modeled by WEPP and measured from UAV
Digital hydrogeologic framework model of the Upper Colorado River Basin, western U.S.
Hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope mass balance evaluation of the National Water Model (v2.1) streamflow, runoff and groundwater flows
SPARROW model inputs and simulated future baseflow for streams of the Upper Colorado River Basin
Dissolved-Selenium Concentrations and Loads in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado, as Part of the Selenium Management Program (ver. 3.0, August 2023)
Wildland fire effects on sediment, salinity, and selenium yields in a basin underlain by Cretaceous marine shales near Rangely, Colorado
Isotopic evaluation of the National Water Model reveals missing agricultural irrigation contributions to streamflow across the western United States
Assessing exposure of northern Utah communities to dust from the contaminated and dynamic Great Salt Lake playa
A review of current capabilities and science gaps in water supply data, modeling, and trends for water availability assessments in the Upper Colorado River Basin
How will baseflow respond to climate change in the Upper Colorado River Basin?
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.