Sara Brandt Levin
Sara is a staff scientist in the Upper Midwest Water Science Center with a focus on surface water hydrology and statistics.
I began working at the USGS in 2007 with a background in surface hydrology and statistics. My recent studies have focused on flood frequency estimation and characterization of changes in magnitude and timing of floods in the midwest. Additional interests and past projects have focused on simulation and statistical modeling of surface water reservoirs, streamflow at ungaged sites, and the effects of human water use on water availability and fish populations.
Education and Certifications
Master of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University, 2010
Master of Environmental Management, Duke University, 2002
Bachelor of Arts, University of North Carolina, 1997
Science and Products
Peak streamflow trends in Michigan and their relation to changes in climate, water years 1921–2020
Peak streamflow trends in Wisconsin and their relation to changes in climate, water years 1921–2020
Introduction and methods of analysis for peak streamflow trends and their relation to changes in climate in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in Minnesota, excluding the Rainy River Basin, based on data through water year 2019
A novel suspended-sediment sampling method: Depth-Integrated Grab (DIG)
Comparing empirical sediment transport modeling approaches in Michigan rivers
Flood-frequency analysis in the Midwest: Addressing potential nonstationarity of annual peak-flow records
Estimating flood magnitude and frequency for unregulated streams in Wisconsin
Quantifying relations between altered hydrology and fish community responses for streams in Minnesota
Evaluation of uncertainty intervals for daily, statistically derived streamflow estimates at ungaged basins across the continental U.S.
User guide for the Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator (MA SYE—version 2.0) computer program
Methods used to estimate daily streamflow and water availability in the Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator version 2.0
Non-USGS Publications**
, and R. M. Lent4
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Flood-Frequency Analysis in the Midwest: Addressing Potential Nonstationary Annual Peak-Flow Records
The Connecticut Streamflow and Sustainable Water Use Estimator: A Decision-Support Tool to Estimate Streamflow and Water Availability at Ungaged, User-Defined Stream Locations in Connecticut
Estimation of Daily Streamflow and Water Availability in the Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator, Version 2.0
Model archive - Regional regression models for estimating flood frequency characteristics of unregulated streams in Wisconsin
PeakFQ input and output files for 299 streamgages in Wisconsin through water year 2020.
Hydrologic metrics, biological metrics, R scripts, and model archives associated with regression analyses used to quantify relations between altered hydrological and biological responses in rivers of Minnesota, 1945-2015
Attributions for nonstationary peak streamflow records across the conterminous United States, 1941-2015 and 1966-2015
Hydrologic Model Evaluation and Time-Series Tools (HyMETT) R-package
The Massachusetts Reservoir Simulation Tool
Science and Products
Peak streamflow trends in Michigan and their relation to changes in climate, water years 1921–2020
Peak streamflow trends in Wisconsin and their relation to changes in climate, water years 1921–2020
Introduction and methods of analysis for peak streamflow trends and their relation to changes in climate in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak flows on small streams in Minnesota, excluding the Rainy River Basin, based on data through water year 2019
A novel suspended-sediment sampling method: Depth-Integrated Grab (DIG)
Comparing empirical sediment transport modeling approaches in Michigan rivers
Flood-frequency analysis in the Midwest: Addressing potential nonstationarity of annual peak-flow records
Estimating flood magnitude and frequency for unregulated streams in Wisconsin
Quantifying relations between altered hydrology and fish community responses for streams in Minnesota
Evaluation of uncertainty intervals for daily, statistically derived streamflow estimates at ungaged basins across the continental U.S.
User guide for the Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator (MA SYE—version 2.0) computer program
Methods used to estimate daily streamflow and water availability in the Massachusetts Sustainable-Yield Estimator version 2.0
Non-USGS Publications**
, and R. M. Lent4
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.