Robin D Calfee
Robin Calfee is a Research Biologist at the Columbia Environmental Research Center.
Since joining the USGS in 1991, Robin has devoted her career to investigating the impacts of contaminants to various aquatic organisms and developing methods for quantifying fish swimming behavior. Currently, her research focuses on testing the effectiveness of different control strategies for Asian Carp such as auditory stimuli, food attractants and supplemental capture techniques.
Education and Certifications
M.S. Aquatic Biology, Department of Biology, Missouri State University 1996
B.S. Biology, Department of Biology, Missouri State University 1991
Science and Products
Development of a Ploidy Distinction Application: A Machine Learning Approach for Discriminating Triploid and Diploid Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Field
USGS scientists are researching a machine learning approach that can enable fisheries personnel in the field to determine the ploidy of wild-caught invasive carp.
Laboratory Investigations with Fish Species to Assist with Implementing Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program’s Ecological Management Action Plans
WARC scientists will obtain live fish specimens from the field to conduct and enhance on-going laboratory research on harmful algal blooms and the use of piscicides to control invasive fish.
Use and Evaluation of Stimuli for Herding Bigheaded Carps to Increase their Capture Efficiency
Mass removal of the invasive silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (collectively referred to as bigheaded carp) is a primary management action in the United States to contain population growth and reduce upstream dispersal. Efficient capture and removal techniques are required to achieve this goal, and the USGS is working to develop and evaluate such...
Comparative Freshwater Fish Toxicity Testing of Antimycin A
Researchers are investigating the influence of Antimycin A on invasive carp and non-target fishes by measuring the effects of a novel species-specific bait formulation.
Development and Evaluation of Novel Capture Gears for Bigheaded Carps
Mass removal of Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, hereafter referred to as bigheaded carps, is a primary management action to contain the population growth and reduce upstream dispersal. The use of passive trap nets to harvest bigheaded carps may effectively supplement active capture techniques. The USGS is working with partner agencies to develop...
Chemical Attractant Investigations to Increase Aggregation and Harvest for the Control of Asian Carp
Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, hereafter referred to as bigheaded carps, are rapidly expanding their range. Federal agencies and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources are focused on keeping invasive carps out of the Great Lakes. The development of an effective attractant may assist managers with capturing carps in low-density areas such...
Assessment of Acoustic Stimuli for Manipulating Movement of Bigheaded Carps
Invasive Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, hereafter referred to as bigheaded carps, have displayed a negative phonotactic response when presented with a broadband acoustic stimulus. Additional study is needed to identify effective acoustic stimuli for manipulating bigheaded carp behavior, and to test bigheaded carp responses to those stimuli in...
Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Locations in Earthen Ponds Exposed to Three Acoustic Signals, June though August, 2018
This data set includes acoustic telemetry positions for silver carp ranging in total length from 251 to 359 mm (mean = 294 mm) and weight 131 – 427 g (mean = 231 g) tagged with 795-LD transmitters in four earthen ponds at the Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, USA. Positions were monitored using a 16-hydrophone array in each pond before and during a series of trials...
Grass carp capture and life history traits in the Lake Erie watershed, 2017-2023, and in the Mississippi, Missouri, and Lamine Rivers within the state of Missouri, 2022
From 2017-2023, a total of 934 Grass Carp were removed from the Lake Erie basin and tributaries, and 159 were captured in the Mississippi, Missouri, and Lamine Rivers within the state of Missouri in 2022. For each captured fish we documented capture location, water temperature; we measured total length and total weight. Length data was used to assess the removal efforts in Lake Erie. A...
Grass Carp Movement and Capture Data from the Sandusky River, Lake Erie, Ohio, USA from 2020 to 2022
Data includes grass carp position and sampling data from 2020 to 2022. We used grass carp that were implanted with acoustic transmitters. The position data was generated in Fathom Position from receivers that composed several VEMCO Positioning Systems (VPS). We also queried the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation Network (GLATOS) to obtain non-VPS position detections from...
Fish Community and habitat assessment in the Sandusky River, OH, April 2021 through October 2021
Data includes fish abundance and habitat data collected at ten sites in the Sandusky River, OH. Fish were collected using two 3.67 m long hoop nets with an initial hoop diameter of 0.91 m. Nets were set perpendicular to the current, opening toward the shoreline. Nets were set for approximately 24 hours and catch rates for each set were defined as the number of fish caught in the two hoop...
Telemetry evaluation of invasive carp herding in Jonathan Creek Embayment, Kentucky Lake, Kentucky
Data tables represents a telemetry study assessing the efficacy of sound and electricity used to herd Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The study occurred in Jonathan Creek Embayment of Kentucky Lake, Kentucky using 10 telemetered Silver Carp and 46 passive acoustic receivers. Two herding boats traveled at 2.22 meters per second along bank-to-bank transects through the study...
Starved Rock navigation lock fish clearing hydroacoustic data, Illinois River (2020)
These datasets (e.g., 'Starved Rock fish clearing_multi-beam imaging sonar fish data_Pre-clearing_Sonar-s1.csv') include exported information (e.g., fish detection counts) from processed fixed-location multi-beam imaging sonar and mobile side-scan sonar data. Fish abundance in the navigation lock was determined using mobile side-scan surveys, while multi-beam imaging sonars were used to...
Invasive carp movement rates among five herding techniques using adaptive resolution imaging sonar on the Lower Perche Creek, Columbia, MO
Data represent a comparison of herding techniques commonly used by natural resource agencies and the public to increase removal or harvest of invasive carp (i.e., Silver Carp) from U.S. waterways. Sites on lower Perche Creek, Columbia, MO (2018 August 9th to 2018 October 26th) were contained using block nets and treated with one of five herding techniques: (1) method commonly used by...
Physiological and behavioral responses of bighead and silver carp to chemicals associated with common carp sex pheromones
This dataset contains a combination of physiological and behavioral approaches for characterizing the response of bighead and silver carp to potentially attractive chemicals associated with sex pheromones identified in common carp. The dataset contains eight tables: 1) EOG responses from untreated and masculinized silver carp to prostaglandins, 2) mixture discrimination indices of the...
Semi-automated and manual enumeration of bigheaded carps from recreational-grade side-scan sonar imagery, Perche Creek, MO, 2018
The dataset consists of count data derived from a series of sonar images. The data are fish counts per image from 1) a computerized process to extract fish counts, and 2) three manual assessors. Each image has a total of four associated fish counts.
Behavioral Effects of Copper on Larval White Sturgeon
Attributes regarding the effects of copper exposure on larval white sturgeon swimming and feeding behaviors and time to response.
Asian Carp Acoustic Stimuli Data
Invasive silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) occur in large regions of the Mississippi River drainage, outcompete native species, and are notorious for their prolific jumping behavior. Juvenile and adult (up to 25 kg) carp are known to jump up to 3 m above the water surface in response to moving watercraft. Broadband sound recorded from an outboard motor (100 hp at 32 km/hr) can...
Chemical Cues Which Include Amino Acids Mediate Species-Specific Feeding Behavior in Invasive Filter-Feeding Bigheaded Carps-Data
This data was generated from a study in which five experiments were conducted that tested whether and how dissolved chemicals might assist food recognition in two filter-feeding fishes, the silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and the bighead carp (H. nobilis). The buccal-pharngeal pumping (BPP), a behavior in which fish pump water into their buccal cavities, was observed in both silver...
Filter Total Items: 36
A novel tool to selectively deliver a control agent to filter-feeding silver and bighead carp
Invasive carp pose substantial economic and ecological damage when populations are widespread in freshwater systems within the United States. Resource managers in the United States have few chemical control tools to selectively remove nuisance fish. This study examined whether Antimycin–A (antimycin) wax encapsulated microparticles could cause selective lethality in invasive carps. The...
Blake W. Sauey, Gavin N. Saari, Joel G. Putnam, Justine E. Nelson, James J. Wamboldt, J. Nolan Steiner, Robin D. Calfee
Side-scan sonar as a tool for measuring fish populations: Current state of the science and future directions
Side-scan sonar (SSS) is a powerful tool that can be used to address many key questions in fisheries science. In principle, SSS uses dual transducers to transmit a narrow-beam, wide-angle acoustic signal as the survey vessel transits an area. The intensity of reflected sound is recorded to generate an image mosaic comprised of benthic substrates and targets in the water column, including...
Josey Lee Ridgway, John A. Madsen, Jesse Robert Fischer, Robin D. Calfee, Matthew Ross Acre, David C. Kazyak
Capturing potential: Leveraging grass carp behavior Ctenopharyngodon idella for enhanced removal
Effective management of invasive species benefits from a comprehensive understanding of the species’ behavior and interactions with the invaded system. We investigated temporal dynamics of telemetry detections and the potential utility of a traitor approach for informing response efforts to the invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) population in the Sandusky River, a major...
Matthew Ross Acre, Tyler Michael Hessler, Sophia Marie Bonjour, James Roberts, Scott F. Colborne, Travis O. Brenden, Lucas R. Nathan, Dustin Broaddus, Christopher S. Vandergoot, Christine M. Mayer, Song S. Qian, Robert D. Hunter, Ryan E. Brown, Robin D. Calfee
Sound and sturgeon: Bioacoustics and anthropogenic sound
Sturgeons are basal bony fishes, most species of which are considered threatened and/or endangered. Like all fishes, sturgeons use hearing to learn about their environment and perhaps communicate with conspecifics, as in mating. Thus, anything that impacts the ability of sturgeon to hear biologically important sounds could impact fitness and survival of individuals and populations. There...
Arthur N. Popper, Robin D. Calfee
Silver carp herding: A telemetry evaluation of efficacy and implications for design and application
Removal of invasive Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix is a primary control action in North America. Strong avoidance responses to underwater sound and electricity have been shown to facilitate herding and mass removal of these fish. We conducted a telemetry study on a closed population of Silver Carp (i.e., 10 telemetered fish) to assess fine-scale movement responses to herding...
Josey Lee Ridgway, Matthew Ross Acre, Tyler Michael Hessler, Dustin Broaddus, Jessica Morris, Robin D. Calfee
Amino acid variation at the mitochondrial binding site of Antimycin A is proposed to reflect sensitivity and toxicity differences among fish species
To better understand differential sensitivities among fish species to the piscicidal compound Antimycin-A (ANT-A), we hypothesized that variations in amino acids at the ANT-A binding site may reflect toxicity differences. Protein sequences for six motifs comprising the ANT-A binding site were obtained and compared for invasive carp species (N = 515) and seven non-target species (N = 277)...
Brooke A. Baudoin, Bonnie L. Brown, Robin D. Calfee, Jill Jenkins
Herbivorous grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) exhibit greater olfactory response to amino acids than filter-feeding bighead (Hypophthalmichthysnobilis) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)
Due to their invasiveness in North America, grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella), bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) are management priorities. Comparing electrophysiological responses to olfactory cues, such as amino acids, could help identify stimuli to facilitate management efforts (i.e., repellants or baits). We assessed olfactory response...
Mark L. Wildhaber, Benjamin M West, Karlie K Ditter, Alex S. Peterson, Robin D. Calfee, Zachary D Beaman
Application of electricity and underwater acoustics to clear fish from a navigation lock during maintenance
The presence of fish within navigation locks can introduce an environmental challenge for construction crews when maintenance is required. This study examined the effectiveness of a dual-deterrent fish herding technique using electricity and acoustic stimuli to reduce the abundance of fish within a navigation lock before a scheduled dewatering for maintenance. Fixed-location multi-beam...
Jose Rivera, Aaron R. Cupp, Josey Lee Ridgway, Duane Chapman, Bethany E Hoster, Matthew Ross Acre, Robin D. Calfee, Jesse Robert Fischer, James J. Duncker
U.S. Geological Survey invasive carp strategic framework, 2023–27
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research has supported management of Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (bighead carp), Mylopharyngodon piceus (black carp), Ctenopharyngodon idella (grass carp), and H. molitrix (silver carp), hereafter referred to collectively as invasive carps, for over a decade. This strategic framework identifies thematic research areas to guide funding decisions for USGS...
Duane Chapman, Jon Amberg, Robin D. Calfee, Enrika Hlavacek, Jon Hortness, P. Ryan Jackson, David C. Kazyak, Brent Knights, James Roberts
An assessment of fish herding techniques: Management implications for mass removal and control of silver carp
We assessed the effectiveness of herding techniques on adult Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in a tributary to the Missouri River. Sites (600 m) were contained using block nets and treated with one of five herding techniques: (1) a method commonly used by commercial fishers in the United States (commercial technique), (2) pulsed-DC electrofishing (electric technique), (3)...
Josey Lee Ridgway, Katelyn M. Lawson, Stephen August Shier, Robin D. Calfee, Duane Chapman
Effects of shady environments on fish collective behavior
Despite significant efforts devoted to understanding the underlying complexity and emergence of collective movement in animal groups, the role of different external settings on this type of movement remains largely unexplored. Here, by combining time series analysis and complex network tools, we present an extensive investigation of the effects of shady environments on the behavior of a...
Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Matthew Ross Acre, Jacob Faulkner, Leonardo R. da Cunha, Katelyn M. Lawson, James J. Wamboldt, Marybeth K. Brey, Christa M. Woodley, Robin D. Calfee
Emerging control strategies for integrated pest management of invasive carps
Invasive carps are ecologically and economically problematic fish species in many large river basins in the United States and pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems throughout much of North America. Four species of invasive carps: black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)...
Aaron R. Cupp, Marybeth K. Brey, Robin D. Calfee, Duane Chapman, Richard A. Erickson, Jesse Robert Fischer, Andrea K. Fritts, Amy E. George, P. Ryan Jackson, Brent C. Knights, Gavin N. Saari, Patrick Kočovský
Science and Products
Development of a Ploidy Distinction Application: A Machine Learning Approach for Discriminating Triploid and Diploid Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Field
USGS scientists are researching a machine learning approach that can enable fisheries personnel in the field to determine the ploidy of wild-caught invasive carp.
Laboratory Investigations with Fish Species to Assist with Implementing Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program’s Ecological Management Action Plans
WARC scientists will obtain live fish specimens from the field to conduct and enhance on-going laboratory research on harmful algal blooms and the use of piscicides to control invasive fish.
Use and Evaluation of Stimuli for Herding Bigheaded Carps to Increase their Capture Efficiency
Mass removal of the invasive silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (collectively referred to as bigheaded carp) is a primary management action in the United States to contain population growth and reduce upstream dispersal. Efficient capture and removal techniques are required to achieve this goal, and the USGS is working to develop and evaluate such...
Comparative Freshwater Fish Toxicity Testing of Antimycin A
Researchers are investigating the influence of Antimycin A on invasive carp and non-target fishes by measuring the effects of a novel species-specific bait formulation.
Development and Evaluation of Novel Capture Gears for Bigheaded Carps
Mass removal of Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, hereafter referred to as bigheaded carps, is a primary management action to contain the population growth and reduce upstream dispersal. The use of passive trap nets to harvest bigheaded carps may effectively supplement active capture techniques. The USGS is working with partner agencies to develop...
Chemical Attractant Investigations to Increase Aggregation and Harvest for the Control of Asian Carp
Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, hereafter referred to as bigheaded carps, are rapidly expanding their range. Federal agencies and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources are focused on keeping invasive carps out of the Great Lakes. The development of an effective attractant may assist managers with capturing carps in low-density areas such...
Assessment of Acoustic Stimuli for Manipulating Movement of Bigheaded Carps
Invasive Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, hereafter referred to as bigheaded carps, have displayed a negative phonotactic response when presented with a broadband acoustic stimulus. Additional study is needed to identify effective acoustic stimuli for manipulating bigheaded carp behavior, and to test bigheaded carp responses to those stimuli in...
Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Locations in Earthen Ponds Exposed to Three Acoustic Signals, June though August, 2018
This data set includes acoustic telemetry positions for silver carp ranging in total length from 251 to 359 mm (mean = 294 mm) and weight 131 – 427 g (mean = 231 g) tagged with 795-LD transmitters in four earthen ponds at the Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO, USA. Positions were monitored using a 16-hydrophone array in each pond before and during a series of trials...
Grass carp capture and life history traits in the Lake Erie watershed, 2017-2023, and in the Mississippi, Missouri, and Lamine Rivers within the state of Missouri, 2022
From 2017-2023, a total of 934 Grass Carp were removed from the Lake Erie basin and tributaries, and 159 were captured in the Mississippi, Missouri, and Lamine Rivers within the state of Missouri in 2022. For each captured fish we documented capture location, water temperature; we measured total length and total weight. Length data was used to assess the removal efforts in Lake Erie. A...
Grass Carp Movement and Capture Data from the Sandusky River, Lake Erie, Ohio, USA from 2020 to 2022
Data includes grass carp position and sampling data from 2020 to 2022. We used grass carp that were implanted with acoustic transmitters. The position data was generated in Fathom Position from receivers that composed several VEMCO Positioning Systems (VPS). We also queried the Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation Network (GLATOS) to obtain non-VPS position detections from...
Fish Community and habitat assessment in the Sandusky River, OH, April 2021 through October 2021
Data includes fish abundance and habitat data collected at ten sites in the Sandusky River, OH. Fish were collected using two 3.67 m long hoop nets with an initial hoop diameter of 0.91 m. Nets were set perpendicular to the current, opening toward the shoreline. Nets were set for approximately 24 hours and catch rates for each set were defined as the number of fish caught in the two hoop...
Telemetry evaluation of invasive carp herding in Jonathan Creek Embayment, Kentucky Lake, Kentucky
Data tables represents a telemetry study assessing the efficacy of sound and electricity used to herd Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The study occurred in Jonathan Creek Embayment of Kentucky Lake, Kentucky using 10 telemetered Silver Carp and 46 passive acoustic receivers. Two herding boats traveled at 2.22 meters per second along bank-to-bank transects through the study...
Starved Rock navigation lock fish clearing hydroacoustic data, Illinois River (2020)
These datasets (e.g., 'Starved Rock fish clearing_multi-beam imaging sonar fish data_Pre-clearing_Sonar-s1.csv') include exported information (e.g., fish detection counts) from processed fixed-location multi-beam imaging sonar and mobile side-scan sonar data. Fish abundance in the navigation lock was determined using mobile side-scan surveys, while multi-beam imaging sonars were used to...
Invasive carp movement rates among five herding techniques using adaptive resolution imaging sonar on the Lower Perche Creek, Columbia, MO
Data represent a comparison of herding techniques commonly used by natural resource agencies and the public to increase removal or harvest of invasive carp (i.e., Silver Carp) from U.S. waterways. Sites on lower Perche Creek, Columbia, MO (2018 August 9th to 2018 October 26th) were contained using block nets and treated with one of five herding techniques: (1) method commonly used by...
Physiological and behavioral responses of bighead and silver carp to chemicals associated with common carp sex pheromones
This dataset contains a combination of physiological and behavioral approaches for characterizing the response of bighead and silver carp to potentially attractive chemicals associated with sex pheromones identified in common carp. The dataset contains eight tables: 1) EOG responses from untreated and masculinized silver carp to prostaglandins, 2) mixture discrimination indices of the...
Semi-automated and manual enumeration of bigheaded carps from recreational-grade side-scan sonar imagery, Perche Creek, MO, 2018
The dataset consists of count data derived from a series of sonar images. The data are fish counts per image from 1) a computerized process to extract fish counts, and 2) three manual assessors. Each image has a total of four associated fish counts.
Behavioral Effects of Copper on Larval White Sturgeon
Attributes regarding the effects of copper exposure on larval white sturgeon swimming and feeding behaviors and time to response.
Asian Carp Acoustic Stimuli Data
Invasive silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) occur in large regions of the Mississippi River drainage, outcompete native species, and are notorious for their prolific jumping behavior. Juvenile and adult (up to 25 kg) carp are known to jump up to 3 m above the water surface in response to moving watercraft. Broadband sound recorded from an outboard motor (100 hp at 32 km/hr) can...
Chemical Cues Which Include Amino Acids Mediate Species-Specific Feeding Behavior in Invasive Filter-Feeding Bigheaded Carps-Data
This data was generated from a study in which five experiments were conducted that tested whether and how dissolved chemicals might assist food recognition in two filter-feeding fishes, the silver (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and the bighead carp (H. nobilis). The buccal-pharngeal pumping (BPP), a behavior in which fish pump water into their buccal cavities, was observed in both silver...
Filter Total Items: 36
A novel tool to selectively deliver a control agent to filter-feeding silver and bighead carp
Invasive carp pose substantial economic and ecological damage when populations are widespread in freshwater systems within the United States. Resource managers in the United States have few chemical control tools to selectively remove nuisance fish. This study examined whether Antimycin–A (antimycin) wax encapsulated microparticles could cause selective lethality in invasive carps. The...
Blake W. Sauey, Gavin N. Saari, Joel G. Putnam, Justine E. Nelson, James J. Wamboldt, J. Nolan Steiner, Robin D. Calfee
Side-scan sonar as a tool for measuring fish populations: Current state of the science and future directions
Side-scan sonar (SSS) is a powerful tool that can be used to address many key questions in fisheries science. In principle, SSS uses dual transducers to transmit a narrow-beam, wide-angle acoustic signal as the survey vessel transits an area. The intensity of reflected sound is recorded to generate an image mosaic comprised of benthic substrates and targets in the water column, including...
Josey Lee Ridgway, John A. Madsen, Jesse Robert Fischer, Robin D. Calfee, Matthew Ross Acre, David C. Kazyak
Capturing potential: Leveraging grass carp behavior Ctenopharyngodon idella for enhanced removal
Effective management of invasive species benefits from a comprehensive understanding of the species’ behavior and interactions with the invaded system. We investigated temporal dynamics of telemetry detections and the potential utility of a traitor approach for informing response efforts to the invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) population in the Sandusky River, a major...
Matthew Ross Acre, Tyler Michael Hessler, Sophia Marie Bonjour, James Roberts, Scott F. Colborne, Travis O. Brenden, Lucas R. Nathan, Dustin Broaddus, Christopher S. Vandergoot, Christine M. Mayer, Song S. Qian, Robert D. Hunter, Ryan E. Brown, Robin D. Calfee
Sound and sturgeon: Bioacoustics and anthropogenic sound
Sturgeons are basal bony fishes, most species of which are considered threatened and/or endangered. Like all fishes, sturgeons use hearing to learn about their environment and perhaps communicate with conspecifics, as in mating. Thus, anything that impacts the ability of sturgeon to hear biologically important sounds could impact fitness and survival of individuals and populations. There...
Arthur N. Popper, Robin D. Calfee
Silver carp herding: A telemetry evaluation of efficacy and implications for design and application
Removal of invasive Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix is a primary control action in North America. Strong avoidance responses to underwater sound and electricity have been shown to facilitate herding and mass removal of these fish. We conducted a telemetry study on a closed population of Silver Carp (i.e., 10 telemetered fish) to assess fine-scale movement responses to herding...
Josey Lee Ridgway, Matthew Ross Acre, Tyler Michael Hessler, Dustin Broaddus, Jessica Morris, Robin D. Calfee
Amino acid variation at the mitochondrial binding site of Antimycin A is proposed to reflect sensitivity and toxicity differences among fish species
To better understand differential sensitivities among fish species to the piscicidal compound Antimycin-A (ANT-A), we hypothesized that variations in amino acids at the ANT-A binding site may reflect toxicity differences. Protein sequences for six motifs comprising the ANT-A binding site were obtained and compared for invasive carp species (N = 515) and seven non-target species (N = 277)...
Brooke A. Baudoin, Bonnie L. Brown, Robin D. Calfee, Jill Jenkins
Herbivorous grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) exhibit greater olfactory response to amino acids than filter-feeding bighead (Hypophthalmichthysnobilis) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)
Due to their invasiveness in North America, grass (Ctenopharyngodon idella), bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) are management priorities. Comparing electrophysiological responses to olfactory cues, such as amino acids, could help identify stimuli to facilitate management efforts (i.e., repellants or baits). We assessed olfactory response...
Mark L. Wildhaber, Benjamin M West, Karlie K Ditter, Alex S. Peterson, Robin D. Calfee, Zachary D Beaman
Application of electricity and underwater acoustics to clear fish from a navigation lock during maintenance
The presence of fish within navigation locks can introduce an environmental challenge for construction crews when maintenance is required. This study examined the effectiveness of a dual-deterrent fish herding technique using electricity and acoustic stimuli to reduce the abundance of fish within a navigation lock before a scheduled dewatering for maintenance. Fixed-location multi-beam...
Jose Rivera, Aaron R. Cupp, Josey Lee Ridgway, Duane Chapman, Bethany E Hoster, Matthew Ross Acre, Robin D. Calfee, Jesse Robert Fischer, James J. Duncker
U.S. Geological Survey invasive carp strategic framework, 2023–27
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research has supported management of Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (bighead carp), Mylopharyngodon piceus (black carp), Ctenopharyngodon idella (grass carp), and H. molitrix (silver carp), hereafter referred to collectively as invasive carps, for over a decade. This strategic framework identifies thematic research areas to guide funding decisions for USGS...
Duane Chapman, Jon Amberg, Robin D. Calfee, Enrika Hlavacek, Jon Hortness, P. Ryan Jackson, David C. Kazyak, Brent Knights, James Roberts
An assessment of fish herding techniques: Management implications for mass removal and control of silver carp
We assessed the effectiveness of herding techniques on adult Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in a tributary to the Missouri River. Sites (600 m) were contained using block nets and treated with one of five herding techniques: (1) a method commonly used by commercial fishers in the United States (commercial technique), (2) pulsed-DC electrofishing (electric technique), (3)...
Josey Lee Ridgway, Katelyn M. Lawson, Stephen August Shier, Robin D. Calfee, Duane Chapman
Effects of shady environments on fish collective behavior
Despite significant efforts devoted to understanding the underlying complexity and emergence of collective movement in animal groups, the role of different external settings on this type of movement remains largely unexplored. Here, by combining time series analysis and complex network tools, we present an extensive investigation of the effects of shady environments on the behavior of a...
Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Matthew Ross Acre, Jacob Faulkner, Leonardo R. da Cunha, Katelyn M. Lawson, James J. Wamboldt, Marybeth K. Brey, Christa M. Woodley, Robin D. Calfee
Emerging control strategies for integrated pest management of invasive carps
Invasive carps are ecologically and economically problematic fish species in many large river basins in the United States and pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems throughout much of North America. Four species of invasive carps: black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)...
Aaron R. Cupp, Marybeth K. Brey, Robin D. Calfee, Duane Chapman, Richard A. Erickson, Jesse Robert Fischer, Andrea K. Fritts, Amy E. George, P. Ryan Jackson, Brent C. Knights, Gavin N. Saari, Patrick Kočovský