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Learning Plan

A Learning Plan serves as a valuable tool for employee development, pinpointing activities to enrich your knowledge, hone your skills, and strengthen your abilities. Through the Learning Plan process, you have the opportunity to collaborate with your supervisor, outlining your objectives and effectively conveying both your strengths and areas where further development is desired.

You work together to develop realistic goals and activities to achieve them, and your supervisor assists you by providing feedback and suggestions.

Completing an Learning Plan should be a joint effort between your supervisor and you. The organization's needs, technology changes, expected turnover, program plans, etc., should be considered while developing an Learning Plan. It should not be a "wish list," but a realistic working document. DOI Personnel Bulletin 06-04 requires all supervisors to have an Learning Plan.


Learning Plan Guidelines

The Learning Plan is a great tool when used appropriately. Some key points to remember about the Learning Plan:

  • it is designed to be a blueprint for your success;
  • it is designed to be a working document - it should change as time goes on and as needs and priorities change;
  • the planning and talking between a supervisor and employee is the most important and beneficial aspect of creating an Learning Plan; and
  • if you don't accomplish everything on your Learning Plan it doesn't mean you failed - priorities and resources may have changed throughout the year.


Learning Plan Creation Job Aids


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