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Required Refresher Training for Supervisors

Required Refresher Training for Supervisors

Beyond the basic supervisory training requirement, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) requires that supervisors complete "refresher training" every 3 years. The refresher training must cover but is not limited to the following topics — mentoring employees, improving employee performance and productivity and how to conduct performance appraisals. There is no guidance regarding a specific number of hours or the format of the training (classroom, online, blended, etc.).

You will find the complete OPM Supervisory Leadership Development policy guidance including the OPM Supervisory Training Framework at the OPM Training and Development Wiki.

All supervisors are required to have an Individual Development Plan/Learning Plan. A learning plan discussion with your manager regarding your supervisory development goals may help you identify the topic (and therefore specific courses) for any refresher training or continuing education you want to pursue.

For information regarding specific coursework, please refer to the training options found at the OPM and DOI Web sites.


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