USGS scientists J. Alton Anderson and Dennis W. Risser prepare to collect a full-waveform sonic log from a 1,000-foot deep stratigraphic test hole drilled by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey at the edge of a Marcellus Shale production well pad in Lycoming County, PA.
S. Jeffress Williams
S. Jeffress Williams, a senior scientist emeritus, research coastal marine geologist with the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, MA, has focused his research career on understanding the geologic history and processes of coastal, estuarine, wetland, and inner continental shelf regions.
He has more than 50 years research experience investigating topics on the geologic origins and development of coastal, continental shelf, and estuarine regions, Great Lakes coastal systems, Holocene sea-level history, climate-change effects on coasts, and the geologic origins and character of marine sand bodies. Williams has led or participated in more than 80 field studies along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, Great Lakes coasts, and the Irish Sea, UK and been principal investigator on many offshore geologic mapping investigations. Williams was awarded the Coastal Zone Foundation Award for career achievement in coastal science, the USGS 40-year career service award and career achievement awards for natural resources research from the Eastern Regional Director of the National Park Service and the Director of the NPS. Williams has authored more than 350 scientific publications and been a member on many national and state science committees. In addition, he is a frequent lecturer at scientific meetings, state and local legislatures, and civic groups on coastal topics. Williams directed the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program from 1996 to 2000. Prior to joining the USGS, Williams was a research marine geologist with the Coastal Engineering Research Center and an invited visiting scientist at the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Taunton, UK. He earned degrees in geology and oceanography.
Professional Experience
Present- 2010 Senior scientist emeritus, USGS/WHSC
Present- 2010 Professional coastal scientist, consultant
2015-2010 Affiliate Faculty, Un.of Hawaii, Geology Department
2010- 2000 Senior research coastal-marine geologist, USGS/WHSC
2000- 1996 Director, USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program
1996-1993 Research geologist, USGS
1993-1987 Co-coordinator, USGS National Coastal Geology Program
Education and Certifications
MS Lehigh University
BS Allegheny College
Affiliations and Memberships*
Organized and co-chaired a special session, “Coasts in Crisis: Sea Level Rise and Inundation and the Drivers for Adaptation”, 2016 AGU Ocean Sciences Mtg.
Invited technical expert, Hawaii Sea-Level R
Science and Products
Atlas of shoreline changes from 1853 to 1989 : Louisiana barrier island erosion study
USGS scientists J. Alton Anderson and Dennis W. Risser prepare to collect a full-waveform sonic log from a 1,000-foot deep stratigraphic test hole drilled by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey at the edge of a Marcellus Shale production well pad in Lycoming County, PA.
Coastal landforms and processes at the Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts—A primer
The potential for sea-level-rise-induced barrier island loss: Insights from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, USA
Introduction to the special issue on “Understanding and predicting change in the coastal ecosystems of the northern Gulf of Mexico”
Character of shell beds flanking Herod Point Shoal, southeastern Long Island Sound, New York
Barriers on the brink? The complex intertwined roles of geologic framework, sediment availability and sea-level rise in island evolution
Coastal vulnerability assessment of the Northern Gulf of Mexico to sea-level rise and coastal change
A review of sediment budget imbalances along Fire Island, New York: Can nearshore geologic framework and patterns of shoreline change explain the deficit?
Complexities in barrier island response to sea level rise: Insights from numerical model experiments, North Carolina Outer Banks
Coastal sensitivity to sea level rise— A focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region
Review of the geologic history of the Pontchartrain Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico
Sea-level rise and coastal change: Causes and implications for the future of coasts and low-lying regions
Mineral Resource Assessment of Marine Sand Resources in Cape- and Ridge-Associated Marine Sand Deposits in Three Tracts, New York and New Jersey, United States Atlantic Continental Shelf
Science and Products
Atlas of shoreline changes from 1853 to 1989 : Louisiana barrier island erosion study
USGS scientists J. Alton Anderson and Dennis W. Risser prepare to collect a full-waveform sonic log from a 1,000-foot deep stratigraphic test hole drilled by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey at the edge of a Marcellus Shale production well pad in Lycoming County, PA.
USGS scientists J. Alton Anderson and Dennis W. Risser prepare to collect a full-waveform sonic log from a 1,000-foot deep stratigraphic test hole drilled by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey at the edge of a Marcellus Shale production well pad in Lycoming County, PA.
Coastal landforms and processes at the Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts—A primer
The potential for sea-level-rise-induced barrier island loss: Insights from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, USA
Introduction to the special issue on “Understanding and predicting change in the coastal ecosystems of the northern Gulf of Mexico”
Character of shell beds flanking Herod Point Shoal, southeastern Long Island Sound, New York
Barriers on the brink? The complex intertwined roles of geologic framework, sediment availability and sea-level rise in island evolution
Coastal vulnerability assessment of the Northern Gulf of Mexico to sea-level rise and coastal change
A review of sediment budget imbalances along Fire Island, New York: Can nearshore geologic framework and patterns of shoreline change explain the deficit?
Complexities in barrier island response to sea level rise: Insights from numerical model experiments, North Carolina Outer Banks
Coastal sensitivity to sea level rise— A focus on the Mid-Atlantic Region
Review of the geologic history of the Pontchartrain Basin, northern Gulf of Mexico
Sea-level rise and coastal change: Causes and implications for the future of coasts and low-lying regions
Mineral Resource Assessment of Marine Sand Resources in Cape- and Ridge-Associated Marine Sand Deposits in Three Tracts, New York and New Jersey, United States Atlantic Continental Shelf
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government