Native seedlings along the Colorado River consisting of a mix of mostly Baccharis, tamarisk, and a couple of cottonwoods.A peso coin is included for scale.
Patrick Shafroth, PhD
Patrick B. Shafroth is a Research Ecologist at the Fort Collins Science Center.
Since 1991, Dr. Shafroth has conducted research on riparian ecosystems, primarily in arid and semi-arid regions of western U.S. He and his colleagues from the USGS and other institutions have focused their work on understanding relationships between surface and ground-water hydrology, fluvial processes, and the dynamics of native and introduced riparian vegetation. This research has often been conducted in the applied context of riparian ecosystem restoration with the goal of providing solid, objective scientific information that can be used to inform riparian restoration efforts. More specific restoration-related research areas include studies of large-scale flow experiments, dam removal, effects of invasive species control and associated restoration actions, and potential interactions with climate change.
Some of Dr. Shafroth’s current research includes studies of: vegetation and geomorphic responses to experimental flow releases downstream of dams on the Bill Williams River, Arizona; the Colorado River delta in Mexico and the U.S.; and the the Colorado River in Grand Canyon; vegetation and geomorphic responses to dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, where the world's largest dam removals occurred recently; dynamics of non-native riparian plants along western rivers, including patterns of riparian vegetation recovery associated with biological control of Tamarix.
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. in Plant Biology, Arizona State University, 1999
M.S. in Forest Ecology, Colorado State University, 1993
B.A. in Environmental Studies and Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1989
Science and Products
USGS science supporting the Elwha River Restoration Project
Ecological Drought in Riparian Ecosystems
Ecology and Management of Invasive Riparian Plants
Erosion and Invasive Saltcedar
Riparian Ecology
Science to Inform Riparian Ecosystem Restoration and Management
Large-scale streamflow experiments
Riparian Vegetation Response to Dam Removal
Biological Invasions of Riparian Ecosystems
Streamflow-fluvial Geomorphology-riparian Vegetation Interactions
Ecological Flows
Dam removal: synthesis of ecological and physical responses
Vegetation and geomorphic surfaces in the Elwha River delta, Washington, after dam removal, derived from 2016 and 2018 aerial imagery and 2007, 2014, and 2018 field surveys
Occurrence data and models for woody riparian native and invasive plant species in the conterminous western USA
Occurrence of plants in plots along the Gunnison River, Colorado, 1990-2017
Vascular plant diversity and associated environmental variables along the Elwha River, Washington, 2005-2017
Colorado River Delta Project: A compilation of vegetation indices, phenology assessment metrics, and estimates of evapotranspiration for circular bird plots in the Colorado River delta between 2000-2020 (ver. 1.0)
Southwestern Riparian Plant Trait Matrix, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona (ver. 2.0, 2022)
Riparian woody stem densities and landscape variables along the South Platte River, Colorado, United States, 2011-2016
Riparian vegetation, topography, and ground cover constituents along the Upper Colorado River near Moab, UT (2010-2017) (ver. 1.1, Jan 2023)
Ecological parameters in the Elwha River estuary before and during dam removal (ver. 2.0, August 2020)
Riparian vegetation, topography, sediment quality and river corridor geomorphology in the Lower Virgin River 2010-2017
Riparian seed dispersal phenology and snowmelt streamflow timing in the upper South Platte River Basin, observed in 2010-2011 and simulated for 1962-2098
Riparian vegetation, topography, sediment quality, and river corridor geomorphology in the Lower Virgin River, Nevada and Arizona, before (2010) and after (2011-2012) a 40-year return period flood
Native seedlings along the Colorado River consisting of a mix of mostly Baccharis, tamarisk, and a couple of cottonwoods.A peso coin is included for scale.
Redistribution of debris-flow sediment following severe wildfire and floods in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA
Bird community response to one decade of riparian restoration along the Colorado River delta in Mexico
Avian communities respond to plant and landscape composition in actively revegetated floodplains of the Colorado River delta in Mexico
Integrating social-ecological outcomes into invasive species management: The Tamarix case
Outcomes of control and monitoring of a widespread riparian invader (Tamarix spp.): A comparison of synthesis approaches
Vegetation responses to large dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA
Strategic restoration planning for land birds in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico
A review of natural and managed revegetation responses in two de-watered reservoirs after large dam removals on the Elwha River, Washington, USA
Coastal vegetation responses to large dam removal on the Elwha River
Lessons learned from community and citizen science monitoring projects on the Elwha River Restoration Project
Community and citizen science on the Elwha River: Past, present, and future
Functional stability of vegetation following biocontrol of an invasive riparian shrub
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
USGS science supporting the Elwha River Restoration Project
Ecological Drought in Riparian Ecosystems
Ecology and Management of Invasive Riparian Plants
Erosion and Invasive Saltcedar
Riparian Ecology
Science to Inform Riparian Ecosystem Restoration and Management
Large-scale streamflow experiments
Riparian Vegetation Response to Dam Removal
Biological Invasions of Riparian Ecosystems
Streamflow-fluvial Geomorphology-riparian Vegetation Interactions
Ecological Flows
Dam removal: synthesis of ecological and physical responses
Vegetation and geomorphic surfaces in the Elwha River delta, Washington, after dam removal, derived from 2016 and 2018 aerial imagery and 2007, 2014, and 2018 field surveys
Occurrence data and models for woody riparian native and invasive plant species in the conterminous western USA
Occurrence of plants in plots along the Gunnison River, Colorado, 1990-2017
Vascular plant diversity and associated environmental variables along the Elwha River, Washington, 2005-2017
Colorado River Delta Project: A compilation of vegetation indices, phenology assessment metrics, and estimates of evapotranspiration for circular bird plots in the Colorado River delta between 2000-2020 (ver. 1.0)
Southwestern Riparian Plant Trait Matrix, Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona (ver. 2.0, 2022)
Riparian woody stem densities and landscape variables along the South Platte River, Colorado, United States, 2011-2016
Riparian vegetation, topography, and ground cover constituents along the Upper Colorado River near Moab, UT (2010-2017) (ver. 1.1, Jan 2023)
Ecological parameters in the Elwha River estuary before and during dam removal (ver. 2.0, August 2020)
Riparian vegetation, topography, sediment quality and river corridor geomorphology in the Lower Virgin River 2010-2017
Riparian seed dispersal phenology and snowmelt streamflow timing in the upper South Platte River Basin, observed in 2010-2011 and simulated for 1962-2098
Riparian vegetation, topography, sediment quality, and river corridor geomorphology in the Lower Virgin River, Nevada and Arizona, before (2010) and after (2011-2012) a 40-year return period flood
Native seedlings along the Colorado River consisting of a mix of mostly Baccharis, tamarisk, and a couple of cottonwoods.A peso coin is included for scale.
Native seedlings along the Colorado River consisting of a mix of mostly Baccharis, tamarisk, and a couple of cottonwoods.A peso coin is included for scale.
Redistribution of debris-flow sediment following severe wildfire and floods in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA
Bird community response to one decade of riparian restoration along the Colorado River delta in Mexico
Avian communities respond to plant and landscape composition in actively revegetated floodplains of the Colorado River delta in Mexico
Integrating social-ecological outcomes into invasive species management: The Tamarix case
Outcomes of control and monitoring of a widespread riparian invader (Tamarix spp.): A comparison of synthesis approaches
Vegetation responses to large dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA
Strategic restoration planning for land birds in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico
A review of natural and managed revegetation responses in two de-watered reservoirs after large dam removals on the Elwha River, Washington, USA
Coastal vegetation responses to large dam removal on the Elwha River
Lessons learned from community and citizen science monitoring projects on the Elwha River Restoration Project
Community and citizen science on the Elwha River: Past, present, and future
Functional stability of vegetation following biocontrol of an invasive riparian shrub
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.