TopoBuilder export of a map using the 7.5-Minute OnDemand application. The map displays the Mount Rainier East quadrangle in Washington State.
TopoBuilder export of a map using the 7.5-Minute OnDemand application. The map displays the Mount Rainier East quadrangle in Washington State.
This is an image of a stormwater drain in Seattle. Dangerous tire particles, such as 6PPD-quinone, can land up in water bodies through drains such as the one depicted above and can cause deaths in a variety of fish, including salmon.
This is an image of a stormwater drain in Seattle. Dangerous tire particles, such as 6PPD-quinone, can land up in water bodies through drains such as the one depicted above and can cause deaths in a variety of fish, including salmon.
This is a water drain that drains water from downtown Seattle to the Puget Sound.
This is a water drain that drains water from downtown Seattle to the Puget Sound.
The Quillayute River drains the Olympic Mountains in Washington State. The river and its tributaries provide habitat for several salmon species.
The Quillayute River drains the Olympic Mountains in Washington State. The river and its tributaries provide habitat for several salmon species.

Volcanoes tend to have seismicity that waxes and wanes over time. That’s considered normal and not necessarily a cause for concern. Let’s check on Mount Adams to see what USGS scientists are doing to learn more about its recent earthquake activity and what it could mean for this Cascade Range volcano.
Volcanoes tend to have seismicity that waxes and wanes over time. That’s considered normal and not necessarily a cause for concern. Let’s check on Mount Adams to see what USGS scientists are doing to learn more about its recent earthquake activity and what it could mean for this Cascade Range volcano.

USGS scientist Jake Gregg training Alaska Pacific University graduate student Nadia Barcelona how to inject Yukon River Chinook salmon with Ichthyophonus at the Marrowstone Marine Field Station
USGS scientist Jake Gregg training Alaska Pacific University graduate student Nadia Barcelona how to inject Yukon River Chinook salmon with Ichthyophonus at the Marrowstone Marine Field Station
This is a photograph of a fish wheel, one of the primary means of catching Chinook salmon in the middle section of the Yukon River.
This is a photograph of a fish wheel, one of the primary means of catching Chinook salmon in the middle section of the Yukon River.

This image is from Steve Waste's last day at the Columbia River Research Laboratory. Steve served as the Director of the Columbia River Research Laboratory, a facility of the Western Fisheries Research Center of USGS, from 2008 to 2024. He retired in 2024 and now continues to support WFRC as a Scientist Emeritus. Steve holds a Ph.D.
This image is from Steve Waste's last day at the Columbia River Research Laboratory. Steve served as the Director of the Columbia River Research Laboratory, a facility of the Western Fisheries Research Center of USGS, from 2008 to 2024. He retired in 2024 and now continues to support WFRC as a Scientist Emeritus. Steve holds a Ph.D.
This is an image of Kenneth Tiffan out in the field. Ken works to conduct applied research to provide information that would increase our understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon, listed as “threatened” under the ESA in 1992. His career has focused on this unique stock and facilitating recovery efforts.
This is an image of Kenneth Tiffan out in the field. Ken works to conduct applied research to provide information that would increase our understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon, listed as “threatened” under the ESA in 1992. His career has focused on this unique stock and facilitating recovery efforts.

USGS Western Fisheries Research Center scientists are investigating the relationship between ALAN, predators’ hunting ability, and juvenile salmon survival in Lake Washington. This includes using a new instrument that overcomes significant issues experienced when attempting to measure light at night underwater.
USGS Western Fisheries Research Center scientists are investigating the relationship between ALAN, predators’ hunting ability, and juvenile salmon survival in Lake Washington. This includes using a new instrument that overcomes significant issues experienced when attempting to measure light at night underwater.
Artificial light at night (ALAN) can be a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Light in the sky penetrates through the water and brightens the water column. Even small increases in light at night can dramatically improve some predators’ ability to hunt and kill their prey.
Artificial light at night (ALAN) can be a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Light in the sky penetrates through the water and brightens the water column. Even small increases in light at night can dramatically improve some predators’ ability to hunt and kill their prey.

Artificial light at night (ALAN) can be a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Light in the sky penetrates through the water and brightens the water column. Even small increases in light at night can dramatically improve some predators’ ability to hunt and kill their prey.
Artificial light at night (ALAN) can be a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Light in the sky penetrates through the water and brightens the water column. Even small increases in light at night can dramatically improve some predators’ ability to hunt and kill their prey.
These are graphs detailing the number of natural origin age-0 Chinook salmon passing Lower Granite Dam over the years.
These are graphs detailing the number of natural origin age-0 Chinook salmon passing Lower Granite Dam over the years.

Artificial light at night (ALAN) can be a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Light in the sky penetrates through the water and brightens the water column. Even small increases in light at night can dramatically improve some predators’ ability to hunt and kill their prey.
Artificial light at night (ALAN) can be a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Light in the sky penetrates through the water and brightens the water column. Even small increases in light at night can dramatically improve some predators’ ability to hunt and kill their prey.
This is a map of the Snake River, used in the publication Back from the Brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30 years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data.
This is a map of the Snake River, used in the publication Back from the Brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30 years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data.

An Annual NLCD Land Cover map of centered around Lake Stevens, WA depicting 16 land cover classes.
An Annual NLCD Land Cover map of centered around Lake Stevens, WA depicting 16 land cover classes.
This is Gael Kurath at her retirement party. Viruses and infectious diseases are natural components of every ecosystem. In aquatic ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is a significant viral pathogen of many salmonid fish populations.
This is Gael Kurath at her retirement party. Viruses and infectious diseases are natural components of every ecosystem. In aquatic ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) is a significant viral pathogen of many salmonid fish populations.

Photos shared by Dave Beauchamp from the first week of quantitative light measurements for the Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) project:
This week was a big data collection push, with 2 boats out nightly Tuesday through Thursday, plus day activities and prep.
Photos shared by Dave Beauchamp from the first week of quantitative light measurements for the Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) project:
This week was a big data collection push, with 2 boats out nightly Tuesday through Thursday, plus day activities and prep.

Photo shared by Dave Beauchamp from the first week of quantitative light measurements for the Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) project. This week was a big data collection push, with 2 boats out nightly Tuesday through Thursday, plus day activities and prep.
Photo shared by Dave Beauchamp from the first week of quantitative light measurements for the Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) project. This week was a big data collection push, with 2 boats out nightly Tuesday through Thursday, plus day activities and prep.

Photomicrographs from a sea otter (Enhydra lutris) found dead in Washington State, USA.
Photomicrographs from a sea otter (Enhydra lutris) found dead in Washington State, USA.

Explore the underwater world of Skagit Bay eelgrass meadows where a diverse group of fish are visible, including the elegant Pacific Herring school , the unusual Snake Prickleback, the striking Pacific Spiny Dogfish, the graceful Shiner Perch, and the majestic juvenile Chinook Salmon.
Explore the underwater world of Skagit Bay eelgrass meadows where a diverse group of fish are visible, including the elegant Pacific Herring school , the unusual Snake Prickleback, the striking Pacific Spiny Dogfish, the graceful Shiner Perch, and the majestic juvenile Chinook Salmon.